Home > Programs > Québec Pension Plan > Disability benefits > Pension for a disabled person's child

Pension for a disabled person's child

A financial assistance if you have children

If you receive a disability pension under the Québec Pension Plan, your dependent children are entitled to a pension for a disabled person's child until they turn 18.

If you are not receiving this pension

Fill out the section "Pension for a disabled person's child" on the Application for Disability Benefits form.

Terms and conditions of payment

If you are disabled, the pension will be paid to you if you provide for your child's needs. If the child lives with you, the Régie considers that you are providing for his or her needs. In such is the case, the pension for a disabled person's child and the disability pension are paid in a single monthly amount.

Pension amount

In 2006, the monthly pension for a disabled person's child is 63,65 $ for each child.

The pension for a disabled person's child and taxation

At the beginning of each year, the Régie sends a Relevé 2 slip for each child, indicating the total amount of benefits paid during the preceding year. Even if the pension for a disabled person's child is not paid directly to your child, it must nevertheless be considered as the child's personal income, and not as your income.

The pension for a disabled person's child ends at age 18, or before if:  

  • The disability pension stops being paid to you
  • Your child dies
  • Your child receives an orphan's pension or a pension for a disabled person's child under the Canada Pension Plan

Note that...
 If the disabled person dies, an orphan's pension may be payable.

Did you know that?

Children of disabled persons are entitled to receive the pension even if they work. The pension is always subject to income tax.