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Info-Guide - Innovation, Research and Development

Last Verified: 2006-08-29

This document is an Info-Guide designed to help you navigate you through different federal, provincial, municipal and private programs and services available for innovation, research and development projects. It has been prepared by Info entrepreneurs from information provided by Canada Business to answer growing business demand for strategic information. While most of your questions will be answered in this document, it is not intended to be exhaustive. Further information can be obtained by contacting Info entrepeneurs at 514 496-4636, Ressources Entreprises at 418 649-4636 or, across the province, at 1-800-322-4636. 


1. Financial Assistance
     1.1 Research and Development (R&D) Tax Credit
     1.2 Federal Programs
     1.3 Provincial Programs
2. Technical Assistance
3. Links of Interest


1.1   Research and Development (R&D) Tax Credits

Research and Development (R&D) Tax Credit
Research and Development activities in Québec benefit from strong taxation incentives - some of the most attractive in the world. R&D encompasses scientific research and experimental development. Experimental development involves work on creating or improving materials, devices, products or processes. All sectors are eligible.

The Canada Revenue Agency offers free public information seminars that provide a general overview of the program, explaining the program's eligibility criteria, what expenditures are eligible, and how to file a SR&ED claim. The seminars are offered from different places in Québec and Canada.Visit the Web site at:

For futher information, call 514 496-1317, 418 648-7151, or 1-866-204-0101 ext. 648-7151 or visit the Web site at:

Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) Program
The federal government provides income tax incentives to encourage Canadian businesses, including small business and start-up firms, in all sectors to develop technologically advanced products and processes in Canada. Claimants can apply for SR&ED investment tax credits for expenditures such as wages, materials, machinery, equipment, some overhead, and SR&ED contracts. For further information, see the document  Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED;) Program, call at 1-800-959-7775, or visit the Web site at:

Other Tax Measures: Ministère du Développement économique, de l'Innovation et de l'Exportation (MDEIE)

Validation certificate for the refundable tax credit for pre-competitive research projects
This tax measure is designed to encourage enterprises to group together to conduct pre-competitive research projects, the implementation of which is set out in a cooperative agreement. It is aimed at businesses that establish their knowledge base by drawing on the development of technological expertise. Assistance is in the form of a tax credit covering up to 35% of all current and capital expenditures related to scientific research activities, under Québec income tax legislation.

Validation certificate for pre-competitive research consortiums
This tax measure is designed to encourage enterprises in the same or related economic sectors to participate in or set up pre-competitive research consortiums. Enterprises which are members of a recognized research consortium may obtain a refundable tax credit of up to 35% of the contributions or fees paid to the consortium that are reasonably attributable to the scientific research and experimental development undertaken in Québec.

Tax holiday for foreign researchers and foreign experts
The objective of the tax holiday is to help employers who have difficulty finding in Québec, or elsewhere in Canada, researchers or experts having the skills required to meet the employers' needs with respect to scientific research and experimental development or the carrying out of activities focused on commercializing the results of these activities. The assistance is awarded in the form of a tax holiday, which is limited to a single period of a maximum of 60 months and which applies to wages paid for these activities conducted in Québec.

For further information on these measures and to obtain application forms, please consult the MDEIE Web site at: or contact the Ministère at 514 873-8330 or 1-877-511-5889.

Biotechnology Development Centres - Investissement Québec
Biotechnology development centres (CDB) are intended to assemble enterprises in designated buildings in order to foster the establishment and growth of businesses engaged in operations involving innovation in biotechnology, promote the creation of scientific centres that help to maximize synergy and cooperation, and ensure that such businesses locate in buildings adapted to their needs. For further information, call at 1-866-870-0437 or visit de Web site at: Biotechnology development centres

1.2   Federal Programs

Canada's Innovation Strategy
The strategy outlines the factors that will drive economic growth and social development over the next decade. The papers highlight the goals, milestones and targets that will improve innovation, skills and learning in Canada. For further information, call 1-800-622-6232, see the document  Canada's Innovation Strategy or visit the Web site at: Canada's Innovation Strategy

IDEA-SME Program
This program provides financial support to small and medium-sized businesses under the following components:

- innovation and productivity;
- export market development;
- entrepreneurship and business climate;
- testing and experimentation to enhance natural resources.

