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Banner: Americas Programs Triangle Breadcrumb LinePrograms - Geographic Programs - Americas - Indigenous Peoples Partnership Program - Annex G - Reporting guidelines Breadcrumb Line
Annex G - Reporting guidelines

Version en español

Summary of reporting requirements
Attachment B - Request for advance and reconciliation form
Format for Reporting

Top of pageIntroduction

This guide is intended to assist partners in meeting their obligations for reporting, as outlined in the Contribution Agreement. It does not replace the agreement itself, which outlines project-specific obligations. The guide provides some additional direction/guidance in how to prepare reports. The IPPP staff and any IPPP monitor(s) assigned to your project can also provide additional information or support in the preparation of reports.

Results-based management (RBM) accompanied by a logical framework analysis (LFA), is a tool to define results, identify risks and beneficiaries, and monitor progress toward the achievement of results. The objective of RBM is to bring clarity for both the Canadian and LAC partners as to the short-, medium-, and long-term results intended. They provide the framework within which a project is managed. Accordingly, identification, and progress toward the achievement of results will be one main focus in your reports. The results also provide a way of measuring value for money of projects undertaken.

Results-based management provides a context for reporting. Reports are self-assessment tools that contribute to organizational learning and development. The IPPP encourages the full participation of local partners in the assessment of progress toward achievement of results and in the preparation of reports. Local partners will find much to be gained from the exercise of assessing project achievements or shortfalls against planned project results.

All reports must be submitted by the lead partner that signed the contribution agreement with CIDA.

Top of pageSummary of reporting requirements

The reporting requirements for projects with a smaller IPPP contribution will not be as rigorous as for larger projects. Accordingly, this guide sets out three sets of report requirements, based on level of IPPP contribution.

a. Under four months duration:
  • project work plan (if sufficient detail is in the proposal, with the concurrence of the IPPP Secretariat, a work plan may not be necessary);
  • quarterly financial reports; and
  • final narrative and financial report.

b. Over four months duration:
  • annual work plans (if sufficient detail is in the proposal, with the concurrence of the IPPP Secretariat, an initial work plan may not be necessary);
  • quarterly financial reports;
  • semi-annual narrative progress reports, for projects over six months duration; and
  • a final narrative and financial report.

c. Over $300,000
  • a project implementation plan at the beginning of the project; and
  • all other reporting requirements as per b. above.

Project implementation plan

Larger and more complex projects, generally those over $300,000, require a project implementation plan (PIP) at the beginning of the project, which sets out an overall framework and plan for the duration of the project. As projects of this size will be the exception, it is suggested the lead partner contact the IPPP Secretariat for specific guidelines on preparation of the PIP.

Work plans

The initial and annual work plans provide the basis for financial quarterly reports and for semi-annual narrative reports (i.e., reporting will be done against what was set out in the work plan). They should outline all the activities for the upcoming fiscal year (April 1–March 31) and the expected results.

The Canadian LAC partners must work closely together to produce the work plan, and the final document must represent a consensus of both partners. The work plan should then be submitted to the IPPP Secretariat by the lead project partner.

A work plan should be prepared at the outset of the project and subsequently on an annual basis. (If sufficient detail is in the proposal, with concurrence from the IPPP Secretariat, it may not be necessary to produce an initial work plan).

The annual work plan needs to include:
  • a short introduction, summarizing results achieved to date and giving qualitative explanation of progress toward results (is the project proceeding on schedule?);
  • a list of all project activities for the following year, responsibilities of each partner for the delivery of each activity, and approximate date of delivery;
  • expected project results for the upcoming year, including any gender-specific results (expected outputs and expected progress toward outcomes and impact), and reasons for any changes from the previous year;
  • a risk management strategy (identify the major risks and the strategies to be employed to overcome or minimize risks);
  • an outreach strategy (how the lessons learned and results of the project will be communicated to key stakeholders and to a wider audience in Canada and in the partner country or countries in LAC.); and
  • an annual budget by line item and summary cash flow requirements in accordance with the contribution agreement, including expected contributions from local partners and other sources.

