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Home > Information > Full-Time Studies > Costs Related to the Purchase of Computer Equipment


As of September 1, 2004, your costs related to the purchase of computer equipment may be recognized as an allowable expense and you may be granted an additional loan amount. If you have a major functional disability, the additional financial assistance will be granted in the form of a bursary.

Eligibility Requirements

Your costs related to the purchase of computer equipment may be recognized if you meet the following requirements:

  • You must qualify for the Loans and Bursaries Program for the award year concerned.

  • You must never have received assistance from Aide financière aux études (AFE) for the purchase of a computer or computer equipment.

Allowable expenses

If you meet the eligibility requirements, the allowable expense for the purchase of computer equipment is $2 000. If the use of a laptop is required in your program of study, the allowable expense is $3 000.

Mandatory laptop computer

To find out whether you must purchase a laptop, consult the list of programs in which the use of a laptop is required. »»»

How to proceed

Do you wish to find out whether or not your costs are recognized? It’s easy! Simply fill out the Application for the Recognition of Costs Related to the Purchase of Computer Equipment form and send it to us at the address indicated at the bottom of the form. The form is available on our Web site under Information or from the financial assistance office of your educational institution.

Purchase of computer equipment

Computer equipment must be purchased within two months of AFE’s decision. Such equipment includes the computer, peripherals (monitor, printer, modem, mouse, etc.) and software.

Important: You may purchase the computer equipment from the retailer of your choice, provided it is located in Québec. You must keep all your proofs of purchase as AFE may ask you to provide them.

Loan repayment

You do not have to pay the interest on the additional loan amount as long as you remain a full time student. The interest will be paid by the government. You must start repaying your loan six months after completing your studies and you become responsible for the interest charges as of the month following the completion of your studies.

For more information, contact:

The financial assistance office at your educational institution

AFE's reception and inquiries desk, the Service de l'accueil et des renseignements
Telephone: 418-643-3750
                   1-877-643-3750 (toll-free in Canada and the United States)


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