Clip: More blood on the coal in '58
Broadcast Date: Oct. 26, 1958
Medium: Television
Duration: 5:35

View the Clip: Home > Disasters and Tragedies > Springhill Mining Disasters > More blood on the coal in '58

The Story

On Oct. 23, 1958, Springhill is revisited by tragedy. A massive "bump," similar to a small earthquake, shatters the No. 2 colliery of the Cumberland mines. There are 178 miners trapped 3,900 metres underground. Draegermen describe terrible chaos below and mine manager Harold Gordon is not hopeful about the possibility of survivors. After the rescue of 81 miners, the national media pulls out. Gordon says the death toll will stand at 93.

Did You Know?

• A "bump" is a geological phenomenon that occurs in mines. It results when the removal of rocks and coal causes too much stress to the roof rock. The built-up pressure causes a collapse, which miners have described as the simultaneous meeting of floor with ceiling.
• While bumps are common in mining operations, the Springhill bump was one of the worst recorded.

Medium: Television
Program: CBC Newsmagazine
Broadcast Date: Oct. 26, 1958
Host: Gordon Burwash, Reporter: Kingsley Brown
Guest(s): Ralph Gilroy, Archie Legierre, Phil Marsh
Duration: 5:35

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