Semi-annual or interim narrative reports

The semi-annual narrative report monitors progress toward achieving project results. Narrative reports are to be prepared twice yearly, covering the periods from April 1 to September 30 and October 1 to March 31. They are to be submitted within 30 days of the end of the six-month period (i.e., by October 30 or April 30).

When advised by the IPPP Secretariat, in certain circumstances, such as when major milestones are determinants of future project directions, interim reports aligned with such milestones may replace semi-annual reports.

The Canadian and LAC partners should work closely together to produce the reports.

The reports will normally be from five to seven pages in length, depending on the size and complexity of the project and consist of:

  • a summary of activities implemented for the reporting period; and
  • comments on significant variances from the planned schedule of activities for the reporting period, and the impact (if any) of these variances.

Output results achieved:
  • a description of planned outputs;
  • actual outputs achieved during the reporting period;
  • actual outputs to date (cumulative outputs for the project); and
  • progress achieved at the output level, stated as a percentage.

Outcome results achieved:
  • description of planned outcomes;
  • actual outcomes attained during the reporting period;
  • actual outcomes to date (cumulative outcomes for the project); and
  • progress achieved at the outcome level, stated as a percentage.

Specific results on gender:
  • gender-specific planned outputs and results attained;
  • a description of unexpected gender-related project achievements (spinoffs, activities, benefits, and results); and
  • variance analysis (i.e., the difference between planned and actual gender results, whether future activities/plans need to be modified to take variances into account).

Specific results on the environment:
  • environmental outputs and outcomes attained (both positive and negative); and
  • mitigation measures taken to minimize negative impacts.

Project management:
  • describe any problems/risks being experienced;
  • assess the impact of problems/risks on the attainment of results;
  • identify strategies to overcome or minimize problems/risks; and
  • identify key lessons learned for the reporting period and implications for project management.

Quarterly financial reports:

Quarterly financial reports and budgetary forecasts account for the disbursement of CIDA funds in the previous quarter and provide CIDA with a detailed disbursement forecast for the following quarter.

The disbursement forecast forms the basis for an advance payment for the next quarter, if additional funding is required. Any request for an advance payment shall not exceed the projected needs of the project for the quarter in question. When an organization has received two advances from CIDA, no further advance payment shall be made until the lead partner submits a financial report accounting for the first advance. The quarterly financial report is required even if the organization is not requesting an advance for the following quarter.

Quarterly financial reports must be submitted to the IPPP Secretariat within 30 days of the end of every quarter. Quarterly financial reports need to include the following in table format as set out in Attachment A:
  • a statement of source and use of funds including those from partners and other donors;
  • a financial statement of the planed and actual budget by quarter with, with overall variances, by line item;
  • a budget summary by year, with expenditures to date and remaining balance, by line item; and
  • detailed supporting information for the financial statement including contributions from CIDA Canadian and Latin American partners and other donors.

As part of the quarterly financial report, the Canadian partner must submit a Request for Advance and Reconciliation Form, if an advance is required (please see Attachment B for model), which includes the following:
  • a summary of advances received to date from CIDA;
  • actual expenditures to date by fiscal year, and by quarter for the current fiscal year;
  • remaining cash on hand; and
  • a request for advance funds from CIDA to cover forecast expenses for the next quarter.

Final narrative and financial report

The final narrative and financial report should be produced with the participation of all project partners to ensure that it accurately depicts the project’s performance. It should be submitted within 60 days after the project’s ending to the IPPP Secretariat.

Final narrative report

The narrative component reports on results attained at the end of the project. Its intent is to assess whether a project has achieved its results, and explain why it has or has not. In addition to measuring results, it should also convey more completely the full nature of the project, including its relevance, appropriateness, sustainability, and cost effectiveness. This component should be a self-assessment tool that contributes to organizational and program learning for all the partners. It will be useful when planning projects in the future, and can be shared with other organizations working in the same area of interest.

The final self-assessment generally takes place at the end of a project, but has to be planned earlier. It tries to assess the outcomes of the whole project (i.e., the results or changes that have been achieved as a consequence of the project). It should also assess how the project has strengthened the organizations involved. Each self-assessment should be designed to fit the specific project and the context in which it takes place. It should reflect the expected results outlined in the project proposal. All the partners, including the beneficiaries, should be involved in assessing project outcomes.

