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C'est la vie with host Bernard St-Laurent
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Fall 2006

October 20, 2006:

"The Story of French", by Jean-Benoît Nadeau and Julie Barlow, published by Knopf Canada.

October 6, 2006

Language cruises, offered through l'Université de Montréal.

external site - links will open in a new windowhttp://www.fep.umontreal.ca/formationcontinue/croisiere/indexa.html
For more information, contact: croisiere-linguistique@fep.umontreal.ca
Phone: 514-343-5873

Teach yourself French courses mentioned on C'est la vie:

Complete French: The Basics
(ISBN 1400021369)

TY French Complete Course
(ISBN 0071413987)

Bernard St-Laurent's choice:
French with Michel Thomas
(ISBN: 0071381651)

July 18, 2006

Judi et Yvon font une scène:
external site - links will open in a new window http://www.gsimusique.com/artistes/judietyvon/index.php

June 9, 2006

Guy Bertrand's Capsules linguistiques at Radio-Canada:
"400 capsules linguistiques", by Guy Bertrand. Published by Lanctôt Éditeur.

April 7, 2006

Natalie Choquette's website:
external site - links will open in a new window http://www.mcmartists.com/natalie/index_english2.html

March 10, 2006

external site - links will open in a new window Amanda Lafleur, Coordinator of Cajun French Studies at Louisiana State University

external site - links will open in a new window Louisiana State University's Department of French Studies

external site - links will open in a new window Amanda Lafleur's Cajun French audio segments "Louisiana Lagniappe"

February 17, 2006

Le Patron website, for correcting written French
external site - links will open in a new windowhttp://lepatron.tapor.ualberta.ca

Le français au bureau, by Noëlle Guilloton and Hélène Cajolet-Laganière Published by Les Publications du Québec. Website includes model letters (in French).
external site - links will open in a new windowhttp://www2.publicationsduquebec.gouv.qc.ca/documents/fab/fab.htm

Language cruises, offered through l'Université de Montréal.
external site - links will open in a new windowwww.fep.umontreal.ca/formationcontinue/croisiere
For more information, contact: croisiere-linguistique@fep.umontreal.ca
Phone: 514-343-5873
Cruise dates: June 30th to July 7th, 2006 July 28th to August 4th, 2006 August 25th to September 1st, 2006 Cruises include 15 hours of French language instruction.

February 10, 2006

Intimate Strangers: The Letters of Margaret Laurence and Gabrielle Roy
Edited with an Introduction by Paul G. Socken
Published by the University of Manitoba Press

January 6, 2006

Books written by 12-year-old author Alexandra Larochelle:

Au-delà de l'univers Mission périlleuse en Erianigami (Au-delà de l'univers - tome 2) La Clé de l'énigme (Au-delà de l'univers - tome 3)
all published by Éditions du Trécarré

December 23, 2005

French language film suggestions to see during the holiday period:

La Grande séduction (Seducing Dr Lewis) (rated G)

Cinemania film festival Managing Director Geneviève Royer's film suggestions:

"Les choristes" (suitable for 5 and up)
external site - links will open in a new window http://www.leschoristes-lefilm.com
"L'Auberge espagnole" (for teenagers and up)
"Kirikou et la sorcière" (for young kids and up)
external site - links will open in a new window http://www.kirikou.net
"La Gloire de mon père" and "Le Château de ma mère" (grade school and up)
C.R.A.Z.Y. (13 +)

December 16, 2006

Bruno Guglielminetti's CD-rom suggestions:

Hop! Écrire - Pour créer des histoires captivantes
Éditeur Cyberlude (Mac and PC)
Price: $34.95

Le Dictionnaire Visuel Junior,
Québec Amerique jeunesse (PC and Mac)
Price $29.95

Grand Robert De La Langue Française 2005,
Emme Édition (PC)
Price $299.95

Microsoft Études 2006
Microsoft (PC)
Price approx $100

Pierre Landry's CD suggestions:

Les Trois Accords - Gros Mammouth Album
external site - links will open in a new window http://www.lestroisaccords.com/large.html

Pierre Lapointe (self titled album)
external site - links will open in a new window http://www.pierrelapointe.com/

