Financial Consumer Agency of Canada - Agence de la consommation en matière financière du Canada

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 Frequently Asked Questions

Use this tool to search FCAC’s Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) database, or to view our complete list of questions and answers. You can also view our top five “Most viewed” and top five “Latest added” questions (see below). We are always working to improve our database, so please contact us if you have a question that is not listed here.

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Top 5 Questions:

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Top 5 most viewed questions:

How can I get the lowest interest rate on my mortgage? How can I get the lowest interest rate on my mortgage?
What happens if I make a late credit card payment? What happens if I make a late credit card payment?
Does my financial institution have the right to withdraw funds from my bank account
to pay my overdue credit card bill? Does my financial institution have the right to withdraw funds from my bank account to pay my overdue credit card bill?
Does my financial institution have the right to impose a penalty when I renegotiate my mortgage? Does my financial institution have the right to impose a penalty when I renegotiate my mortgage?
Can a financial institution refuse to open a personal bank account for me? Can a financial institution refuse to open a personal bank account for me?

About FCAC’s Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) database

FCAC’s searchable Frequently Asked Questions database contains a wealth of information on consumers’ rights when dealing with financial institutions and on various financial products and services. The questions are based on the thousands of inquiries and complaints we receive from consumers each year through our Consumer Contact Centre and Web site; as well as on other important issues identified by FCAC.


FCAC/ACFC Toll-free 1.866.461.FCAC (3222) Protecting Consumers / Informing Canadians
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Last Modified: 2006-03-29
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