Financial assistance is based on a cost-sharing approach and is repayable. Assistance provided shall not normally exceed 50% of approved costs. You can contact CED's network of advisors for more details at 514 283-2500 or 418 648-4826 or 1-800-463-5204 or see the document IDEA-SME Program or visit the Web site at: IDEA-SME Program

Technology Partnerships Canada (TPC)
Technology Partnerships Canada (TPC) is a technology investment fund. TPC advances and supports research, development and innovation in: environmental technologies; enabling technologies (advanced manufacturing and processing technologies, advanced materials processes and applications, applications of biotechnology, and applications of selected information technologies); aerospace and defence. For further information, contact the TPC office at 613 954-0870 (Hull-Ottawa region) or at 1-800-266-7531, consult the document Technology Partnerships Canada or visit the Web site at:

Industrial Research Assistance Program (IRAP)
Through IRAP, the National Research Council (NRC) aims to help Canadian SMEs meet the technological challenges they face in delivering new products, processes or services. IRAP offers a range of services designated to help SMEs access key resources, expert advice, new technologies, testing facilities, and financial assistance at the right time and in the right place. IRAP may fund up to 50% of certain project research and development costs. Depending on the complexity of the project, funding generally ranges from $5 000 to a maximum of $350 000. Examples of eligible activities include: technical feasibility studies; small-scale R&D, subcontracted or in-house; outside technical assistance; advancing unproven technology to the point of performance testing and the validation stages prior to marketing. For further information, call 450 641-5300 and 1-877-994-4727 in Montréal, 418 648-3419 in Québec, consult the document NRC Industrial Research Assistance Program (NRC-IRAP) or visit the Web site at:

Technology Inflow Partnership Program (TIP)
This joint program, offered by the Department of International Trade Canada (ITCan) and the National Research Council (NRC), helps Canadian SMEs access Canadian or foreign technology and help develop R&D partnerships. The assistance consists of financial and/or technical support. The maximum financial contribution is $10 000. For further information, contact the NRC at 450 641-5300, 1-877-994-4727 in Montréal, 418 648-3419 or 1-800-977-PARI (9274) in Québec or visit the Web site at: Technology Inflow Program

Business Development Bank of Canada
BDC plays a leadership role in delivering timely and relevant financial and management services, with a particular focus on the emerging and exporting sectors of the economy. BDC is dedicated to helping create and develop Canadian small and medium-sized businesses.

The Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC) offers a variety of flexible terms and conditions, such as stepped principal payments, seasonal payments, and in some cases deferred principal repayment.

Financial Services
- Growth Capital for Aboriginal Business;
- Innovation Financing Solution;
- Term Financing Solution;
- Tourism Investment Fund;
- Venture Capital;
- Productivity Plus Financing Solution.

The BDC has also concluded strategic alliance with National Bank in order to help innovative businesses. For further information, contact the nearest BDC office or call 1-888-INFO-BDC (1-888-463-6232). Consult the document  Business Development Bank of Canada or visit the Web site at: Business Development Bank of Canada

The Idea to Innovation program (I2I)
The objective of the Idea to Innovation program (I2I) is to accelerate the pre-competitive development of promising technology and promote its transfer to Canadian companies.  The program supports research and development projects with recognized technology transfer potential by providing crucial assistance to university researchers in the early stages of technology validation and market connection.  For further information about eligibility criteria or examples of research and development activities or eligible technology transfer ideas, visit the following Web site: or call at 613 947-9485.

