Section Overview

When moving the mouse pointer over a section link, an overview of that section is displayed in a porthole. Below is a list of all the sections and their overview.

Fishing Industry

Seasons, licences and fishing area maps, industry-DFO meetings, variation orders, quotas, fisheries management plans, etc.

Students and Teachers

Overview of the Gulf Region, DFO's library, statistical tables, laws, habitats, scientific activities of DFO and more.

General Public

Overview of the Gulf Region, job opportunities, recreational fishing, nautical safety, habitats, tide tables and more.


News releases, backgrounders and statistical tables, DFO-industry meetings and other documents of interest.

Marine and Oceans Industry

Oceanology, maps, ice conditions, laws, index of oceans-related industries, etc.

Scientists and Researchers

Scientific web pages, research programs, DFO's library, statistical tables and other interesting links.