CBC.ca Toronto
CBC Radio One Metro Morning
Parenting with Karen Horsman

Welcome to a collection of Karen Horsman's parenting columns. Karen's 2004 columns are also available online.

Tonight is the big night.  Kids are already dreaming about their mother lode of candy.  But what about all that candy! Our parenting columnist Karen Horsman has started a new healthy eating régime in her home and this whole Halloween thing is causing nothing but problems!
Listen to column. Listen (Runs 4:23)

Parenting and Diversity
Toronto's identity as one of the most multicultural cities on the planet is never in doubt. But despite the diversity, some parents still face question this question from their children: Why am I different? This week, our parenting columnist Karen Horsman takes on that question.

Listen to column. Listen (Runs 4:02)

Remarrying Parents
As adult children, it's not always easy watching a parent remarry after a spouse dies, especially if you feel it's a mistake.  Our parenting columnist Karen Horsman has been hearing about this a lot more lately. Which begs all sorts of questions, one in particular being, is it an adult child's place to tell their mom or dad they shouldn't remarry?

Listen to column. Listen(Runs 4:17)

Students and grades
We are well into the school year now and the first report cards will soon be sent home. There's no guarantee a child will be an "A" student. So, when our parenting columnist Karen Horsman heard about a book that claims it can help create high achievers ... she did a little more digging.

Listen to column. (Runs 4:50)
The book Karen refers to in this column is: "Top of the Class" by Dr. Soo Kim Abboud and Jane Kim.

Terry Fox Run and Kids
This Friday, September 29th marks National Terry Fox run day in schools across the country.  Here in Toronto, tens of thousands of students will honour a great Canadian by participating in the run.  Like many people, our parenting columnist Karen Horsman applauds this effort but in today's column, she argues organizers and educators need to be aware of the sensitive nature of Terry's story.

Listen to column. (Runs 4:16)

Hockey Backlash
Once the calendar says September, that usually means the start of the hockey season for tens of thousands of kids across the city. But our parenting columnist Karen Horsman is noticing something different, she's calling it a parent hockey backlash.

Listen to column. (Runs 4:30)

Kids and Stress
It's now been a week since most students returned to school. The routine is starting to take shape and the kids have started to settle in. But what about those who are still struggling? Our parenting columnist Karen Horsman takes a look at kids and stress.

Listen to column. (runs 4:22)

A few years ago,  Karen profiled a program run by the Psychology Foundation of Canada.  It's called Kids Have Stress Too. You can find out more at: kidshavestresstoo.org.

Daycare Update
It's a new start for thousands of kids across the city. Many are being dropped off at day care for the first time today. They're the lucky ones - or at least - their parents are ... they've landed a coveted spot. Thousands of others will have to make do because there's just no child care available for them in this city right now. Andy Barrie spoke with parenting columnist Karen Horsman.

Listen to interview. (Runs 5:54)

Parenting Boot Camp
For weeks now, moms and dads have been dropping their kids off at day camp for a summer adventure, run by teenage councilors. Our parenting columnist Karen Horsman is one of those parents and it occurred to her that these councilors are parents in training... a parent boot camp if you will.  After all, these teenagers aren't in charge of one or two kids... eight to ten children is more like it. Karen dropped in to see a pair of councilors at a camp in Whitby, to see how they are coping.

Listen to column. (Runs 4:00)

The World Cup of soccer may be over, but there's still plenty of superstars doing their thing on piches around the city. Our parenting columnist Karen Horsman is spending the summer watching one of her sons play the world's most beautiful game. And like during the tournament itself, she's watching in amazement at some exceptional play.

Listen to column. (Runs 4:40)

Summer Reading
Our parenting columnist Karen Horsman talks with Andy Barrie about how to properly employ kids in the summertime.

Listen to interview. (Runs 5:30)

Power Struggles
Power struggles can be found in all aspects of life: in politics, the workplace, and on the playground. All it takes is one parent and one willing child, and you've got yourself a power struggle. Our parenting columnist Karen Horsman recently attended a seminar that included real life examples of what it's like when two sides dig in...

Listen to column. (Runs 4:47)

Kids and Safety
The second week of June is national Kids Safety Week. And our parenting columnist Karen Horsman has a reminder for all parents, to be extra vigilant over the coming months.

Listen to column. (runs 4:34)

Take part in an online safety report card and find loads of safety tips at safekidscanada.ca

Grieving a lost pet
There are many adults who can recount in detail the childhood experience of losing a beloved pet. And coping with the loss can be a difficult experience for both the young pet owners and their parents.  Our parenting columnist Karen Horsman recently had a taste of what it's like to help a child through the grieving process and found it was far more challenging then she thought:

Listen to column. (Runs 4:37)

Blended Families
The Brady Bunch was the first TV show to feature a family dynamic that's now VERY common in Canada:  the blended family. One plot-twist the show never attempted was Mr. and Mrs. Brady having a child of their own ... adding a half-sibling into the mix of 6 step-children. That might have been too complicated for a sitcom. Of course, it's even more complicated in real life ... and it's no wonder so many people need help adjusting. Our parenting columnist Karen Horsman has found a group that helps parents figure out how to make blended families work for them ... and for all the steps, halves, and wholes.