Ariane Moffatt - Le coeur dans la tête
external site - links will open in a new window http://www.arianemoffatt.com/

Catherine Durand - Diaporama
external site - links will open in a new window http://www.catherinedurand.com/

Bernard St-Laurent's suggestions:

Gaz Bar Blues (DVD)
Les bougon, c'est aussi ça la vie! (DVDs) The first season of the Radio-Canada TV series
Word of the Week, Volume 1 (2 CD set)

December 9, 2005
French language children's books, for ages 9 to 14:

The "Amos Daragon" series, by Bryan Perro (published by Les Intouchables).
external site - links will open in a new window http://www.amosdaragon.com

The "Léonis" series, by Mario Francis (published by Les Intouchables).
external site - links will open in a new window http://www.mariofrancis.com

November 18, 2005:
Yvon Deschamps' DVD:
"Yvon Deschamps: intégrale, v.2 (1970-80)"

November 11, 2005:
"Jacques Demers - En toutes lettres" by Mario Leclerc (published by Stanké)

November 4, 2005
Lynda Thalie's website:
external site - links will open in a new windowhttp://lyndathalie.com

October 28, 2005
16-year-old webdesigner Gabriel Rodrigue's website, Voltige multimédia:
external site - links will open in a new windowhttp://www.voltige.net/en.php

Image of a Canadian flag

Check out C'est la vie's 10 Tracks - 10 essential French Canadian songs from the 1950s until today

June 24, 2005

The website of "Amos Daragon ", the series of books by author Bryan Perro, published by Les Intouchables:
external site - links will open in a new window http://www.amosdaragon.com

Radio Canada's Indicatif Présent, hosted by Marie-France Bazzo. Click on "La Bibliothèque" to discover their virtual library:

French online bookstore:
external site - links will open in a new window http://www.renaud-bray.com/francais/menu/frame.asp

June 17, 2005

The site for Mes Aïeux:
external site - links will open in a new window http://mesaieux.qc.ca/index_flash.php

May 6th, 2005

Actor Louison Danis mentioned she supported a petition to change the law on organ donation. For more information on the group she supports and the petition, please see Roffann Normandin's website at:
external site - links will open in a new windowhttp://www.fondationroffann.org
The site will be up and running as of May 10th, 2005.

March 18, 2005

CBC Radio series "Invisible minorities: immigrants in Quebec City tell their stories"

Radio-Canada series "Minorités invisibles: les immigrants de Québec se racontent"

February 18, 2005

Book/CD sets by Henriette Major, all published by external site - links will open in a new windowFides (note : this website is en Français) :

"100 comptines"
"Chansons drôles, Chansons folles"
"Chansons et rondes pour s'amuser"
"Chansons douces, Chansons tendres"
"Le tour du monde en chansons"

To contact Adele Labine-Romain, who is looking for French hand clapping and skipping songs, you can phone her at: 416.686.0322
You can also e-mail Adele at: just3morebites@rogers.com

December 10, 2004

"I'm with you! - Exogamous families' guide to the world of francophone education" published by the Fédération des parents francophones de l'Alberta. For more information go to:
external site - links will open in a new windowhttp://www.fpfa.ab.ca/ressources/g-withyou.html
To order a copy contact the FPFA at (780) 468-6934, or by email at fpfa@francalta.ab.ca

December 3, 2004

"Ma vie en trois actes", by Janette Bertrand, published by Libre Expression. ISBN: 2-7648-0073-8

October 22, 2004

Stefie Shock: external site - links will open in a new window http://www.stefieshock.com

October 15, 2004

"Louis J. Robichaud: A not so quiet revolution" by Michel Cormier, translated by Jonathon Kaplansky. Published in English by Faye Editions, Moncton, NB.
ISBN 2-921824-30-2

"Louis J. Robichaud : une révolution si peu tranquille" by Michel Cormier. Published in French by les Éditions de la Francophonie, Moncton, NB, for everywhere outside of Quebec.
ISBN : 2-923016-48-3

"Louis Robichaud, La révolution acadienne" by Michel Cormier. Published in French in Quebec, by Leméac.
ISBN: 2-7609-1210-8


September 17, 2004

Wendy Maxwell's AIM (Accelerative Integrated Method) Language Learning methodology:
external site - links will open in a new windowhttp://www.aimlanguagelearning.com/index.htm

Gaby's Photographs
Gabriel Desmarais, 1926-1991
The photos are from the collection of Ronald Desmarais, Gaby's son

C'est la vie has collected links and tidbits that may be of interest.