1.3   Provincial Programs

Fonds d'investissement en développement durable (FIDD)
The FIDD is a limited partnership sponsored by the Fonds d'action québécois pour le développement durable (FAQDD), Fondaction, the Fonds de développement de la CSN pour la coopération et l'emploi and the Fonds de solidarité FTQ. The creation of this $18 million fund will allow the financing of businesses committed to the development and marketing of technologies and products that support sustainable development. For further information, call at 514 495-1022 or visit the Web site at: (In French only)

Precarn-CRIM Alliance
Designed to meet the needs of small business (less than 50 employees and under 5$ million in revenues), the Precarn-CRIM Alliance awards funding of up to $200 000 for projects involving cooperation between private companies, research organizations and the academic community. These projects must yield subsantial technological innovations in intelligent systems, while producing commercial applications offering economic and social benefits. For further information, contact the CRIM at 514 840-1234 or visit the Web site at:

Programs from the ministère du Développement économique de l'Innovation et de l'Exportation (MDEIE)
As a partner in the research and innovation sector, the MDEIE has been mandated to prepare a comprehensive, overall vision of scientific and technological development in Québec and to establish strategic orientations.

Research assistance program
This program is divided into three components, which are designed to support projects or initiatives in the research and innovation fields. It is intented for non-profit organizations, public research institutions, health and education networks and businesses.

Component 1: Assistance for research projects or for strategic research organisation and groups
The eligible projects include structuring initiatives in the area of research development assistance; projects geared to developing research in clusters with potential for the economic, social and cultural development; projects that foster creation, development or strengthening of research partnerships or networks, etc. The assistance for research or networking projects or activities is in the form of a non-refundable financial contribution represents up to 80 % of eligible expenses. Other criteria and conditions apply. For further information, call 514 873-8330 ext.5019, or 1-877-511-5899.

Component 2: Financial assistance for research infrastructures
The eligible projects include infrastructure repair, enlargement, renovation and construction project; projects to acquire the structuring equipment needed for research, innovation, and research promotion and dissemination activities. The financial assistance represents up to 80 % of eligible costs and is a non-refundable contribution. Other criteria and conditions apply. For further information, call 418 646-4805 or 1-877-511-5889.

Component 3: Assistance for international research and innovation initiatives
The eligible projects include ensuring the linkage and visibility of research and innovation; elaborating international projects; participating in joint international research and innovation projects; etc. The financial assistance represents up to 50 % of eligible costs. Other criteria and conditions apply. For further information, call 514 873-8330 ext. 3403, or 1-877-511-5889. 

For further information, visit the Web site at:

Development and transfer assistance program
This program is intented to meet the needs of universities, colleges, large public institutions and of certain non-profit organizations that play a key role in the development of research results, and the transfer of knowledge. It is composed of two components: 

Component 1: Assistance for recognized liaison and tranfer organizations
Applies to college centres for the transfer of technology and to liaison an transfer centres (CLTs).

Component 2: Assistance for social innovation and structuring development and transfert projects
Applies to non-profit organizations specialized in social, economic or technological development; legally incorporated in the development and transfer of research results; and public and parapublic agencies. The financial assistance may cover up between 50 % and 80 % of eligible costs. Other criteria and conditions apply.

For further information, call the 514 864-6225, 418 646-6795, or 1-877-511-5889, or visit the Web site at:

SMB Financial - Investissement Québec
Investissement Québec finance or guarantee loan for innovative projects generating economic spin-off benefits for Québec. It also supports businesses that are starting up. Under this program, the SDI offers guaranteed and regular loans (the guarantee varies depending on the project) to cover all expenses including working capital (up to 75% of eligible expenses or R&D credit). The minimum loan is $50 000. Manufacturing, recycling and information technology firms, exporters of products or services, research laboratories, call centres and also certain tourism projects are eligible for the program. For further information, call 1-866-870-0437 or visit the Web site at: SMB Financial

Assistance program for businesses – Ministère du Développement économique, de l’Innovation et de l’Exportation (MDEIE)
This program offered by the Ministère du Développement économique, de l’Innovation et de l’Exportation (MDEIE) is a project for developping the business. It is elaborated jointly and the financial assistance is granted for certain acitivities. The program also supports projects submitted by a group of businesses. Three types of projects are eligible:

