Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Pêches et Océans Canada - Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Commercial Shipping

Hydrographic surveys and the resulting navigation charts and other publications are an integral part of Canada's economic development. The sea Boat photosroutes essential for our maritime trade are made safe by having them surveyed for the draft of shipping likely to transit the areas. In Canadian waters, marine transportation is regulated by the Canada Shipping Act . The Charts and Nautical Publications Regulations, 1995 of the Canada Shipping Act specifically requires all vessels to carry and keep up-to-date CHS charts and related publications. CHS is committed to ensuring the continued production and distribution of nautical charts and related publications.

Products and Services

Check out the Products, Publications and Related Services sections of this web site for up to date information on our product line which features paper and electronic nautical charts in a variety of formats.

Notices to Mariners

Notices to Mariners (NOTMAR) are electronic bulletins, detailing newly discovered hazards to shipping, and changes in aids to navigation such as lights and buoys. They are issued monthly in collaboration with, and through the offices of the Canadian Coast Guard.


CHS products are available from one of over 700 authorized chart dealers across the country.

Carriage Requirements

Questions concerning carriage requirements, including those for Charts and Related Publications, should be directed to Transport Canada: Ships and Operations Standards at the following address:

Ships and Operations Standards
Tower C, Place de Ville 11th Floor 330 Sparks Street
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
K1A 0N8

Page last updated : 2005-5-13 13:57

ISO 9001

Important Notices

This site is maintained by the Canadian Hydrographic Service.