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March 19th, 2004

"Canadian French for Better Travel" and "Le Québécois pour mieux voyager" are phrasebooks published by Ulysse. Ulysse's website external site - links will open in a new windowhttp://www.guidesulysse.com/

The "Dictionnaire québécois instantané" by Benoît Melançon, is published by Fides. The website external site - links will open in a new windowhttp://www.fides.qc.ca/dqi

French language films mentioned on today's program:
"Jean De Florette"
"Manon Des Sources"

March 12th, 2004

Louis Duchesne's site: external site - links will open in a new windowBaby names and surnames of today and yesterday

French language films mentioned on today's program:
"Le Placard"
"La Veuve de St. Pierre"
"Gaz bar blues"
"Les Invasions barbares"
"Les Boys"

March 5, 2004

external site - links will open in a new windowCine-langue - English as a second language lessons, using English language films:

French language film suggestions:
"Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain" (France)
"Le Dîner de cons" (France)
"Tanguy" (France)"
"La Grande Séduction" (Québec)

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February 6, 2004:

external site - links will open in a new window Office québécois de la langue française - you can find external site - links will open in a new windowles mots du Carnaval (Carnival words) - including a mini-glossary of words related to le Carnaval de Québec, as well as a link to external site - links will open in a new windowLe grand dictionnaire terminologique, an online dictionary of French terms.

January 23, 2004

external site - links will open in a new window Souverains Anonymes - radio program made by prisoners at Montreal's Bordeaux prison: external site - links will open in a new windowhttp://www.souverains.qc.ca/

To reach Pierre Anthian, who is making a film with the former Accueil Bonneau choir members, his e-mail address is: pierreanthian@msn.com

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December 19th, 2003

external site - links will open in a new windowCéline Dion: 1 filles et 4 types
external site - links will open in a new windowDumas: Le cours des jours (Tacca)
external site - links will open in a new windowStar Académie

Wilfred Lebouthillier
external site - links will open in a new windowJean Leloup: La vallée des réputations (Audiogram)
external site - links will open in a new windowDaniel Bélanger: Déflaboxe (Audiogram)
external site - links will open in a new windowAriane Moffatt
external site - links will open in a new windowLes Cowbous Fringants: Attache ta tuque (La tribu)
external site - links will open in a new windowLhasa - The Living Road (Audiogram)

Also, earlier in the season we spoke with Alain Lefevre, about his recording of André Mathieu's Concerto de Québec. Here is his external site - links will open in a new windowwebsite:


French writing correctors:
external site - links will open in a new windowCorrecteur 101
external site - links will open in a new windowAntidote

Children's games:
external site - links will open in a new windowADIBOU:
external site - links will open in a new windowLAPIN MALIN:

French Online stores:
external site - links will open in a new windowArchambault.ca
external site - links will open in a new windowRenaud Bray

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external site - links will open in a new windowLe Multidictionnaire de la langue française - 4e édition, by Marie-Eva de Villers. ISBN 2764402031:
external site - links will open in a new windowRenaud-Bray French online bookstore:
external site - links will open in a new windowWebsite where you can sign up to receive a free digital copy of "les 36 cordes sensibles des Quebecois" (in French):
external site - links will open in a new windowLa Chaise Bercante CD-Rom
external site - links will open in a new windowSucrerie de la montagne
external site - links will open in a new windowMartin Deschamps' website
external site - links will open in a new windowSite about Captain Joseph Elzéar Bernier
external site - links will open in a new windowKing's Daughters and Founding Mothers: The Filles du Roi, 1663-1673,  by Peter J. Gagné
external site - links will open in a new windowUniversité de Montréal genealogy site
external site - links will open in a new windowLes filles du roi, in alphabetical order
external site - links will open in a new windowBig Sugar
external site - links will open in a new window"Bacon, le film" a documentary, by Hugo Latulippe
external site - links will open in a new windowJorane
external site - links will open in a new windowQuebec-New York 2001
external site - links will open in a new windowCorno studio - paintings of the human body
external site - links will open in a new windowThe University of Western Ontario's Trois-Pistoles French Immersion School