Business development projects

Project : Market development
Project : Innovation and adaptation to change

These projects must be part of a structured approach and in line with the business’s development strategy. For businesses, the assistance is awarded in the form on a non-refundable contribution of up to 40 % of eligible expenses. For specialized collaborative networks, an assistance of up to 50 % of eligible expenses may be awarded.Other conditions may apply. For further information, call at 1-866-463-6642 or visit the Web site at:

Projects specific to businesses

Technology Showcase : Demonstration of a new product or process
This program is designed to help SMEs to market new technological innovation developed in Québec and for which demonstration in real time operation is necessary. The showcase can be demonstrated in Québec or in a foreign country. The assistance is a subsidy of up to 40 % of eligible expenses to a maximum of $ 350 000. Other conditions may apply. For further information call 418 691-5698, ext. 5809, 1-866-463-6642 or visit the Web site at:

Feasibility study of an investment project
This program is aim to support companies or groups of companies who wish to carry out an industrial project in Quebec. The MDEIE's non-refundable contribution of up to 40% of eligible expenses, without exceeding $ 50 000 covers technical or economic parameters, addition of equipment or machines, construction of new facilities. For further information, contact the MDEIE at 418 691-5698, ext. 5809, or 1-866-463-6642, or visit the Web site at:

Projects involving more than three businesses

For specilized collaborative networks, projects eligible must be related to knowledge sharing, the adoption of better business practices; the implementation of a technology or a new production technique; the development of a new market, a new product or industrial strategies, and the promotion of fashion and industrial design. Other conditions may apply. For further information, contact the MDEIE at 1-866-463-6642 or visit the Web site at:

Aide aux projets – Accueil - Ministère de la Culture et des Communications
The goal of this program is to improve the quality and increase the offer of cultural and communication goods, activities, and services in the various sectors served by the ministry throughout Quebec. It also aims to promote innovation, experimentation, and the renewal of creativity.  The program offers financial assistance covering up to 75% of the eligible expenses linked to the project. Some conditions apply. For further information, call at 514 873-2255, 418 380-2346 or 1-888-380-8882 or visit the Web site at: (In French only)

Energy Technologies Development Support Program (known as Programme d'aide au développement des technologies de l'énergie - PADTE )
Technical and/or financial assistance is available for any research, development or demonstration project (maximum contribution $300 000) and feasibility studies (maximum contribution $100 000) directed towards efficient use of energy, development of Québec's energy resources, or reduction of Québec's dependence on external sources of energy, while respecting the environment. Firms, organizations, research centres and universities located in Québec are eligible. For further information, contact the ministère des Ressources naturelles et de la Faune du Québec (MRN) at 418 627-6380 or 1-866-248-6936. Visit the Web site at: (In French only)

Fonds de recherche sur la nature et les technologies
The Fonds de recherche sur la nature et les technologies is managed by the ministère du Développement économique, de l'Innovation et de l'Exportation (MDEIE). The Fonds is responsible in developing the research and the training for the research in the fields of natural science, mathematics and engineering. It supports all fields of university research in Québec by awarding grants and bursaries to researchers. For futher information, call 418 643-8560. Visit the Web site at: (In French only)


Canadian Technology Network (CTN)
The Canadian Technology Network (CTN) offers technological and business advisory services to small and medium-sized companies in all sectors. The CTN provides a wide variety of information which makes it easy for you to link up with other technology related organizations.The CTN offers a personalized, confidential one-on-one service. For further information on the CTN, call 514 496-4636 or at 1-888-286-0001, consult the document Canadian Technology Network or visit the Web site at:

CTN's Quorum
Quorum is a group of suppliers of private-sector services affiliated with the Canadian Technology Network. The group's mission is to provide easier access for SMEs to suppliers of private-sector services related to innovation. The Web site is a tool for quickly and efficiently locating private-sector professionals, highly qualified staff in all business management fields, and technology and innovation specialists. For further information, call at 514 875-1888 or visit the Web site at: (In French Only)

