Important Security Information

  WARNING: Your application will NOT be processed if:
  • it is received after the deadline date;
  • previous loans are not in good standing;
  • requested information has not been submitted; or,
  • it is not fully completed and/or signatures and/or required documents are missing.

If you are viewing this site using a public computer (ie. Library, School, etc.), please be aware of the following.

Any person using this computer after you have finished may be able to view your information. To prevent others from viewing your information, please carry out the following instructions.

If you are using Netscape's Browser:

To clear your information, select EDIT, PREFERENCES/CLEAR HISTORY.  Close the browser after you are finished by selecting FILE from the top menu and select EXIT.  You can then open Netscape again and all your information will be cleared.

If you are using Microsoft's Internet Explorer 5.X Browser: 

Before you proceed to login, please do the following:

  1. Under the TOOLS option of the menu at the top of the screen, click on INTERNET OPTIONS and the ADVANCED TAB.
  2. Scroll down to the bottom of the SETTINGS BOX to the section entitled SECURITY.
    Put a check in the following boxes:
    1. Do not save encrypted pages to disk
    2. Empty Temporary Internet Files Folder when browser is closed.
  3. Under the TOOLS option of the menu at the top of the screen, click on INTERNET OPTIONS and the GENERAL TAB.
  4. Click on DELETE COOKIES, click OK.
  5. Click on DELETE FILES, select the DELETE ALL OFFLINE CONTENT box, click OK.
  6. Click CLEAR HISTORY and click YES.

Your information should now be cleared from the computers memory.