The assessment methodology should complement your organizational style and the approach taken to the project. However, a participatory approach promotes the achievement of better results if a process is adopted whereby beneficiaries own all phases of a project, including self-assessment. The IPPP thus encourages partners to use this well documented approach.
  • A project that was defined through community consultation and participation should be assessed the same way. The partners may decide to assess the extent that participation was maintained or extended through the project.
  • If the project focused on meeting the perceived needs of a community, then members of the community might be asked to fill out a before-and-after questionnaire.
  • A project designed to change some physical aspect of a community could document its progress with photographs in addition to assessing community reaction.
  • The most important thing is that the partners work together to develop the assessment framework and approach.

The elements of the final narrative report are as follows.

Project summary:
  • Summarize the project’s objectives and activities.
  • Identify the people/organizations (stakeholders) involved in the project.
  • Explain significant variances between activities planned and implemented.

Results achieved:
  • At the output level: Describe planned outputs and actual outputs achieved during the project, including the percentage level of achievement and reasons for any discrepancies.
  • At the outcome level: Describe planned outcomes and actual outcomes achieved during the project, including the percentage level of achievement and reasons for any discrepancies.
  • At the impact level: Describe the expected impacts, and progress toward achievement of impacts by the end of the project, including the percentage level of progress or likely achievement of impacts in the future.
  • Specific results for gender equality: Describe gender-specific objectives or measures, and the actual results (outputs/outcomes/impacts) attained.
  • Identify specific positive and/or negative environmental results, mitigation measures taken on negative impacts, and lessons learned.
  • Assess the impact of problems/risks on the attainment of results, and of strategies to deal with problems/risks.
  • Describe unexpected project achievements (spinoffs, activities, linkages, benefits, and results) and how they affected the project.
  • Identify benefits to Canada and Canadian Aboriginal organizations and communities.

Development factors:
  • Assess the project’s relevance in terms of the conditions, needs, or problems to which they were intended to respond.
  • Assess the relationship between costs and results. Was it reasonable?
  • ·Assess sustainability. How and to what extent will the project benefits continue after the completion of the project activities or the end of the IPPP funding?
  • Assess partnership sustainability. How and to what extent will the partnership be continued after completion of the project activities?

Management factors:
  • Identify the extent of shared responsibility and accountability for project results between Canadian and project-country partners.
  • Assess how effectively the partners worked together and the extent to which their institutional capacity was increased.
  • Describe the key lessons learned and recommendations/implications for future project management, including views on the value of replicating the project.

  • Describe the communication or promotion of the project to other key stakeholders and a wider audience in Canada and in the project country.

Financial report:

The financial component of the report presents an accounting of actual project costs by category and line item in comparison to the original budgetary estimates as set out in the contribution agreement.

The report should show the overall total costs incurred under the project, indicating those paid by the IPPP as well as the value of in-kind and cash contributions by the applicant organization and other partners.

A request for the final payment by CIDA to the organization, and the final reconciliation of accountable advances submitted according to the format provided in the Request for Advance and Reconciliation Form must accompany the final financial report.

Top of pageAttachment B - Request for advance and reconciliation form

Project (project)
Project #
Agreement #

Total previous advance payment from CIDA

Payment #1(Date)$00,000.00
Payment #2(Date)$00,000.00
Payment #3(Date)$00,000.00

Total Funds from CIDA received to date $00,000.00 (A)

Cumulative actual expenditures up to the end of the most recently completed quarter $00,000.00 Year 1
$00,000.00 Q1 Year 2
$00,000.00 Q1 Year 2

$00,000.00 (B)

Total cash on hand A minus B = $00,000.00 (C)
Forecast for quarter in progress Q3 Year 2$00,000.00 (D)
Forecast for next quarter Q4 Year 2$00,000.00 (E)
Total advances required D plus E = $00,000.00 (F)
Total advance requested F minus C = $00,000.00 (G)

Top of pageFormat for Reporting - PDF format

Table 1: Statement of Source and Use of Funds
Table 2: Financial Statement Support Information for <period/dates of quarter>
Table 3: Financial Statement
Table 3.1: Total project

