Youth around the world actively engaged and connected in shaping a more inclusive, peaceful and sustainable world.

What does Well-Being look like to you?

The term well-being is defined as the state of being comfortable, healthy, and happy. We invite your imagination, voice and perspective on depicting visual representations on the theme of well-being -- what does...

Create to Learn @ Home

TakingITGlobal's Create to Learn program is launching an at-home training initiative in partnership with imagineNATIVE to support students unable to attend school because of closures for COVID-19 social distancing.

Code to Learn @ Home

TakingITGlobal is launching Code to Learn@Home to continue to serve students during COVID-19 closures. With support from the Government of Canada, we're offering coding and computational thinking learning experiences...

Guide to Action TakingITGlobal for Educators