Applying for BC Employment and Assistance
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Persons with Disabilities

BC Employment and Assistance for Persons with Disabilities

  • The provincial government is committed to improving employment and assistance programs for people with disabilities and providing resources to those most in need.
  • To realize this goal, government has passed the Employment and Assistance for Persons with Disabilities Act. The Act establishes a designation called “person with disabilities” (PWD).
  • This Act is aimed at ensuring greater independence for people with disabilities including greater income security, increased participation in the community and enhanced well-being.
  • The Act recognizes that persons with disabilities may require additional supports, including a higher assistance rate, supplementary assistance and specialized supports to employment in order to meet the challenges of daily living and move towards greater independence.
  • Persons with disabilities who leave assistance for employment will keep their PWD designation and maintain their medical assistance.

Who is Eligible?

The Employment and Assistance for Persons with Disabilities Act defines a person with disabilities as a person who is at least 18 years of age, with a severe physical or mental impairment that is expected to continue for at least two years, and who:
  • is significantly restricted in his or her ability to perform daily living activities; and,
  • requires assistance with daily living activities from another person, an assistive device or an assistance animal.

The criteria specifically includes:

  • individuals with mental health disorders; and,
  • individuals with episodic illnesses; by acknowledging that restrictions to daily living activities can be continuous or periodic for extended periods.

Application Process

Application forms are available only at Ministry of Employment and Income Assistance Offices. Application forms are available to those financially eligible or potentially eligible for disability or income assistance.

Applicants who are not yet 18 years of age may submit their application up to six months prior to their 18th birthday.

The form has 3 sections:

  • Applicant Information completed by the applicant;
  • Physician Report completed by a physician or medical practitioner; and,
  • Assessor Report completed by a health professional of the applicant’s choice.

The following is a list of authorized health professionals for this purpose:

  • Medical practitioner;
  • Registered psychologist;
  • Registered nurse or registered
  • psychiatric nurse;
  • Occupational therapist;
  • Physical therapist; or,
  • Social worker.

Disability and Supplementary Assistance

A person with the PWD designation may be eligible for:

  • monthly support and shelter assistance;
  • medical coverage which includes Medical Services Plan and PharmaCare coverage with no deductible, as well as other health supplements such as dental and optical coverage;
  • a $500 earnings exemption per month;
  • a low cost annual bus pass; and,
  • exemptions from time limits and employment obligations for receiving assistance.

Other Related Brochures and Website

  • Applying for BCEA brochure
  • Your Rights and Responsibilities brochure
  • Employment Program for Persons with Disabilities brochure

WorkAble Solutions website at:

For More Information

Contact the Ministry of Employment and Income Assistance by calling:

    • 1 866 866-0800

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