Listen to column. (Runs 5:03)

Our guest Yvonne Kelly's website: stepinstitute.ca

Other sites of interest:

Books of interest:
The Enlightened Stepmother - Revolutionizing the Role
by Perdita Kirkness Norwood
Stepparenting - Everything you need to know to make it work
by Jeannette Lofas
Keys to successful step-fathering
by Carl Pickhardt
Divorce Poison
by Dr. Richard Warshak
Step Wars
by Grace Gabe and Jean Lipman-Blumen

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Our parenting columnist Karen Horsman has been very forthright about the daily struggles of raising children. Today she's ready to open up about some of  those moments we parents aren't always proud of, the moments when - though your intentions may be noble, you know you're possibly going a little too far.

Listen to column. (Runs 4:45)

There are all sorts of words in parenting that have taken on a negative connotation. Attachment is one of them. Dr. William Sears coined the phrase and has sold millions of books promoting an intense bond between parent and child. But critics say it's creating a generation of pampered and ill-prepared children.  Our parenting columnist Karen Horsman admits she's had some reservations about this parenting style until she went to a recent workshop.

Listen to column. (Runs 4:19)

Learning patience
There's a reason parenting instructors play the sounds of a crying baby in pre-natal classes, sometimes for an hour at a time. They're preparing new parents for the stress they'll experience taking care of an infant. But they don't prepare parents for the rest of a child's soundtrack as he or she grows older! It's something parents just have to learn to deal with. Our parenting columnist Karen Horsman says it all comes down to developing patience. And she sat down with Andy Barrie to explain.

Listen to interview. (Runs 5:00)

Getting kids to play outdoors
With the weather warming up….the streets of Toronto are coming alive. After a long winter, people are eager to get outside. But take a close look around. How many kids do you see playing on the streets of your neighbourhood? Our parenting columnist Karen Horsman talks with a former Canadian Olympic athlete who is hoping to encourage more kids - and parents - to spend more time outdoors.

Listen to column. (Runs 4:38)

For more information, visit: silkensactivekids.ca

Children's Book Awards
Last week, our parenting columnist Karen Horsman talked about people aspiring to write children's books. A book publisher told us only 500 new children's books make it to the shelves every year. And of those books, Karen was curious to know which ones were considered to be the best for young readers. So she made that her mission this week.

Listen to column. (Runs 4:40)

Writing for Children
So you want to write a children's book? Our parenting columnist Karen Horsman has heard from countless parents who think it would be easy to whip up a clever story and make it big time in the publishing industry. But just because it's for kids, doesn't mean it's easy...

Listen to column. (Runs 4:34)

Mothers and Daughters
Our parenting columnist Karen Horsman often talks to experts about how parents can improve their relationships with their kids. Today, she talks to an author about how to improve a potentially more explosive relationship ...  the one between a mother and her ADULT daughter.

Listen to column. (Runs 4:33)

Discipline - part 2
Our parenting columnist Karen Horsman has been on a quest lately to find methods of discipline that really work. This week, Karen speaks with an expert who claims you can reduce the need for discipline by being more positive and lowering your voice.

Listen to column. (Runs 4:40)

Discipline - part 1
Our parenting columnist Karen Horsman meets a lot of experts who claim they have the answer to raising good kids. She's interviewed authors and specialists about dozens of parenting topics, but she's not nearly finished. She continues to drive to seminars and lectures to pick up more ideas and this week was no exception.

Listen to column. (Runs 4:36)

Teaching kids about competition
With the Olympics underway in Turin, millions of us are spending hours watching elite athletes compete for their country. Our parenting columnist Karen Horsman thinks it's a good time to have chat with the kids about what it means be a healthy competitor - in all aspects of life

Listen to column. (Runs 4:27)

For more information on the "Deal with It" series, go to lorimer.ca.

How to handle arguing kids
On this Valentine's day, the messages of love are all around. It's a day when we celebrate all the wonderful relationships we have in our lives. But as our parenting columnist Karen Horsman points out, intense relationships have another side to them, a side that's not all about love and warmth.

Listen to column. (Runs 4:30)

The web site Karen mentions in her column is lorimer.ca

Parents in Transition
Our parenting columnist Karen Horsman often hears from listeners how hard life is with teenagers. But Karen usually finds parents are resourceful when it comes to problems. She's heard about a support group for parents of troubled teens and attended one of their meetings.

