St. Lawrence Observatory-Observatoire du Saint-Laurent

RESSOURCES • Thematic Sites

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Exploramer-Discovering the sea

Exploration Québec (in French)

Gaspé Peninsula
Association touristique de la Gaspésie

The Lighthouse Trail: a tour of the lighthouses of the St. Laurence

Nature Québec (UQCN) (in French)

Québec maritime

Société Duvetnor Ltée

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Educational Web sites

Biomes and Ecosystems
Evergreen Project

Jardin marin (in French)


The Big Blue Bus
The Big Blue Bus-Kid's Corner!

Fisheries and Oceans Canada

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Fauna, Flora and Environment

Biodiversity portrait of the St. Lawrence
Environment Canada

Census of Marine Life

Centre for Marine Biodiversity (CMB)

List of Canadian Acceptable Common Names for Fish and Seafood
Canadian Food Inspection Agency

Overview of the State of the St. Lawrence River

Environment Canada

Species at Risk
Environment Canada

The Green Lane
Environment Canada

Underwater World: Atlantic region species
Fisheries & Oceans Canada

Whales on-line
Group for Research and Education on Marine Mammals, GREMM

Wildlife & Nature
Wildlife in Maritimes Region

Canadian Wildlife Service-CWS

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Information Systems

Atlantic Canada Conservation Data Centre-ACCDC
The Natural Heritage Network

Atlantic Coastal Database DirectoryAtlantic Coastal Database Directory
Atlantic Coastal Zone Information Steering Committee (ACZISC)

A Network Connecting Science with Conservation

Canadian Biodiversity Information Facility (CBIF)

Geological Survey of Canada (Atlantic)
CoastWeb—Geology and Physical Process of Canada's Coastline
Natural Resources

Fish Habitat Management Information System—FHMIS

Great Lakes Information Network
Great Lakes Information Network

Groundfish Atlas
East Coast of North America Strategic Assessment Project—ECNASAP

Gulf of Maine Information System

Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)

Marine Environmental Data Service-MEDS
Marine Environmental Data Service—MEDS

Fisheries and Oceans Canada

National Contaminants Information System-NCIS
Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Ocean Biogeographic Information System—OBIS
Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences

Oceanographic Data Management System—ODMS
Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Thermograph Network of the St. Lawrence
Fisheries and Oceans Canada

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Natural Heritage

Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada

Freshwater Website
Environment Canada (in French)

Littoral et vie (in French)

National Marine Conservation Areas of Canada
Parks Canada

Parks Canada Network
Parks Canada Network

Canadian Heritage

Quebec Parks-SEPAQ
Quebec Parks—Sépaq

Saint-Laurent Vision 2000
Community Involvement

L'Escale nautique
The St. Lawrence—L'Escale nautique Photo Contest
(in French)

Vu du large (in French)
Views of the St. Lawrence gathered during a Sedna IV expedition

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Scientific Web sites

Atlantic Zone Monitoring Program—AZMP
Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Canadian Shark Research Laboratory
Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Centre de Ressources en Impacts et Adaptation au Climat et à ses Changements—CRIACC
Environment Canada

Climate Change

(The) Climate Company
Canadian Institute for Climate Studies

Fjord Saguenay (in French)

Otolith Research Laboratory
Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Science—Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor—SeaWIFS

Sustaining the Environment Resources for Canadians
Sustaining the Environment and Resources for Canadians