Top of page<Project name>

Table 1: Statement of Source and Use of Funds

ACIDA Contribution     
    Previous Period(s)Current PeriodTo date
  Source of funds(<quarter # or cumul>)( <quarter 3> )( <actual to date> )
1Total cash on hand     
2CIDA contribution - advance     
3CIDA contribution - reimbursement     
4Interest earned     
5GST rebate     
  Use of funds     
2Consulting fees     
4Meals & incidentals     
7Translation and interpretation     
8Administrative costs     
  Net funds available$0.00$0.00$0.00
BSources of project funding      
1Canadian partner in-kind and/or in-cash contribution      
2Latin American & Caribbean partner in-kind and/or in-cash contribution      
3Other partner organization in-kind and/or in-cash contribution      
4CIDA contribution      
  Total project funding$0.00$0.00$0.00


  1. Use of Funds categories are indicative, and may vary depending on the nature of the project proposal and/or its activities.
  2. Sources of Project Funding are indicative, and may vary depending on the partners involved in the implementation of the project.
  3. "In-kind" contributions are to be approximated to the closest dollar (Cdn) value.
  4. All expenses and contributions are to be reported on in Canadian dollars only.
  5. The project proponents are to seek prior approval from the IPPP if the value of any line item is to exceed the value agreed to in the contribution agreement.
  6. If a fixed overhead rate of 12% is included in the project budget, it should be reported in this table.

Top of page< Project name >

Table 2: Financial Statement Support Information for <period/dates of quarter>

  Expenditure CategoryCIDACdn PartnerLAC PartnerOtherTotal
1Salary       <if applicable> 
1.1<name & rate+benefits x #days>$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00 
1.2<name & rate+benefits x #days>$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00 
  Total         $0.00
2Consulting fees          
2.1Advisory services for <purpose>          
2.1.1<name & rate x #days>$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00 
2.2Coordination and administration          
2.2.1<name & rate x #days>$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00 
  Total         $0.00
3.1Mission to <country> for <purpose>          
3.1.1<name, cost of ticket, itinerary, dates>$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00 
3.2Mission to <country> for <purpose>         
3.2.1<name, cost of ticket, itinerary, dates>$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00
  Total         $0.00
4Meals & incidentals         
4.1<# people x per diem rate x #days & location>$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00  
4.2<# people x per diem rate x #days & location>$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00  
  Total        $0.00
5.1<# people x rate x #days & location>$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00  
5.2<# people x rate x #days & location>$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00  
  Total        $0.00
6.1.1e.g. cost of production, printing;$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00  
6.2Room/equipement rental          
6.2.1<rate x #days>$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00  
  Total         $0.00
7Translation and interpretation          
7.1<rate x #days or #pages>$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00
  Total         $0.00
8Administrative costs         
8.1e.g. long distance phone calls$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00 
  Total         $0.00
  Project total:          


  1. Categories of costs are indicative and will vary depending on the nature of the project and its activities.
  2. Table 2 is intended to provide details of expenditures by category.
  3. All expenses are to be reported on in Canadian dollars only.

Top of page<Project name>

Table 3: Financial Statement

Total Project Budget
Fiscal Year 20XX-20XX
Quarter 1
Quarter 2
Quarter 3
Quarter 4
Year to date
Consulting fees
Meals & incidentals
Translation and interpretation
Administrative costs
Project total:

Table 3.1 : Total project

    Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Expenses to dateBalance
2Consulting fees          
4Meals & incidentals           
7Translation and interpretation           
8Administrative costs           
  Project total: $0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00


  1. Table 3 is to be used to report on planned expenses against actual expenses.
  2. able 3 is to present financial reporting on a quartely basis.
  3. Table 3.1 is to be used for multi-year projects.
  4. Categories of costs are indicative and will vary depending on the nature of the project and its activities.
  5. All expenses are to be reported on in Canadian dollars only.
Important: Adjustments for previous period expenditures, are to be reported on in the current quarter if they were not included previously. No changes are to be made to past quarters. An explicative note should accompany the adjustmen.

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  Last Updated: 2006-06-19 Top of Page Important Notices