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House of Commons - Chamber Business

37th Parliament, 1st Session
(January 29, 2001 - September 16, 2002)

Hansard Index

The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 37th Parliament, 1st Session. The numbers following the subject entries refer to the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard. The Index is updated daily throughout the session.

To use the Index, select one of the alphabetical ranges below. When you have located your subject entry, click on the numbers within the brackets to see the relevant page in the Debates. Before clicking, the date of the entry will appear at the bottom of your screen. You may also search the Index using the Parliamentary Business and Publications Search Engine.

Hansard Index - Dubé.Dynamic
Hansard Index - Dubé.Dynamic

Dubé, Jean

    >>Former Member of Parliament, current, New Brunswick Legislative Assembly Member, congratulating, 328(7:1720)
    >>See also Employment insurance--Reform

Duceppe, Gilles (BQ--Laurier--Sainte-Marie)

Ducharme, Yves see Quebec--Quebec municipal elections, Gatineau

Duck hunters see Hunters

Ducks Unlimited see Species at risk (endangered species)--Habitat preservation

Due diligence defence see Corporations--Liability

Dueckman, Helmut

    >>Medal of Bravery, recipient, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 595-6(12:1355-400)

Dufferin--Peel--Wellington--Grey constituency see Ontario--Provincial by-election

Dugas, Pearl

    >>Volunteer, rural business development, rural economic summits, tribute, S.O. 31, 3140(48:1405)

Duhaime, Yvon see Business Development Bank of Canada--Auberge Grand-Mère

Duhamel, Hon. Ronald (Lib.--Saint Boniface; Minister of Veterans Affairs and Secretary of State (Western Economic Diversification) (Francophonie); resignation effective January 14, 2002)

Dumont, Michel

    >>Wrongful conviction for rape, exoneration, acquittal, wife Solange Tremblay role, tribute, S.O. 31, 1591(27:1410)

Dumping see Algoma Steel Inc.; Canada-United States Softwood Lumber Agreement/dispute--Expiry, Anti-dumping actions by United States; Steel industry

Dunamis and Meritas Gala

    >>Laval, QC, Chamber of Commerce and Industry awards, S.O. 31, 3656(56:1400)

Duncan, John (CA--Vancouver Island North)

Duplain, Claude (Lib.--Portneuf)

    >>4-H Council, S.O. 31, 6833-4(107:1400)
    >>Arthritis Bill of Rights, S.O. 31, 8476(135:1400)
    >>Arts and culture, S.O. 31, 769(14:1410)
    >>Business, o.q., 8442(134:1450)
    >>Canada-United States Softwood Lumber Agreement/dispute, M. on supply (Paquette), 11315-6(184:1615-25), 11317(184:1630)
    >>Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA), 2755(42:2145)
    >>Children, o.q., 4274(66:1450)
    >>Dairy industry, o.q., 7837(124:1440)
    >>Drinking water contamination, o.q., 1004(18:1440)
    >>Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec, S.O. 31, 8544(136:1405)
    >>Economy/economic conditions, o.q., 7166(112:1455)
    >>Entrepreneurship, S.O. 31, 10301(166:1405)
    >>Farm income crisis, S.O. 31, 2611(41:1400-5)
    >>Fonds de solidarite des travaillers du Québec, o.q. 9301(150:1455)
    >>Food safety/inspection system, 2755(42:2145-50)
    >>Foot and mouth disease, M. to adjourn under S.O. 52 (Borotsik), 2755-6(42:2145-50)
    >>Francophonie, S.O. 31, 9022(145:1415), 9457-8(153:1400)
    >>Gala des Prix Opus, S.O. 31, 7492(118:1405)
    >>Highways and roads, S.O. 31, 10083(163:1410)
    >>Hockey, S.O. 31, 3791(58:1410)
    >>Housing, o.q., 7768(123:1455)
    >>Huot, Guy, S.O. 31, 12766-7(207:1400)
    >>Income Tax Act (amdt.--deduction of expenses incurred by a mechanic for tools required in employment)(Bill C-222), 4247-8(66:1115-25)
    >>Infrastructure Canada Program, S.O. 31, 6474(100:1405)
    >>International Year of Mountains, S.O. 31, 8238-9(131:1555)
    >>Lebanon, S.O. 31, 11122(181:1400)
    >>Marine science and technology, o.q., 12841(208:1435)
    >>Mechanics, 4247-8(66:1115-25)
    >>National security, o.q., 6077(94:1440)
    >>Portneuf constituency, S.O. 31, 217(6:1405)
    >>Procedure, Hansard, 8554(136:1500)
    >>Rural/remote/natural resource communities/regions, M. on supply (Breitkreuz), 11257-9(183:1810-20)
    >>Sainte-Catherine-de-la-Jacques-Cartier, QC, S.O. 31, 11943(195:1400)
    >>Skiing, S.O. 31, 2426(38:1405)
    >>Small and medium business, o.q., 4910(76:1455)
    >>Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, o.q., 4590(71:1450)
    >>Television, S.O. 31, 3655(56:1355-400)
    >>Viandes du Breton, o.q., 11563(188:1510)
    >>Victims of crime, S.O. 31, 4473(69:1415)
    >>Volunteers, o.q., 7502(118:1455)
    >>Wind energy, o.q., 11008(179:1440)

Dupont Canada Inc. see Textile industry--Government grants

Durham constituency see Agriculture

Dursban see Pesticides

Durum wheat industry

Duty free shops see Excise taxes--Commodity taxation system; Tobacco products--Use, reduction

Dwyer, Frank see National security--West coast

Dyck, Howard

    >>Conductor, artistic director, CBC Radio host, Order of Canada recipient, 1236(22:1355)

Dyer, Cpl Ainsworth see Canadian Armed Forces--Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, Afghanistan mission

Dynamic Maintenance Ltd. see Government contracts

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