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Available Queries
Watershed Dictionary
Watershed Codes
TRIM Mapsheets
Fish Distributions
Report Server
FISS Points
Stocking Query
Stream Surveys
Physical, Fish, Obstructions Queries
Stream Classification Information Query
FDIS Projects
FDIS Projects Query
Individual Fish Data
Lake and Stream Individual Fish Query
Lake Surveys
Chemical, Physical and Fish Queries
Bathymetric (Depth) Maps
Species Names/Codes

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FISH Wizard

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Fisheries Inventory Data Queries (FIDQ)

Select the information you require from the Fisheries Data Warehouse. Use the integrated HELP feature for tips on using the database queries effectively and details on the data available. You can navigate with the quick links to the left of the page, or, if you're not sure which query you need, you can read the short descriptions provided below and select your query from there.

Watershed Dictionary

Watershed Code query- standard query for streams, lakes, wetlands and coastlines
TRIM Mapsheet query - for waterbody data of specific TRIM mapsheet areas
Stream query - includes references to RAB codes and stream lengths
Lake query - lake statistics such as perimeter, depth, area, elevation

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FISS (Fisheries Information Summary System)

Data Reports : Thematic or full reports for waterbody(ies) designed to be used in conjunction with hardcopy FISS maps.
Fish distributions - listing of species in lakes and streams with referenced source
References - a report of references for FISS records for whole watersheds
Report Server- generate a full or customized report of all FISS data for a given waterbody
Spatial FISS Point Files : generate and download a CSV file for producing FISS based maps using your own GIS software
FISS Points Files- Thematic and Non-Thematic files

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Fish Stocking and Escapements

Stocking data - location, amount and species of released fish, historic to very recent

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Stream Surveys (FHIIP Database)

Physical, Fish, Obstructions Queries - three seperate queries to access detailed information on survey streams

Stream Classification Information Query - key information for inventory sampled sites including fish caught, channel width, gradient and UTM NEW!

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FDIS Projects

FDIS Project Query - query by Project or Agency Name to find the number of records for any FDIS Project.

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Individual Fish Data

Lake and Stream Individual Fish Query - search waterbodies for individual fish data including length, weight, age and maturity.

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Lake Surveys (BC Lakes Database)

Chemical, Physical & Fish query - chemical data such as pH, TDS, hydrogen sulfide, secchi disc, physical data such as area, volume, depth and information on fish caught in surveyed lakes
Bathymetric maps - download and view bathymetric (depth) maps for lakes

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Species Names and Codes - get the latest listing of the common names, latin names and species codes
FISH Wizard - Internet Map Server application with online maps and access to Fisheries Data Warehouse


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