Financial Consumer Agency of Canada - Agence de la consommation en matière financière du Canada

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 About FCAC

Who we are

The Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC) is a new independent body working to protect and educate consumers of financial services.

We were established in 2001 by the federal government to strengthen oversight of consumer issues and expand consumer education in the financial sector. More about our history...

What we do

As a federal regulatory agency, the FCAC is responsible for enforcing many of the federal laws that protect consumers in their dealings with financial institutions.
  • We ensure that federally regulated financial institutions comply with federal consumer protection laws and regulations.
  • We monitor financial institutions' business practices (known as voluntary codes of conduct) concerning small business lending and the use of debit cards.
  • We educate consumers about their rights and responsibilities.
  • We help you get the information you need to be a more informed consumer of financial products and services.

Financial institutions that fall within our mandate are:
  • all banks
  • insurance companies that are federally incorporated or registered
  • trust and loan companies that are federally incorporated or registered
  • co-operative credit associations that are federally incorporated or registered

Through co-operation with other organizations, information programs, a toll-free consumer help line and our Web site, we also promote greater awareness of the financial system and the rights and responsibilities of consumers. More about our role and mandate...

Operations and accountability

Located in Ottawa, the FCAC employs some 35 people. Our operations are funded through assessments on the financial institutions that we regulate. More about who we regulate...

Through the Minister of Finance, the FCAC reports annually to Parliament on its activities and the degree to which financial institutions are meeting their obligations.

Disclosure of Travel and Hospitality Expenses

Disclosure of Contracts

Disclosure of Grants and Contributions

PDF Audit Report on Contracting - March 2006
[PDF Version, 308 kB - 10 pages]

PDF Audit Report on Travel & Hospitality - June 29, 2005
[PDF Version, 519 kB - 19 pages]

Program and Performance Management Evaluation Report

This report focuses on the results achieved during fiscal year 2004-05. The Agency's Program and Performance Management Evaluation Report complements our Annual Report and annual Business Plan, by providing additional details on FCAC's results and achievements, in relation to its strategic outcomes. This report highlights the Agency's impact and contributions to the Canadian financial marketplace, as well as the benefits it has provided to Canadians.

PDF Program and Performance Management
Evaluation Report 2004-05
 [PDF Version, 1,269 kB - 96 pages]


Business Plan – April 2005 to March 2007

Over the next two years, we will continue to build on the success of our existing activities. We will also develop and implement new initiatives to further strengthen our framework for consumer protection and education. Throughout our activities, we will continue to work with all of our stakeholders and partners – including all levels of governments, consumer groups, financial institutions and private and voluntary sector organizations.

PDF More on the business plan – April 2005 to March 2007
[PDF version, 1,163 kB - 56 pages; Updated - March 2006]
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Last Modified: 2006-05-18
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