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Youth Development Organizations

The following organizations provide youth with a variety of volunteering, employment, and study opportunities in Canada and abroad.

AFS Interculture Canada offers internship programs that present the opportunity for people aged 15-18 to live abroad in communities or work in small businesses while developing new skills and learning about a new culture.

AIESEC Canada Inc. is a student-run international exchange organization with over 2,500 members in 29 local chapters across the country. The organization’s mandate is to develop and improve the employment opportunities and skills of university students though international internship exchanges.

The Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC) is the voice of 93 public and private not-for-profit universities and university-degree-level colleges. The organization offers information about facilities, services, and programs offered by AUCC member institutions, and also provides links, statistics, and expert and in-depth information.

Canada World Youth has internship programs for youth aged 17–29. Internships last six to seven months, during which participants spend half their time in a Canadian community and the other half in a community in Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe, Latin America, or the Caribbean.

The Canadian Bureau for International Education presents information and over 1,000 links for studying and working abroad, accompanied by useful contacts in the international field.

Club 2/3 (French only) is an educational and international cooperation organization that works with young people in Canada and in Southern countries. Its activities are organized by and with youth.

CODE is a Canadian not-for-profit organization that has promoted education and literacy in the developing world for over 40 years. CODE builds the bridge of literacy by developing partnerships that provide resources for learning, promote awareness and understanding, and encourage self-reliance. CODE’s Project Love is a great opportunity for Canadians of all ages to act as global citizens by sending much-needed educational materials to students and teachers in developing countries.

Engineers Without Borders works in partnership with developing communities around the world, helping them to gain access to the appropriate technologies that they need to improve their lives. They also offer exciting project opportunities for university students both overseas and in Canada.

Free The Children is the world’s largest network of children helping children through education, with more than one million youth of all ages involved in innovative education and development programs in 45 countries. The site hosts a youth zone with information and suggestions on how youth can get involved in various projects.

Global Vision offers programs at local, regional, national, and international levels for youth aged 16-25. CIDA and Global Vision have teamed up to create the Global Youth Ambassador Program, an innovative national awareness and outreach program that seeks to engage Canadian youth in international development and encourage them to make a difference in the world.

Global Youth Action Network (GYAN) is a youth-led organization that unites the efforts of young people working to improve our world. The network connects many thousands of organizations in over 190 countries, and a growing membership is now helping to shape the future direction of GYAN.

Jeunesse du Monde (JM) (French only) is an organization dedicated to the education of youth. It implements development education programs, supports cooperation with partners, and offers North-South youth internships. JM's aims are the promotion of global peace, anti-racism, commitment to justice among peoples, the defence of human rights, and respect for the environment.

Journalists for Human Rights (JHR) is a charitable organization using innovative and proven techniques to reduce human rights abuses. By building the capacity of the media to report effectively on human rights issues, JHR pressures abusers to stop their practices and empowers victims to fight back. JHR works exclusively in Africa and North America, and offers programs for university students with experience in the journalism field.

Katimavik offers young Canadians exciting experiences that incorporate learning and volunteer involvement for 17–21 year olds. Katimavik's mission is to foster the personal, professional, and social development of Canadian youth through volunteer involvement in communities from coast to coast.

NetCorps gives youth between 19-30 the opportunity to participate in an internship lasting from four to six months, including time both in Canada and overseas. Throughout the internship, participants have the chance to develop skills that will be essential to their integration into the job market.

Since its inception, Plan Nagua (French only) has dedicated itself to the promotion of sustainable development, specifically through methods that support the initiatives of Southern organizations. Its actions are founded in four sectors: international cooperation, education in Québec, international internships, and fair trade tourism and commerce.

Right To Play is an international, athlete-driven humanitarian organization that uses sport and play to strengthen communities and encourage the healthy physical, social, and emotional development of children in the world's most disadvantaged areas. Volunteer-driven programs teach critical life skills and values, promote vital health education, and empower individuals and communities.

Save the Children has been working for over 80 years in Canada and overseas to bring immediate and lasting improvements to children's lives through the realization of their rights. Save the Children is a non-political, non-religious organization committed to long-term development at the grassroots level through partnerships with local communities, government bodies, and international organizations. Various volunteer opportunities are available for young Canadians of all ages.

Sierra Club of Canada is an environmental non-governmental organization (ENGO) and a registered non-profit. It is composed of different chapters from all across Canada and offers many volunteer and internship opportunities to youth through programs such as the Sierra Youth Coalition and the Gaia project .

Street Kids International (SKI) (English only) is a Canadian-based non-profit organization that believes that street youth have the potential to transform their lives when given non-judgmental support in developing skills, making choices, and accessing opportunities. SKI offers internships that involve a mix of work with Street Kids International in Canada and with its partner agencies overseas.

TakingITGlobal is a global online community that inspires youth to make a difference and provides information on various issues. It offers opportunities to take action and serves as a bridge to get involved locally, nationally, and internationally in various areas of interest. TakingITGlobal is a portal to events, organizations, and scholarships around the world. Youth can also get involved through discussions and workshops.

United Nations Association in Canada (UNA-Canada) is a national charitable organization whose mandate is to engage the Canadian public in the work of the United Nations and in the critical international issues that affect us all. UNA-Canada strives for a better world through a variety of national projects focused on specific issues and audiences, and offers internships for young Canadians aged 19–30.

United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) is the driving force that helps build a world where the rights of every child are realized. UNICEF was created to work with others to overcome the obstacles of poverty, violence, disease, and discrimination. UNICEF offers different programs and opportunities for all ages and interests.

Volunteer Canada offers opportunities for every age and interest to discover what volunteering in Canada is all about!

War Child Canada works across North America and around the world to assist war-affected children. This organization touches the lives of thousands of children and youth in war zones, helping to relieve them of the horrors of war and restore their sense of hope and dignity. The organization has also engaged hundreds of thousands of youth across Canada in many different programs for all ages and inspired them to make a difference.

YOUCAN is a national, non-profit organization that focuses on youth-led initiatives aimed at non-violent conflict resolution and violence prevention at national and international levels. YOUCAN's mission is to equip youth to engage and inspire others to peacefully resolve conflicts and develop healthy relationships in their communities. YOUCAN provides volunteer opportunities for youth aged 12–25 in Ottawa, Toronto, and Edmonton.

Youth Challenge International (YCI) combines community development, health work, and environmental research in dynamic projects conducted by volunteers aged 18-30. YCI has an explicit commitment to target individuals and communities traditionally marginalized: women, youth, and indigenous people living in predominantly rural, isolated, and poor communities.

YMCA Canada’s International Program comprises three components: overseas partnership projects, overseas youth exchanges, and a Canadian-based public engagement program, which includes YMCA World Peace Week.

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  Last Updated: 2006-06-22 Top of Page Important Notices