The Pay Equity Commission is an agency of the Government of Ontario.  Pay Equity Commission Logo

1.  Full day seminars / Achieving and maintaining pay equity / Job-to-Job and Proportional Value (PV):

For: Public and private sector organizations
Using: "Job-to-Job" and "Proportional Value" methods of comparison
Time: 9:00 am - 4:30 pm
Location: Toronto
Content: A hands-on workshop that will walk you through a fictional company's pay equity process and offer you a sample template for your company. Develop skills to do pay equity yourself, identify your company's pay equity steps, and explore scenarios for maintaining pay equity plans.

2.  Full day seminars / Achieving and maintaining pay equity / Proxy comparison method:

For: Public sector organizations
Using: "Proxy" method of comparison
Time: 9:00 am - 4:30 pm
Location: Toronto
Content: To book a session for this seminar please call the Pay Equity Office or register for a teleconference.                nbsp;              

3.  Full day workshops / Achieving and maintaining pay equity or Job evaluation / Job-to-Job, Proportional Value and Proxy:

For: Private and public sector organizations
Using: "Job-to-Job", "Proportional Value" and "Proxy" methods of comparison
Time: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Delivery: Teleconferencing
Content: Overviews of 2-6 hours each on the basic steps to achieving and maintaining pay equity or on gender neutrality and job evaluation. Educational materials will be forwarded to registrants prior to the start of the session.

4.  Info sessions for women:

For: Women, women's groups or associations
Time: From 1 - 4 hours
Content: This session will provide suggestions on steps working women can take to address and improve their situation should they consider their work is undervalued and underpaid.
To register: If you are interested in attending this workshop or if your group would like to host a session like this one for employees and women in your area, contact us.

5.  Presentations upon request:

For: Your organization or your conference
Time: From 1 hour to a full day
Content: The presenter will tailor the content of the session to the needs of the group or to the focus of the conference.
To book a presenter: To discuss your information needs and to book a session, please contact the Pay Equity Office.

See the seminar / workshop schedule

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© Copyright information: Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2002.

Last modified: September 25, 2006