Ministry of Health ServicesGoverment of British Columbia
PharmaCare Program
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Fair PharmaCare Plan

BC's Fair PharmaCare plan, which took effect May 1, 2003, provides financial assistance for eligible prescription drugs and designated medical supplies to BC families, based on their net income.

To receive your maximum financial assistance under Fair PharmaCare, register now.

For more information about the new plan, see Frequently Asked Questions about Fair PharmaCare. To register on-line immediately, click on Register for Fair PharmaCare.

To register by telephone, Contact PharmaCare

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Permanent Residents of Licensed Long-Term Care Facilities (Plan B)

PharmaCare covers the full cost of eligible prescription drugs and designated medical supplies for permanent residents of licensed long-term care facilities in B.C.

Each residential facility is served by a contracted pharmacy which is paid on a per diem basis to provide pharmaceutical services to the facility, under the British Columbia PharmaCare Pharmacy Participation Agreement for the Provision of PharmaCare Services to Long Term Care Facilities. Standards for services provided to continuing care facilities are defined in Bylaw 37 of the Council of the College of Pharmacists of British Columbia, as specified in the Pharmacists, Pharmacy Operations and Drug Scheduling Act.

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Recipients of British Columbia Benefits (Plan C)

This plan provides 100 per cent coverage of eligible prescription costs for B.C. residents receiving medical benefits and income assistance through the Ministry of Employment and Income Assistance.

If you would like more information on these benefits, contact your local office of the Ministry of Employment and Income Assistance.

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Cystic Fibrosis (Plan D)

Individuals with Cystic Fibrosis who are registered with a provincial cystic fibrosis clinic receive digestive enzymes free of charge through Plan D. The enzymes are dispensed through your community pharmacy.

Treatment options, such as nutritional supplements and vitamins, are not covered under Plan D, but these may be covered under other relevant PharmaCare plans for eligible individuals.

A list of the digestive enzymes covered under Plan D, and nutritional supplements which may be covered under other PharmaCare plans, is available at Cystic Fibrosis Formulary.

Contact the PharmaNet Help Desk for information on products not listed.

Contact your nearest cystic fibrosis clinic for more information.

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Children in the At Home Program (Plan F)

The At Home program provides community-based, family-style care for severely handicapped children who would otherwise become reliant on institutional care.

Children who are receiving full benefits or medical benefits through the program qualify for full coverage of eligible prescription drugs and designated medical supplies. Contact the Ministry of Children and Family Development for more information.

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No-Charge Psychiatric Medication Program (Plan G)

The No-Charge Psychiatric Medication Program (Plan G) is available to individuals of any age who are registered with a mental health service centre and who demonstrate clinical and financial need. The program provides coverage of certain psychiatric medications.

Individual patient eligibility is determined by the patient's physician and the local mental health service centre. Registration is required.

The drugs eligible for coverage under the No-Charge Psyciatric Medical Program are listed in the Plan G Formulary by both brand and generic name. Drugs in the formulary identified as "Limited Coverage" require prior Special Authority approval from PharmaCare. For these medications, the patient's physician must submit a Special Authority Request to PharmaCare.

For more information on the program, please contact your local mental health service centre, listed in the telephone directory's blue pages under "Health Authorities" or, in Vancouver and Richmond, contact the Greater Vancouver Mental Health Service Society. Physicians' offices can download the Plan G application form  ( PDF ) or request pre-printed copies from the local mental health service centre.

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BC Palliative Care Benefits Program

The BC Palliative Care Benefits Program supports BC residents of any age who have reached the end stage of a life-threatening disease or illness and who wish to receive palliative care at home.

Under the program, eligible patients receive:

  • coverage of medications used in palliative care through the PharmaCare BC Palliative Care Drug Program, and
  • medical supplies and equipment through the local health authority.
Benefits under the program continue for as long as the person is diagnosed as requiring palliative care.

Our patient information sheet (PDF 31Kb) provides full details.

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B.C. Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS

The B.C. Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS operates from St. Paul's Hospital in Vancouver, B.C. HIV positive persons living in British Columbia receive their antiretroviral drugs free of charge when enrolled with the Centre.

The centre is fully supported by the B.C. Ministry of Health and BC PharmaCare funds eligible drug costs for the centre.

St. Paul's Hospital is a leading institution providing care to more than 65 per cent of the seropositive people in the province.

The centre provides education to health care providers, conducts natural history and observational studies, develops innovative laboratory tests, and carries out clinical trials. Its drug program is at the core of the centre's activities. For more information, visit the Centre for Excellence Web site.

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Last Revised: June 21, 2006

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