Financial Consumer Agency of Canada - Agence de la consommation en matière financière du Canada

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 Resource Centre: Investments

There is an endless amount of information on the world of investing. We've listed a few resources below, which are designed to help you learn more about the many types of investments available in Canada.

Canada Education Savings Grant
Information about the program designed to help parents save for a child's post-secondary schooling.
Human Resources Development Canada

Investor's Corner
A section of the IDA's Web site to help new and existing investors learn more about investing and consumer protection.
Investment Dealers Association

Investor Education
A section of IFIC's Web site with fact sheets and other educational resources.
Investment Funds Institute of Canada

Investor Learning Centre
Not-for-profit organization helping Canadians learn the basics of investing. Offers articles, quizzes and free resources. Check out its virtual "Money School," which contains the interactive "Investments 101." Visit or call 1-888-452-5566.

Mutual Fund Fee Impact Calculator
Helps you see the impact of various mutual fund fees on your investment return over time.
Industry Canada

Mutual Funds Information Brochures
Free brochures that demystify the different types of mutual funds.
Investment Funds Institute of Canada

Publications for Investors
A series of publications covering topics such as choosing your financial advisers, the prospectus, and investing and the Internet.
Alberta Securities Commission

Questions to Ask Before Investing
A list of questions to ask yourself.
Manitoba Securities Commission

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Ten Most Frequently Asked Questions About Mutual Funds
Answers to key questions.
Investment Funds Institute of Canada

TSE Investor Centre
Get answers to frequently asked questions, find out what various investment terms mean, take an on-line investment challenge and read articles on personal finance topics.
Toronto Stock Exchange

Canada Investment and Saving (CI&S;)
Provides information on Government of Canada securities — Canada Savings Bonds, Treasury bills and marketable bonds. Visit or call 1-800-575-5151.

Canadian Securities Institute
Educational institution offering the Canadian Securities Course plus seminars, programs and other courses. Visit or call 1-800-274-8355.

Investing Your Dollars — Information booklet
A beginner's guide to investing.
Canadian Bankers Association

Investment Funds Institute of Canada (IFIC)
With a mandate to help educate Canadians about mutual fund investing, IFIC offers a variety of courses, tools and information. Visit or call (416) 363-2158.

Investment Trivia Game
Interactive quizzes to help test your knowledge of investment trivia.
Canadian Foundation for Investor Education

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Last Modified: 2005-12-20
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