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The Work/Study Program is designed for college, undergraduate and graduate students who are experiencing financial problems for reasons deemed to be exceptional. The Program allows these students to find employment within their educational institution. There is a set limit on the number of hours the students may work per week so that their jobs will not interfere with their studies.

The Work/Study Program is cofunded equally by the Ministère de l'Éducation du Québec (MEQ) and the educational institution, but administered by the educational institution. It is therefore up to the institution to decide which jobs to offer, to set pay scales and to determine certain guidelines. The program may be terminated at the end of the school year unless it is extended by the Minister.

To help students pursue their studies in cases where they are experiencing financial problems for reasons deemed to be exceptional.

Application Procedure
Each educational institution sets its application procedure.

Eligibility Requirements

The student must:

  • be studying full-time during the fall and winter study periods at the college, undergraduate or graduate level; as for the summer study period, at the university's discretion, the applicant must be enrolled in courses worth at least six credits or have been enrolled full-time in the previous winter study period and be considered admitted full-time for the following fall study period. At the college level, the applicant must be enrolled in two courses or for 90 course hours.

  • be a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident within the meaning of the Act respecting immigration to Canada and be domiciled in Québec

  • have applied for financial assistance under the Loans and Bursaries Program for the current award year; this requirement does not apply to students who no longer qualify for the Loans and Bursaries Program because they have reached the debt limit for their particular program or because they have received assistance for the maximum number of study periods allowed

The educational institution may set other eligibility requirements.

Application Period
Each educational institution determines the period during which it will accept applications.

For Further Information
Contact the financial assistance office at your educational institution.

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