Financial Consumer Agency of Canada - Agence de la consommation en matière financière du Canada

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 Resource Centre: Property and Casualty Insurance

General Insurance OmbudService (GIO)
The General Insurance OmbudService assists in resolving differences between home, car and business insurance companies and their customers. When disputes arise, GIO's professional mediators and experienced customer services officers help insurance companies and customers work toward a solution that is in the best interest of all parties in a fair, independent and impartial environment. For more information, visit the GIO Web site.

Home and Automobile insurance
Everything you want to know about automobile and home insurance in Canada.
Insurance Bureau of Canada

Business and Commercial insurance
General information on insuring your business in Canada.
Insurance Bureau of Canada

Insurance Bureau of Canada (IBC)
The national trade group representing the private (non-government) property and casualty insurance industry. IBC offers consumer information and advocates on policy issues affecting the industry. Visit or call (416) 362-2031.

Insurance Institute of Canada
The educational arm of the property and casualty insurance industry, offering courses and tutorials for insurance professionals. Visit or call (416) 362-8586.

Property and Casualty Insurance in Canada — Backgrounder
An overview of the property and casualty insurance industry, with a focus on how it is regulated.
Department of Finance

Property and Casualty Insurance Compensation Corporation
The private companies which insure the homes, cars and other property of Canadians work together to compensate clients in the unlikely event of an insurer's collapse.
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Last Modified: 2004-08-24
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