Listen to column (Runs 4:33)

Teaching kids about money
We hear so much about literacy in education, but we don't often hear about financial literacy. Our parenting columnist Karen Horsman tells us about a growing initiative to teach young people how to handle their money and make sound investments in their future.

Listen to column.Listen (Runs 4:25)

The web site Karen mentions in her column is: investored.ca

Coaching children
Over the years our parenting columnist Karen Horsman has looked at several different angles of children and sports. She's talked about the parent/coach relationship and the controversial playing time debate. She's always had suggestions on how best to handle these scenarios. Well now, the shoe is on the other foot. Karen has just started coaching herself and is finding it's a lot harder than it looks.

Listen to column here. Listen (Runs 4:31)

Young Voters
There are many factors that could influence young voters. Our parenting columnist Karen Horsman argues one of the strongest can be Mom or Dad.

Listen to column hereListen (Runs 4:26)

Kids and Respect
Teaching kids about respect and appropriate behaviour seems a parenting fundamental. But our parenting columnist Karen Horsman has noticed, it's a fundamental that needs some attention. She went in search of an expert to explain why kids seem to be so rude today.

Listen to column hereListen (Runs 4:09)

Getting in shape and being more physically active is a popular New Year's resolution. And it's a tough one to stick with. Our parenting columnist Karen Horsman says people with kids have an extra challenge... fighting the "selfish" label if they work out too often.

Listen to column here.Listen (Runs 4:48)

Parenting - A Year in Review
Our parenting columnist Karen Horsman has been appearing on Metro Morning for over three years now. She's never done a year in review ...and thought it was about time to look back on three years of parenting advice.

Listen to column here. Listen (Runs 4:42)

Working as a team
The holidays usually mean families spend more time together. In some cases, this can be a challenging time. Just because you're family, doesn't mean you're compatible. Well, our parenting columnist Karen Horsman thought it would be a good time of year to talk to families who make it work all year round. She met a mother/daughter team and a father and son duo who work together 12 months of the year.

Listen to column here.Listen (Runs 4:35)

Kids Care
Our parenting Columnist Karen Horsman has been looking at programs that help young people cope with life's challenges. Last week, she examined a school-based self-help group that encourages students to talk to each other about issues ranging from abuse to divorce. This week, Karen looks at another unique kind of support group. It's called "Kids Care".

Listen to column here.Listen (Runs 4:35)

Our parenting columnist Karen Horsman often tells us about the difficulties parents face when times are tough ... and where they can get help when they need it. Today, she's here to tell us about a programme for kids coping with loss ... or ... not coping. It's called "Rainbows.   It's a support group ... and what makes it truly unique is that children are being supported by their peers.

Listen to column here.Listen (Runs 4:42)

Helping children become more independent
In one generation we've gone from allowing our kids to walk to school on their own, to insisting they need to be accompanied just walking across the street. When did children start to lose so much of their independence? Our parenting columnist Karen Horsman spoke with an expert about finding the right balance between protecting your children, and helping them become more independent.

Listen to column here.Listen (Runs 4:32)

Being home for your teenager
We hear so much debate surrounding the role of parents in the early years of a child's life. Many new mothers and fathers grapple with the possibility of quitting work and staying home to raise their pre-school children. But rarely do you hear anyone talking about the benefits of staying home to take care of your teenage children. Our parenting columnist Karen Horsman is hearing from more and more parents who are revising their careers to be home more in the later years.

Listen to column here. Listen (Runs 4:37)

Culture of Peace
With stories like the one we just talked about, "a culture of peace" seems a very long way away. But that's not quite so in Durham region. A program for high school students called "Culture of Peace" is generating a lot of buzz. It's getting them to talk about human rights, fair trade and childhood poverty ... and as our parenting columnist Karen Horsman discovered ... getting them very engaged. In this two part report, Karen finds out how "Culture of Peace" is affecting young people who are involved:

Listen to part one here.Listen(Runs 4:33)

Listen to part two here. Listen (Runs 4:36)

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Karen Horsman and baby Jenna

Karen Horsman has been our parenting columnist since Sept. of 2002. As a mother of 2 boys and a little girl, Karen lives and breathes issues that many parents face. Her goal is to bring to the air life struggles we all deal with. Sometimes these issues have solutions but often they just need to be talked about.

She's tackled everything from teenage pregnancy to profanity in the home to the unique challenges immigrants face as parents in their new country.

She never claims to be the expert but interviews the best in the field to bring information to her columns.

But sometimes it's just about a slice of life.

Write to Karen
Karen Horsman's Parenting Column airs every Tuesday on Metro Morning. Karen welcomes your comments about her columns. If you have any ideas or suggestions for future columns feel to send her an e-mail.