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Canada’s Commitment
Country Profile

Canada’s Commitment

Canada is a prominent donor to Mali, having provided official development assistance (ODA) to the West African country since 1972. The aid program provides bilateral assistance and supports the work of Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) partners. These include international organizations such as the United Nations Development Programme and Canada’s many non-governmental development organizations. In 2004–2005, Canada’s ODA to Mali totalled $68.68 million.

CIDA’s current bilateral program supports Mali’s poverty reduction strategy. The program focuses on:

Farmer watering a field ©ACDI-CIDA/Samuel Gervais
Faso Jigi is a CIDA-funded farmers’ association
in Mali. It allows producers, such as this farmer
from the village of Kanabougou, to achieve
a more stable income.
CIDA supports Mali’s 10-year health and education development plans, aimed at improving access to basic services. This includes supporting the battle against HIV/AIDS and the provision of high-quality basic education with a focus on participation by girls.

CIDA realizes the importance of strategically supporting the education sector. CIDA is involved in the Government of Mali’s Education Sector Investment Program. CIDA also supports Ministry of National Education programs. More than 30 percent of the bilateral funds disbursed by CIDA in Mali are allocated to this sector.

Another large portion of the programming is geared towards improving the overall health of Malians—more than 20% of the bilateral funds disbursed are allocated to the health sector.

CIDA supports higher incomes for the poor, including strengthening microfinance institutions, increasing agricultural revenues, and creating employment. CIDA also supports reforms to the justice system and electoral process. Finally, CIDA supports the modernization of Mali’s tax collection authority.

Canada has renewed its 2002 commitment to Mali as a country of focus. Mali as one of the 25 development partner countries in which CIDA will focus the major part of its bilateral (country to country) assistance. CIDA is presently looking at the possibility of implementing new aid modalities for major country-led programs, notably Mali’s 10-year plans in basic education, health (including HIV/AIDS), and institutional development. CIDA will also work to strengthen coherence between its various channels of aid and foster greater coordination among Mali’s international partners.

Top of pageResults

Canada’s assistance to Mali is producing results. Notably, thanks in large part to CIDA’s support:
  • In collaboration with the Canadian Centre for International Studies and Cooperation and the Union des producteurs agricoles – Développement international, Faso Jigi (a farmers’ association) allows thousands of rice, millet, sorghum, and maize producers to obtain farm loans more easily. It also allows them to obtain a fair price for their produce, which generates a more stable income.
  • In collaboration with Développement international Desjardins, the Nyèsigiso savings and credit union network has become one of Mali’s largest. It has 26 savings and credit unions, and 123,566 members.

Canada is making a major contribution in these key areas of Mali’s development. In education, for example, Mali’s rate of primary-school enrolment has risen from about 60 percent in 2001 to 74 percent in 2005.

To learn more about the results of Canada’s assistance to Mali, see Stories from the field.

Top of pageCountry Profile

Pupils returning from school ©ACDI-CIDA/Samuel Gervais
CIDA is committed to supporting the reform
of Mali’s education system. These pupils from
Kanabougou are returning from school.
The Government of Mali has a well-defined vision for Mali's development and is taking the lead in managing and coordinating its development program. Mali adopted a strategy to reduce poverty in its
Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) (French only) in May 2002. This strategy is supported by the international community. Mali has put in place a program of privatization, decentralization, and administrative reform. Mali strongly supports the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD), and it has also signed up to take part in the Peer Review Mechanism’s first review.

Mali is a democratic country with a strong civil society. Its culture favours tolerance and respect for human rights. The country plays a lead role in Africa in human rights, regional integration, and peace and security initiatives. Mali has been very active in West Africa over the past decade and has mediated several conflicts.

However, Mali is one of the world’s 10 poorest countries, and has an illiteracy rate of 70 percent. Mali’s economy is based on only a few exports that are vulnerable to international market fluctuations and climate change. Moreover, Mali’s public institutions struggle with governance problems and limited human and institutional capacities. The government is determined to implement administrative reform, and has undertaken such initiatives in the justice, education, and health systems and within its public institutions.
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  Last Updated: 2006-08-22 Top of Page Important Notices