Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Pêches et Océans Canada - Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Fisheries and Oceans Canada

About Science

Being on the cutting edge of marine science is the name of the game at Fisheries and Oceans Canada - and for good reason.

Canada is a maritime nation. Our country has the longest coastline in the world, the longest inland waterway, largest archipelago and shares the world's largest freshwater system.

Understanding the three oceans that surround Canada as well as its waterways and aquatic resources is crucial if we want to ensure their sustainability. Mastering that understanding is the challenge that scientists face each day at Fisheries and Oceans Canada.

DFO scientists are passionate about their work. Although each has an area of expertise, together their research encompasses the:

  • protection and conservation of fish and fish habitat and the sustainable use of fish and other living aquatic resources;
  • conservation of marine ecosystems;
  • fish production research and fish health protection,
    safe and efficient navigation;
  • role of the oceans in climate change and the impacts of climate change, and
    oceanographic studies.

They accomplish this by:

  • monitoring the aquatic living resources and their environment, maintaining related databases, and providing environmental information for marine freshwater related activities;
  • surveying Canadian navigable waterways and producing nautical publications, including nautical charts, sailing directions, water depth maps and tide and current tables;
  • maintaining scientific capacity to deliver credible advice to assess risk, and to develop resource management practices, regulations and standards, and by transferring the knowledge to the clients, public and media to foster the protection, conservation and sustainable development of living aquatic resources and ecosystems.

See Also:



Last updated : 2005-04-06

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