June 8, 2001

Tourist attractions mentioned on C'est La Vie
external site - links will open in a new windowPort-au-Port Peninsula, Newfoundland
external site - links will open in a new windowFestival acadien de Caraquet, New Brunswick
external site - links will open in a new windowShediac Lobster Festival, New Brunswick
external site - links will open in a new windowParlee Beach, New Brunswick
external site - links will open in a new windowCelebrations of the Tricentennial, Windsor, Ontario
external site - links will open in a new windowSt. Pierre frog follies/les folies grenouilles, St. Pierre-Jolys, Manitoba
external site - links will open in a new windowSur les traces de Riel, St. Boniface, Manitoba
external site - links will open in a new windowMontreal International Jazz Festival, Quebec

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French language learning sites:

CBC Newsworld

external site - links will open in a new windowRadio France International
Click on: "La langue française sur RFI" for courses.

external site - links will open in a new windowTennesee Bob's French links
Tennessee Bob Peckham is Director of The Globe-Gate Project, University of Tennessee-Martin. He also has excellent external site - links will open in a new windowfrench grammar links.

external site - links will open in a new windowClicknet
a fantastic site from Swarthmore College, Pennsylvania

external site - links will open in a new windowThe French Tutorial
a free spoken French course.

external site - links will open in a new windowBrancher les familles Program (in English)
The Quebec government's program to get families on the internet

external site - links will open in a new windowBBC French education site
external site - links will open in a new windowMarie-Jo Thério's website
external site - links will open in a new windowLe Réseau international de la jeunesse
external site - links will open in a new windowOfficial Mi-Carême web page
external site - links will open in a new windowOntario's Regulation 17
external site - links will open in a new windowLe Droit newspaper
external site - links will open in a new windowVéronique Cloutier's website
external site - links will open in a new windowSEVEC - Society for Educational Visits and Exchanges in Canada
external site - links will open in a new windowDubmatique
external site - links will open in a new windowCanadian Parents for French
external site - links will open in a new windowLa Toile du Québec
external site - links will open in a new windowLe Monde de Mado

Two Statistics Canada pages on Internet access in Canada
external site - links will open in a new windowGeneral overview
external site - links will open in a new windowTable by province

external site - links will open in a new windowYour Mining Co. Guide to french-canadian culture
external site - links will open in a new windowCanadian Bilingual Dictionary Project
external site - links will open in a new windowTrace your French-Canadian genealogy
external site - links will open in a new windowLa fin du monde est a 7 heures
external site - links will open in a new windowThe Source/La Source newspaper in Vancouver
external site - links will open in a new windowWebTranslators.com
external site - links will open in a new windowwww.cspi.org - "The French they never taught you: Tips for Teaches And Advanced Students", by J.J. Binamé and P.G. Socken. For more information or purchase, see the Canadian Scholars' Press Inc website: click on French textbooks, and find the title in the list of books.

external site - links will open in a new windowCBC does not endorse and is not responsible for the content of external sites - links will open in a new window.

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November 28, 2003.
Ariane Moffatt's album is called "Aquanaute" (on the Audiogram label):
external site - links will open in a new windowhttp://www.audiogram.com/artist/arianemoffatt/

Muzion's latest album is called "J'rêvolutionne" (distributed by BMG Canada Inc):
external site - links will open in a new windowhttp://www.vikrecordings.com/muzion/

November 14, 2003

"Tales from Dog Island", by Françoise Enguehard, translated by Jo-Anne Elder. Published by Killick Press, 2002. It is a translation of "Les litanies de l'île-aux-chiens", by Françoise Enguehard.

March 1, 2002
Recipe for Beef Stew Français, from Jehane Benoît's Encyclopedia of Canadian Cuisine.

