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Marketing Plan Outline

Last Verified: 2006-10-03


A marketing plan is designed to direct company activities towards the satisfaction of customer needs; determine what the customer wants, develop a product/service to meet those needs, get the product/service to the end user and communicate with the customer—at a profit!


WHO is the company, principals, employees, community?
WHAT is the product/service, what is the company's goal?
WHERE is the plant to be established
HOW does the company intend to meet its objectives, production levels, sales volumes?
WHY was the product/service developed, what are its attributes or qualities, and how is it superior to existing products?

Target Markets

  • What is the company's initial proposed market?
    • local
    • provincial
    • western provinces
    • national
  • How does the company fit in the chain of basic markets?
    • consumer
    • industrial
    • government
    • international
    • supplier
    • manufacturer
    • wholesaler
  • What are the target market boundaries?
    • by consumer group
    • geographically
  • Define the dollar value of total potential sales within the proposed target market.
  • Describe the targeted user groups by age, gender, lifestyle, values (major customer groups).
  • Define the company's sales level objectives and what percentage of total market share they represent.
  • Describe how planned production capability compares to proposed market demand.


  • Outline any outside influencing factors which may affect the marketability of the product, and how they can be overcome:
    • packaging/labelling regulations
    • GST (effect on consumer price acceptance)
    • buyer preferences (health food vs. junk food)
    • technology changes to production (extrusion method)
  • Describe when the product/service is usually purchased; on impulse or as a regular grocery shopping item. Does the proposed marketing strategy address these trends?
  • Who usually does the purchasing of the product/service? Who makes the purchasing decision? Is the marketing strategy properly directed to this group?
  • Describe the varieties of the product available:
    • by flavour
    • by size of package
  • What are the markets for each of the above?
  • Where is the product normally purchased?
    • supermarkets
    • grocery stores
    • convenience stores
    • snack bars
    • gas bars
    • vending machines
    • schools
  • Are the marketing efforts properly targeted to these locations?

Market Demands

  • Who is the competition?
  • What are their products/services?
  • How does this product/service compare by quality, price, packaging and variety?
  • What percentage of the total market does each competitor enjoy?
  • What can this company realistically expect to obtain as market share (provide sales forecasts)?
  • What does the public normally demand from this type of product/service? Does it meet these demands?
  • Does the packaging (sales aids/point of purchase displays) emphasize the qualities of the product/service?
  • What level of sales growth is anticipated over the next three years? Can the plan deliver the production levels necessary to support this growth?
  • What are the company's long range plans?

Product Pricing

  • What is the consumer acceptance price range for this type of product/service?
  • How does the proposed product's/service's price compare?
  • Is there sufficient margin between the manufacturer's cost and the consumer acceptance price level to provide for markups at the wholesale, distributor and retail level?
  • Does the price allow for freight, projected profit, price fluctuations in the market place and consumer interpretation of value?
  • Are coupons or discounts being considered to promote consumers to try other flavours, etc.?

Product Introduction

  • What is the product cost breakdown?
  • Costs of goods sold
    • direct labour
    • direct materials
  • Operating expenses
    • selling expenses
    • communications expense
    • general and administration expenses (including freight)
  • What markups are allowed at each level of distribution (markup chain and channel pricing)?

For example:

Manufacturer Wholesaler Retailer
Cost 90% Cost  80% Cost         60%
+ + +
Markup 10% Markup   20% Markup 40%
= = =
Selling Price 100% Selling Price 100% Selling Price 100%

  • Are the most economical/cost efficient methods of processing and packaging utilized (including raw materials inputs) to keep product/service costs down?

Distribution Channels

  • How does the company plan to get the product/service to the end user?
  • What channel of distribution is to be used?
    • direct—manufacturer to consumer
    • one stage—manufacturer to retailer to consumer
    • traditional—manufacturer to wholesaler to retailer to consumer
    • multi-stage—manufacturer to broker to wholesaler to retailer to consumer
  • Who/what company will carry out the distribution?
  • Are commissioned salespersons to be used?
  • What are the costs associated with the proposed distribution channels?
  • How do these channels affect delivery/production time frames?
  • What are delivery terms?

  • How are products to be packaged for shipping, end-user display? What physical handling is required?
  • Are display aids (clip racks, bins, etc.) to be provided to retailers?
  • Does packaging meet regulatory agency requirements (labelling, seals, etc.)?
  • Is packaging eye appealing, complementary to product, portraying universal labelling, coded, priced?
  • Is there a method for feedback on customer satisfaction, quality control?
  • What minimum shipping orders are required? (cost efficient)
  • What minimum inventory levels must be maintained to ensure no loss of sales due to late deliveries, back orders, split shipments?
  • What system is to be used for processing orders, shipping, billing?
  • What trade terms will be offered?


  • Describe the company's "communications package".
    For example:
    • advertising
    • selling
    • sales promotion
    • publicity
  • How much is budgeted in Year 1 in each category?
  • What percentage of each media is to be used in your overall advertising package?
    • television
    • radio
    • newspapers
    • magazines
    • billboards
    • business cards
    • co-operative advertising with wholesalers/retailers
    • other


  • What type of sales persons are to be used—food brokers, commissioned salespersons, etc.?
  • What tools are to be provided to salespersons to assist getting orders (volume discounts, purchasing shelf space, etc.)?
  • Will a sales training program be offered?
  • How will sales effectiveness be measured?
  • What incentives will be offered to salespersons for new accounts, achievements?

Sales Promotion

  • What sales promotion activities are planned?
    • point of purchase displays/sales aids
    • samples
    • coupons
  • What costs are associated with each?


  • How does the company plan to "kick off" the introduction of the product using publicity?
    • endorsements (Sask-Made)
    • testimonials
    • referrals
    • truck signs
    • consistent visual theme

Source: U.S. Small Business Administration
Prepared by: Saskatchewan Industry and Resources, Business and Co-operative Services

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Last Modified: 2006-10-03 Important Notices