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Canadian Air Transport Security Authority / Administration canadienne de la sûreté du transport aérie Government of Canada
The Canadian Air Transport Security Authority

Using Search

Word searching | Phrase searching | Truncation | Boolean operators

At its simplest, a query can be just a word or a phrase. But with the tips on this page, you can change the focus of your query to give you more precise results. These tips will get you started with basic query language and acquaint you with the power of the search engine.

Word searching

Type one or more key words separated by the operator AND (see below for more information on the use of Boolean operators).


The above example will give a list of documents containing both airport and security. The documents containing the most instances of the key words will appear at the top of the search results list.

Phrase searching

Type key words together to ensure that the search results contain only perfect matches (the same words in the same order).


The above example will give results containing the phrase tips for travellers.

Put quotation marks around keywords if your query contains one of the Boolean operators and you want Index Server to take them literally.


The above example will give results containing the phrase Vice-President and Chief Operation Officer.


Replace the ending of a key word with an asterisk (*) as a wild card character to retrieve documents containing variant root word endings.


The above example will retrieve documents containing the variations bag, bags, baggage, etc.

Boolean operators

Are used to combine key words into one search.

Operator  Description  Examples 
Adds mandatory criteria to the search. Finds documents that have all of the specified words. 

Antarctica AND mountain climb 

Finds only documents containing both Antarctica and mountain climb plus all the stemmed variants, such as mountain climbing.

Finds documents that do not contain a specific word or phrase. 

Note: You can use NOT to modify the OR or the AND operator.

surf AND NOT beach 

Finds documents containing the word surf but not the word beach.

Adds optional criteria to the search. Finds any document that contains at least one of the search values.  apples OR oranges 

Finds documents containing either apples or oranges.

The Canadian Air Transport Security Authority
Last modified:  2006-05-31 Important Notices
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