1 1/2 to 2 pounds beef, chuck or shoulder
2 tablespoons oil
1 tablespoon butter
1 large onion, minced
1 tablespoon flour
1 clove garlic
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/3 cup white wine
1 tablespoon tomato paste
1 cup water or consomme
1/8 teaspoon pepper
a pinch rosemary
a pinch thyme
1 bay leaf
1/4 chopped parsley

Cut the meat in 1 to 1 1/2-inch cubes. Chop the onion. Mince and crush the garlic with the salt using the flat of the knife. Heat the oil in a heavy metal saucepan, add the butter, when it is bubbling, add the meat and brown quickly over high heat. Remove from the fat and set aside. Remove the saucepan from the heat. Add the onions to the fat remaining in the pan. Stir over low heat until well coated with the fat. Add the flour and stir until a good brown colour. Remove from the heat. Add the garlic, wine, tomato paste, water or consomme, pepper, rosemary, thyme and bay leaf. Stir over medium heat, until boiling. Add the meat and the parsley. Cover and simmer 1 to 1 1/2 hours or until the meat is tender. Serve with mashed potatoes or boiled rice, garnished with parsley.

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November 2, 2001
audio fileOriginal French interview with Diane Dufresne

September 28, 2001
"L'Ange de goudron", a film by Denis Chouinard
"Bacon, le film", a documentary by Hugo Latulippe

September 21, 2001
"L'attentat", by Michel Auger, published by les Éditions Trait d'Union"

June 1, 2001
Marie-Jo Thério's recordings:
"La Maline" is her most recent recording. (Audiogram: ADCD 10128)
"Comme de la musique" is her first album. (GSI: GSIC-996)

February 23, 2001
SEVEC - Society for Educational Visits and Exchanges in Canada - 1 800 387 3832

February 2, 2001
"Le Roman colonial" essai de Daniel Poliquin, published by Les Éditions du Boréal.
The English translation, "In the Name of the Father", will be published in March by Douglas & MacIntyre.

January 5, 2001
The musician who collects folk songs from Southwestern Ontario is Marcel Bénéteau. He can be contacted at petitecote@hotmail.com.
Marcel Bénéteau's most recent album is:

"À la table de mes amis...
Vieilles chansons du Détroit vol. 3"

His other albums are:

"Les filles du Sandwich
Vieilles chansons du Détroit vol. 1"
Disques Pierre Côté (1992)

"Vieilles chansons du Détroit vol. 2"
Disques Pierre Côté (1995)

They are all available through APCM distribution: 1-800-465-2726
The most recent album is also available at HMV.

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December 22, 2000
Paul-Émile Léger - Le Prince de l'Église (Tome 1)
Paul-Émile Léger - Le dernier voyage (Tome 2)
- by Micheline Lachance, published by Les éditions de l'homme

December 1, 2000
Canadian Parents for French: 613-235-1481

November 10, 2000
"Le Pays de Bonheur d'occasion," Gabrielle Roy. Les Éditions du Boréal.

November 19, 1999
Marcel Ouellette's (of the Regroupement des editeurs Canadiens-français) suggested authors, from outside of Quebec.
Acadia: Hermènégilde Chiasson, governor general award winner for poetry. His poetry includes: "Conversations" "Climats" (available in English translation)
Françoise Enguehard, novelist: "Les litanies de l'île-aux-chiens"
France Daigle: novelist: "Chronique d'une naissance annoncée", "Pas pire", "La vraie vie" (all three translated by Anansi Press) Ontario:
Jean-Marc Dalpé, governor general award winning playwrite: "Il n'y a que l'amour" < Patrice Desbiens, poet: "Rouleaux de printemps"
Maurice Henrie, novelist: "Pleurs d'hiver". Short stories: "La Savoyane" West:
Roger Léveillé, poet: "Une passion si simple", "Les fêtes de l'infini" November 12, 1999

The Canadian history book by John Meisel and Guy Rocher mentioned in the program is called: As I Recall/Si je me souviens bien (the English language version) Si je me souviens bien/As I Recall (the French language version). It is edited and published by the IRPP - the Institute for Research on Public Policy - and it is available at Chapters locations across the country. The author is listed as the IRPP.

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