Innovation Insights
Giving Canadian executives a chance to see how others meet manufacturing challenges is the goal behind the program sponsered by Manufacturers & Exporters Canada and the National Research Council - Industrial Research Assistance Program (NRC/IRAP). The goal of these "shop floor" visits is to prompt Canadian firms to increase their competitiveness. For further information, call 1-800-999-4129, consult the document  NRC Industrial Research Assistance Program (NRC-IRAP) or visit the Web site at: Innovation Insights

Association de la recherche industrielle du Québec - ADRIQ
The ADRIQ network is the primary business group for new economy business leaders. Its mission is to encourage and support the performance and success of innovative new economy Quebec businesses in every industrial sector. For further information, call ADRIQ at 514 337-3001 or visit the Web site at: ADRIQ

Business networks
Extensive foreign experience has shown that the establishment of business networks can spectacularly affect the performance of the businesses involved. Networking makes the economies of scale of the large firm available to small businesses while preserving the advantages of smallness, i.e. innovation, productivity and entrepreneurship. For further information on this subject, consult the following Web sites (In French only): or

Smart Practices Innovation Network (RIN)
The Smart Practices Innovation Network pursues the activities of the Réseau québécois sur l'étude et la promotion des systèmes d'innovation (RQSI). The network is first of all a group of persons who have an interest in the innovation process and regional development. Secondly, it is an intelligence gathering tool through which these persons can stay up-to-date on the best innovative practices and economic development in OECD countries. It is finally an extensive database that repertories initiatives, practices, public policies, research programs and documents on innovation and regional economic development. For further information, contact the RIN at 418 656-2131 ext. 3523 or visit the Web site at:

Technological and Strategic Intelligence
Given the ever-increasing mass of information and the strategic need for this information to be processed quickly, an intelligence service can save the firm a great deal of time and money. It can provide information of vital importance to the making of decisions concerning its development, e.g., for new product launches, new market penetration, technology acquisitions, new research and development activity start-ups, and so on. For further information and to obtain a list of the Intelligence Centres in Québec, please consult  Info-Guide - Technological and Strategic Intelligence.

Canadian Centre for Housing Technology (CCHT)
The CCHT is a unique full-scale test facility where innovative products can be evaluated in a complete and realistic housing system. The CCHT can also assess alternative construction techniques on additional serviced lots. The CCHT is a technology showcase where industry can get exposure to both domestic and foreign markets. For further  information, call 613 993-9708, 1-800-668-2642 or consult the document  Canadian Centre for Housing Technology or visit the Web site at:

Maison des hautes technologies
The "Maison des hautes technologies" consolidates organizations dedicated to the promotion and advancement of high technology in an attempt to simplify steps taken by "technological" entrepreneurs everywhere in Québec but particularly in Montréal. For further information, call 514 840-1291 or visit the Web site at: Maison des hautes technologies (In French only)

Québec Biotechnology Innovation Centre (QBIC)
QBIC, a non-profit organization, is a specialized incubator for start-up companies in the biotechnology sector. The Centre provides entrepreneurs-researchers, from Québec and elsewhere, with an environment conducive to research and development activities. For further information, call 450 688-8377 or visit the Web site at: Québec Biotechnology Innovation Centre

An incubator for businesses involved in technological innovation, the Centre offers a two-year program of guidance. The fees for the program are determined by the percentage of sales from the second year onward. To be eligible, a company must be operating in a high-tech sector, offer a product with a high degree of technological innovation and be on the verge of marketing. For further information, call 514 987-9550, 418 657-6555 or 1-877-987-9550 or visit the Web site at: Inno-centre

College technology transfer centres
The main clients of the College technology transfer centres are small businesses that rely on their specialists for support  in implementing technology changes. These centres, each in a  specific sector of Quebec's economy, are active in the fields of applied research, technical assistance, business information, and community development. For further information, contact the Réseau trans-tech at 418 653-6763 or visit the Web site at: Réseau Trans-Tech (in French only)

