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Prince Edward Island Debt Reduction Grant

Type of assistance:Provincially funded non-repayable grant.

Maximum assistance: Up to $2,000 per year of study, with the maximum funding based on the required length of the program plus 1 year. The grant will be paid following a student's year of graduation, directly to the lending institution and applied against the Prince Edward Island Student Loan balance only. You must apply for this grant within 1 year from your study period end date. If you are eligible for PEI Debt Reduction download the PEI Debt Reduction Grant Application. For further information contact Student Financial Services.

Students are eligible for debt reduction if:
  • Your combined Canada and Prince Edward Island Student Loan net yearly debt exceeds the minimum annual debt level set by the Province. The minimum annual debt level necessary in order to be eligible for debt reduction is $6,000. Only those years with debt higher than $6,000 with at least $100 of provincial funding will be included. The student loan year for debt reduction coincides with the Prince Edward Island Student Loan year of May 1 to April 30.
  • Eligible years for debt reduction are those in which you were enrolled in the program from which you graduated.

    1. The maximum debt reduction grant is $2,000 per year, based on the minimum required length of a program plus one year.
    2. Overawards calculated during your year(s) of study will be deducted from your annual debt and may reduce or eliminate your debt reduction grant.
    3. Net yearly debt refers to outstanding loan balances after any reductions to loans issued, which could include refunds, voluntary payments or Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation Bursaries.
    4. Grants will only be issued for amounts that are greater than $100.

Students must apply for this grant. Completed applications should be submitted no later than sixty days after the completion of a student's program (i.e. the month during which a student has ceased to be in full-time studies). This will ensure that processing and payments can be forwarded to the lender prior to loan consolidation/repayment. The deadline for applying for debt reduction is one year after the completion of a student’s program.

Debt Reduction Grants will be calculated as follows:

Your total net yearly debt, after reductions or payments, less the minimum yearly debt level. The maximum Debt Reduction Grant per year is $2,000. The grant application will be processed after your final year of study and will consider all eligible years, in which net loan exceeds $6,000 per year.

Example (assuming a 4 year program)
YearCalculated Need DistributionDebt Reduction
1 $5,000 $5,000 $0 $0 $0
2 $7,000 $5,610 $1,390 $0 $1,000
3 $9,000 $5,610 $3,390 $0 $2,000
4 $11,000 $7,140 $3,860 $3,860 $0
Total $3,000

  • CSL = Canada Student Loans
  • PEISL = P.E.I. Student Loans
  • CMS = Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation Bursary

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