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Adult Sector (Adult Education, College Education and University)


What Is a Functional Disability?

A functional disability is a physical handicap that limits a person's ability to perform daily activities and to study or work.

Major Functional Disabilities

Severe visual impairment

The visual acuity of each eye, after correction with appropriate ophthalmic lenses, is at most 6/21 or the visual field of each eye is less than 60 degrees in the 180-degree and 90-degree meridians.

A person with a severe visual impairment is unable to read or write, or to get around in an unfamiliar environment.

Severe hearing impairment

The ear with the greater hearing capability is affected by a hearing deficiency evaluated to be of at least 70 decibels.

Motor impairment*

Loss, malformation or abnormality in the skeletal, muscular or neurological systems responsible for body motion.

Organic impairment*

Disorder or abnormality in the internal organs (cardiorespiratory, gastrointestinal or endocrine systems).

* This type of impairment is recognized when it is permanent and results in significant and persistent limitations in the person's ability to perform daily activities
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Other Recognized Disabilities

a speech or language impairment

paralysis of a single limb

paresis of one or more limbs

hearing capability corresponding to a hearing threshold of 25 decibels

If you have a major functional disability or other recognized disability, the Allowance for Special Needs Program is for you.

An Allowance for Your Special Needs: Why?

The purpose of this program is to reimburse the cost of technical aids and specialized services that compensate for the effects of a student's disability.

You could therefore be entitled to an allowance to cover the cost of the material resources, specialized services or transportation you need in order to be able to pursue your studies at an educational institution or at home.

The allowance will be paid if you meet the eligibility requirements of the program and the need concerned is not covered by another organization.

Do You Qualify?

To qualify for the Allowance for Special Needs Program, you must meet the following requirements:

have a recognized functional disability

need equipment or adaptive devices, specialized services or paratransit in order to be able to pursue your studies (provided the need concerned is not covered by another organization)

be enrolled full-time or part-time in a program of study recognized by the Ministère de l'Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport

reside in Québec

be a Canadian citizen or permanent residentIf you meet all of these requirements, you may qualify for an allowance.


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How to Apply

To apply for an allowance, you must provide the following documents:

a duly completed 2006-2007 Application for an Allowance for Special Needs (Secondary-Level Adult Education, Secondary-Level Vocational Training, College and University) form

a 2006-2007 Medical Certificate—Major Functional Disabilities and Other Recognized Disabilities form, duly completed by a general practitioner or a specialist

if you have a severe visual impairment, an attestation from a low-vision centre or a document attesting that you are blind (such a document will be accepted in place of the medical certificate or CNIB card)

if you have a severe hearing impairment, a recent audiogram

a birth certificate or commemoration of Canadian citizenship certificate; if you are a permanent resident, a photocopy of your Record of Landing (IMM 1000 or IMM 5292) or of the permanent resident card you received from Citizenship and Immigration Canada

a proof of enrollment and attendance at an educational institution, along with your course schedule for each academic term

a duly completed Service Contract, if applicable

recommendations, estimates or letters relevant to the material resources, specialized services or paratransit you need; the supporting documents you need to provide are specified on the application form

What Expenses Are Allowed?

Material Resources

the cost of aids or equipment required to compensate for the effects of the disability and to enable you to do assignments at home

the reproduction of school materials in Braille on paper, or the equivalent in electronic form

the cost of reference works in Braille on diskette and of copyright protection software that allows the user to access works in electronic form

the cost of consumables (audiocassettes, NCR paper, photocopies, print enlarging software and diskettes) when required as part of reading, note taking and transcription services

the cost of repairing aids or equipment purchased under this program, provided a cost estimate is supplied

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Do You Have a Severe Hearing or Visual Impairment?

If so, in your case, the cost of material resources is covered by the Régie de l'assurance maladie du Québec. You should therefore apply to the Régie for a reimbursement.

If, however, you have a severe hearing impairment and need to buy a computer to compensate for the effects of your disability, you should claim a reimbursement from Aide financière aux études.


The specialized services recognized for the purpose of this program are the following:

  • Oral reading: recording on audiocassette of excerpts from the basic textbooks used in your courses and of course notes
  • Attendant services: assistance related to your academic (exam taking, library research, tutoring), physical (e.g. hygiene) and mobility needs
  • Note taking: note taking in class using pen and paper or a computer
  • Transcription: word-for-word shorthand note taking in class or note taking using high-tech tools such as C-Note
  • Interpretation: translation of courses into LSQ (langage des signes québécois), ASL (American Sign Language) or signed French or English

You may claim a reimbursement for the cost of these services up to a maximum number of hours equivalent to the number of hours of courses you are taking. Additional hours may be reimbursed if you can show that you needed them in order to pass the course.

If you are a college student, you are not entitled to an allowance for specialized services as they are provided by the CEGEPs.


Your disability makes it difficult for you to get from one place to another?
No public transit meets your particular needs?
No paratransit is available in your area?

You could be entitled to an allowance for your transportation costs (one round trip for each day of courses).

If you have a major functional disability or other recognized disability, you may qualify for the Allowance for Special Needs Program.



Additional Information

For more information, contact the financial assistance office at your educational institution.

If you have a hearing impairment, you may reach us through the Bell Relay Service by dialling 711 and asking for the following number: (418) 646-6006 or 1-866-946-6006 (toll-free in Canada and the U.S.). You may also write us at the following address:

Programme d'allocation pour les besoins particuliers
Aide financière aux études
Ministère de l'Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport
1035, rue De La Chevrotière
Québec (Québec) G1R 5A5

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