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Canadian Air Transport Security Authority / Administration canadienne de la sûreté du transport aérie Government of Canada
Canadian Air Transport Security Authority

CATSA Newsletter

January 2003

CATSA Takes Over Pre-Board Screening
New Screening Equipment Will Destroy Film in Checked Baggage
CATSA's President & CEO and V.P. of Operations Visit West Coast Airports
CATSA's Certification Advisors Meet in Ottawa
The Secret of Their Success – Three Former Pre-Board Screening Officers Become CATSA Advisors
Happy New Year From CATSA Headquarters
CATSA Feedback

CATSA Takes Over Pre-Board Screening

On December 31, 2002, the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority (CATSA) assumed operational responsibility for pre-board screening (PBS) at all major Canadian airports. Transport Minister David Collenette and Mr. Jacques Duchesneau, President and Chief Executive Officer of CATSA confirmed the Authority's takeover at a ceremony in Toronto on December 19, 2002.

CATSA's President and CEO Mr. Jacques Duchesneau at the December 19th certification ceremony

“Today's announcement marks another important step in the Government of Canada's ongoing commitment to enhance aviation security in our country,” said Mr. Collenette.

Since its creation on April 1, 2002, CATSA has been working toward assuming these responsibilities. The exhaustive preparations included comprehensive courses for all 3,000 screening officers in Canada, to upgrade their training and standardize service across the country. The courses consisted of computer-based training which allows screening officers to simulate many of their day-to-day activities, such as operation of the PBS X-ray machines. CATSA's training program uses state-of-the-art technology and is founded on the principle of continuous improvement.

Minister of Transport, the Honourable David Collenette, and Mr. Duchesneau award graduation certificates to PBS officers

“I would like to thank the airlines for their many years of service for pre-board screening security. As CATSA assumes full responsibility, it is also a time to acknowledge the efforts of our screening officers, who have demonstrated their abilities and professionalism in carrying out their duties to help protect the travelling public,” said Mr. Collenette.

In addition to the upgraded training required by current screening officers, CATSA has developed an in-depth, multi-level training program for new screening officers effective January 1, 2003. At the ceremony, Minister Collenette and Mr. Duchesneau were pleased to award graduation certificates to one of the last groups of screening officers to complete the upgrade training.

“CATSA is proud of the quality of our newly developed world-class training program and of these men and women who are an integral part of the service we provide. I am very pleased to recognize the efforts of everyone involved in getting the Authority to this point in such a short period of time,” concluded Mr. Duchesneau.

New Security Equipment Damages Camera Film

CATSA has deployed and will continue to deploy new screening equipment for checked baggage at Canadian airports. This new equipment will damage camera film. Digital disks will not be affected by this new equipment.

One of the Explosives Detection Systems used in Canadian airports for checked baggage screening
Passengers are advised to pack their film in their carry-on baggage. The equipment used at pre-board screening (PBS) areas will not damage film under 800 ISO/ASA. Most amateur photographers use film in the 100-400 ISO/ASA range. However, multiple exposures (more than 5 times) of the same roll of film to PBS x-ray inspection may cause damage. If passengers are concerned about their film, once they have placed it in their carry-on baggage, they may request a hand search at the PBS area.

“The security of passengers is our top priority. Canadians recognize the importance of enhanced air security measures and the requirement to make certain modifications. We are very appreciative of the support, understanding and cooperation of passengers, airlines and airports as we work together to enhance air security in Canada”, said Jacques Duchesneau, President and Chief Executive Officer of CATSA.

CATSA representatives have been informing travellers they can request a hand search of their film equipment at PBS points. Screening officers are encouraged to comply with the request providing that it does not compromise or jeopardize CATSA's air security policy and procedures.

This new screening equipment is consistent with the types of equipment being deployed across the United States and around the world.

CATSA's President & CEO and V.P. of Operations Meet with CATSA's Stakeholders in Western Canada

From January 5th to 8th, CATSA's President and CEO Jacques Duchesneau and Vice-President of Operations, Mark Duncan, met with CATSA's stakeholders in Western Canada to discuss a number of issues pertaining to air security and CATSA's mandate. Mr. Duchesneau and Mr. Duncan toured some of Canada's western airports where they had a chance to see the changes CATSA has made and continues to make in personnel and equipment at pre-board screening points.

“At all the airports, the pre-board screening officers were very professional and showed pride for their job. There were many positive comments on the Level 3 Upgrade training. The screening officers are also looking forward to their new uniforms (update in February issue),” says Mr. Duncan.

Among the airports Mr. Duchesneau and Mr. Duncan visited were Victoria International Airport, Vancouver International Airport, Kelowna International Airport, Kamloops Airport, Edmonton International Airport and Winnipeg International Airport. Both Mr. Duchesneau and Mr. Duncan thank CATSA's stakeholders, regional managers and screening officers for their time and input and are looking forward to visiting other airports across the country in the near future.

