Financial Consumer Agency of Canada - Agence de la consommation en matière financière du Canada

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 Media Room

 FCAC Quarterly Statistics

Between April 1 and June 30, 2006, the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC) received 6,094 contacts. This document provides a breakdown of the types of contacts FCAC received, the method used to contact FCAC and the location where the contacts originated.

For the period: April 1 - June 30, 2006
Consumer inquiries and complaints
  General inquiries 4,071      
  General complaints 1,281      
  Inquiries about compliance matters 4      
  Complaints about compliance matters 87      
Total consumer inquiries and complaints   5,443    
  Media contacts   24    
  Requests for publications   188    
  Outreach contacts 1   64    
Total consumer contacts 2   5,719  
Complaints and filings from financial institutions
  Self-reported complaints 3   332    
  Filings by financial institutions 4   43    
Total complaints and filings from financial institutions 375  
Total contacts       6,094

Method of contact
  Phone calls     5,308  
  E-mails     228  
  Letters     204  
  In-person visits     2  
  Other 5     352  
Total       6,094

1 Includes requests for publications resulting from an outreach initiative.
2 Includes consumer inquiries and complaints, media contacts, requests for publications and outreach contacts.
3 Includes consumer complaints that have been escalated to the reportable level of a financial institution’s internal complaint-handling process.
4 Includes documents that financial institutions are required to submit to FCAC, such as public accountability statements and branch closure filings.
5 Includes examinations, filings and cases initiated by FCAC.

The following graph provides a breakdown of total contacts received for the period by location.

Inquiries and Complaints Bar Chart

*The location was not indicated by the consumer.

Consumer Contacts

The following chart provides a breakdown of the types of consumer contacts received for the period. It excludes self-reported complaints and filings by financial institutions.

Inquiries and Complaints Chart


Includes inquiries and complaints about compliance matters.
Excludes self-reported complaints and filings by financial institutions.


Includes publications requested by consumers or publication requests resulting from an outreach initiative.


Includes inquiries and complaints on topics such as: credit bureaus, credit counselling and debt collection.


Includes inquiries and complaints on topics such as: branch closures, complaint-handling procedures, estate matters, exchange rates, interest rates, financial institutions’ legitimacy and quality of service.


Includes generic inquiries and complaints received by FCAC, such as requests for regulatory information.

A table providing a detailed breakdown of the number of consumer contacts FCAC received by location and by topic is available. To view this table click here (opens in a new window).


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Compliance Matters

FCAC opens and reviews hundreds of compliance cases each year, covering a wide range of consumer issues under federal financial legislation. If a compliance officer, after gathering the facts of a case, believes that a financial institution may have violated a consumer provision, the case can be forwarded to the Commissioner for his review and a decision. The information below summarizes the number of compliance cases opened and closed between April 1 and June 30, 2006.

For the period: April 1 - June 30, 2006
Total number of compliance cases opened
(Includes consumer and self-reported complaints)
Total number of compliance cases closed 375
(Includes cases outstanding from previous periods)
  Number of violations of the law 3
  Number of cases of non-compliance to a Public Commitment and a Code of Conduct 0
  Branch closures - Meeting requests withdrawn 1
    - Requests for meeting received 3

The Commissioner's Decisions are posted on our Web site to provide an overview of the types of compliance issues FCAC has reviewed, and the work FCAC has been doing to protect financial consumers. This also serves to inform consumers about their rights and responsibilities when dealing with their financial institution.


Protecting Consumers / Informing Canadians
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Last Modified: 2006-07-27
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