The academic and business communities have come together to create the Programme de recherche orientée en microélectronique, photonique et télécommunications du Québec (PROMPT-Québec), an organisation for co-ordinating research and training. PROMPT-Québec is committed to implementing a program that will foster strategic bilateral relationships by pairing businesses in the information technology and communications sector with university researchers working in fields relevant to business' specific needs. For further information, call 514 875-0072 or visit the Web site at: Prompt Québec

Consortium for Research and Innovation in Aerospace in Québec (CRIAQ)
CRIAQ is a non profit consortium whose goals are to bolster and carry out joint precompetitive aerospace research projects. Seven universities and most of the champions of the Québec aerospace industry are part of the consortium. For further information, call 514 313-7561 or visit the Web site at: Consortorium for Research and Innovation in Aerospace QC

Fastforward : An Innovation Guide for Small and Medium Enterprises
For companies to succeed in the 21st century, they will have to become increasingly innovative. ACOA is working to encourage and assist small and medium-sized enterprises to become more innovative in the development of new products, services and technologies. Fastforward: An Innovation Guide for Small and Medium Enterprises has been designed to assist entrepreneurs in this process. Visit the Web site at: Innovation

Institut de développement de produits
An exchange, training and awareness network and a top reference for heads of industrial companies and engineering, production and marketing professionals whose activities revolve around product design and development. For further information call at 514 383-3209 or visit the Web site at:  (In French only)


Innovation in Canada Portal
This portal is a comprehensive inventory of the best links to universities, public laboratories, municipal agencies and businesses across Canada who can help you with your innovations. You  can use our diagnostic tools to help you zero in on your innovation needs, you can find out about hundreds of subjects related to innovation an how to improve your chances of success, and you can access our lists of innovation experts, researchers and technology experts either in your own community or across Canada. Visit the Web site at:

Agribionet is an international, electronic, interactive business network contributing to the economic development and expansion of players in the biofood sector.

Benchmarking and business performance assessment (BALISE)
This Web site is dedicated to benchmarking. Inside, you will find "Balise", a unique tool that can be used to assess the performance of businesses. This tool allows executives of manufacturing SMEs, as well as strategic workers, to gain free exposure to comparative analysis, one of the best business practices. Visit the Web site at: (In French only)

Federal Partners for Technology Transfer Web Site
The Federal Partners for Technology Transfer (FPTT) bring together science-based departments and agencies on issues related to the transfer of technology:

Industrial R & D Index
The Institut de la statistique du Québec (ISQ) created a directory to inventory the number of Québec companies conducting activities in the area of research and development. Visit the Web site at:

Micro-Economic Policy Analysis
The purpose of the special report "Trends in R&D, Patents and Other Measures of Innovation" by the Micro-Economic Policy Analysis Branch, Industry Canada is to provide a comprehensive overview of trends in research and development (R&D), patents, and other measures of innovation in Canada's private and public sectors, industries and provinces:

Québec Directory of Public Research
This directory lists scientists in all fields of research that further the growth and international stature of Québec. It clearly shows the scope and diversity of Québec research and fosters communication between researchers, industry and knowledge-based partners here at home and around the world. Visit the Web site at:

Technology Roadmaps
Technology Roadmapping is a planning process driven by the projected needs of tomorrow's markets. It helps companies to identify, select, and develop technology options to satisfy future service, product or operational needs. Via the process, companies in a given sector can pool their resources and work together with academia and governments, to look from 2-10 years into the future and determine what their specific market will require. Consult the document  Technology Roadmaps or visit the Web site at: Technology Roadmaps

Discover many other documents, tools and interesting links pertaining to the "Innovation / R&D cluster" in the Tool Box, What You Must Know and Links of Interest sections of our Website. 

Information contained in this document is of a general nature only and is not intended to constitute advice for any specific fact situation. Users concerned about the reliability of the information should consult directly with the source, or seek legal counsel.

Links Policy
Some of the hypertext links lead to non-federal government sites which are not subject to the Official Languages Act and the material is available in one language only.

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Last Modified: 2006-08-29 Important Notices