Pre-board screening officers at Winnipeg International Airport greet CATSA's President & CEO Jacques Duchesneau Mr. Duchesneau and Richard Paquette, CEO of Victoria International Airport

Mr. Duchesneau discusses pre-board screening with screening officers at Edmonton International Airport Mr. Duchesneau and CATSA's Regional Manager Dave Dickie pose with two PBS officers at the Winnipeg International Airport

CATSA's Certification Advisors Attend Workshop in Ottawa

On January 6th, CATSA's Certification Advisors met in Ottawa for a 12-day workshop where they were introduced to CATSA's Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), the legislative framework of civil aviation security as well as certification procedures for Level 1, 2, and 3 of pre-board screening training. CATSA's Certification Advisors are responsible for certifying future pre-board screening officers. The certification process includes a written test followed by an on-site examination.

Speakers at the 12-day workshop included CATSA's Vice-President of Operations Mark Duncan, General Manager of Operations Dave Smith, and CATSA's Director of Certification and Training Tom Hodge.

CATSA's Certification and Training Advisors at CATSA's training centre in Ottawa's International Airport

The Secret of their success - Three Former Pre-Board Screening Officers become CATSA Training and Certification Advisors

When Glen Pettinger received a call from CATSA's Director of Certification and Training, Tom Hodge, last October asking him to join CATSA's team as a Training Advisor, he had the same gut feeling he felt when his coach asked him to play for his college football team over twenty years ago.

“After getting off the phone with Tom, I knew that a dream I had for so long was about to come true. I knew that my hard work was finally paying off,” says Pettinger.

CATSA's Training Advisor Glen Pettinger and Certification Advisors Grace Watson and Sido Ourad

Two months later and three provinces away from his hometown of Kelowna, B.C., Pettinger is sitting in his Ottawa office surrounded by piles of binders and folders. A little frazzled by the changes, he smiles and says he still can't believe he's here.

“It's such an honour to be here. It was a long road but definitely worth it. When I first started in pre-board screening, I never thought that one day I would be giving advice on how to make the system better. I'm glad to be in a position to assist CATSA in enhancing
Canada's pre-board screening system.”

Glen's responsibilities as Training Advisor include sharing his expertise and advice on all levels of PBS training with CATSA service providers. But according to Glen, his advice is of no value if pre-board screening officers do not take pride in their work.

“I want pre-board screening officers to love what they do. My goal is to motivate them. If I can contribute one new thing to the team, I'm helping enhance pre-board screening in Canada.”

Having worked in the pre-board screening field for almost two decades, from pre-board screening officer to security trainer to Regional Operational Manager, Glen emphasizes that screening officers are people who are working in the field because they love it. He says his role now is to relay this message to the service providers.

And who better to help him do so than Grace Watson, one of CATSA's new Certification Advisors. Having worked in the pre-board screening field for almost 10 years as PBS officer, supervisor and trainer, Grace is the perfect example of someone who has great respect and integrity for the pre-board screening field. She believes her hard work and respect for her job are what got her where she is today.

“You have to prove yourself in this industry; and I believe I did. That's why I'm here. I heard so much about CATSA, the people, the changes and I'm looking forward to all of it,” she says.

Grace says travellers are already noticing the changes since CATSA took over pre-board screening and she is proud to be part of this process.

“Customers are very impressed with the change in equipment. Many say they really feel safe flying. I believe CATSA will make a difference. We need more training, more supervision, more consistency. And I'll try my best to help make these changes,” she says.

When asked how she envisions her new job, she says it's simple: She wants to give back what was once given to her by great supervisors, supervisors like Sido Ourad, another CATSA Certification Advisor and Grace's former boss.

Sitting beside her, Sido is watching his former employee, nodding in agreement. Prior to joining CATSA, Sido was a pre-board screening supervisor and trainer at Pearson International Airport. A little sad to have left his team at Pearson, he says he hopes he'll be of help to future teams across the country.

“Every person hired by CATSA has something to offer, whether it's in pre-board screening or another field pertinent to aviation security. In my case, it's pre-board screening and I'm going to make sure that our new pre-board screening officers offer their best and in return get the best training available,” he says.

Certification Advisors' responsibilities include monitoring, certifying, and recertifying pre-board screening officers and supervisors at airports across the country.

Tom Hodge, CATSA's Director of Certification and Training, is confident CATSA has the best team and training program to help enhance pre-board screening and therefore air security at Canada's airports.

“There's nothing better than having people who have lived the experience. When we are developing policies and procedures, it's helpful to have input from people with the background. There's merit in consulting stakeholders but there's even more merit in having stakeholders be part of our team,” says Tom.

Glen Pettinger is fixing his tie for his CATSA NEWS photo. While practicing his smile, he mentions how glad he is that CATSA is recognizing pre-board screening officers and their extensive knowledge in this profession.

“CATSA is focusing on the team work, customer service and increasing the standards that are already in place. And that's what counts.”



Media Inquiries

If you receive an inquiry from the media about CATSA or any security-related matters, please direct them to CATSA's Senior Communications Advisor Renée Fairweather at (613) 998-4527 or Press Advisor, Marianne Keriakos at (613) 998-0311.

The Canadian Air Transport Security Authority
Last modified:  2006-05-31 Important Notices
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