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William (Bill) Crawford

Research Scientist

A/Head, State of the Ocean Section
Institute of Ocean Sciences
9860 West Saanich Road
Sidney, B.C. V8L 4B2

Tel. (250)-363-6369
Fax. (250)-363-6479

Bill Crawford


I study currents, tides and ocean mixing of waters in the Pacific Ocean

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Batten, Sonia  and William Crawford. 2005. The influence of coastal origin eddies on oceanic plankton distributions in the eastern Gulf of Alaska. Deep-Sea Research Part II. 52:991-1009. doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2005.02.011.

Cherniawsky, J.Y., W.R. Crawford, O. Nitikin and  E.C. Carmack. 2005: Bering Strait transports from satellite altimetry. Journal of Marine Research. 63: 887-900.

Crawford, William. 2005. Heat and fresh water transport by mesoscale eddies into the Gulf of Alaska. Deep-Sea Research Part II. 52:893-908. doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2005.02.003.

Crawford, William R., Peter J. Brickley, Tawyna D. Peterson and Andrew C. Thomas. 2005. Impact of Haida Eddies on chlorophyll-a distribution in the eastern Gulf of Alaska. Deep-Sea Research Part II. 52: 975-989. doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2005.02.011 

Crawford, W., P. Sutherland, P. van Hardenberg. 2005. Cold water intrusion in the eastern Gulf of Alaska in 2002. Atmosphere-Ocean. 43(2):119-128.

DiLorenzo, E., M.G.G. Foreman and W.R. Crawford. 2005. Modelling the generation of Haida Eddies. Deep-Sea Research Part II. 853-873. doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2005.02.007.

Miller, L.A., M. Robert and W.R. Crawford. 2005: The large, westward-propagating Haida Eddies of the Pacific eastern boundary. Deep-Sea Research Part II. 52: 845-851, doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2005.02.002.

Sinclair, A., K. Conway and W. Crawford. 2005. Associations between bathymetric, geologic and oceanographic features and the distribution of the British Columbia groundfish trawl fishery.  ICES CM 2005/L:25

Sinclair, A.F., and W.R. Crawford. 2005. Incorporating an environmental stock recruitment relationship in the assessment of Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus). Fisheries Oceanography. 14(2):138-150.

Whitney, F.A., W.R. Crawford and P.J. Harrison. 2005. Physical processes that enhance nutrient transport and primary productivity in the coastal and open ocean of the subarctic NE Pacific. Deep-Sea Research II. 52:681-706. doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2004.12.023.

Yelland, D. and W. Crawford. 2005. Currents in Haida Eddies. Deep-Sea Research II. 52:875-892. doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2005.02.010 .

Boyd, Philip W. and many co-authors. 2004. The decline and fate of an iron-induced subarctic phytoplankton bloom. Nature. 428:549-553. doi:10.1038/nature02437.

Cherniawsky, J.Y., M.G.G. Foreman, W.R. Crawford and B.D. Beckley. 2004. Altimeter observations of sea level variability off the West Coast of North America. Int. J. Remote Sensing. 25(7-8):1303-1306.

Park, J.J, K. Kim and W.R. Crawford. 2004. Inertial Currents estimated from surface trajectories of ARGO floats. Geophysical Research Letters. 31:L13307. doi:10.1029/2004GL202191.

Crawford, W.R. 2002. Physical characteristics of Haida Eddies. J. Oceanography. 58(5):703-713.

Crawford, W.R., J.Y. Cherniawsky, M.G.G. Foreman and J.F.R. Gower. 2002. Formation of the Haida-1998 Oceanic Eddy. Journal of Geophysical Research. 107(C7):10,1029/2001JC000876.

Crawford, W., J. Cherniawsky, W. Cretney and C. Hannah. 2002. Modelling oceanic fates of oil, drilling muds and produced water from the offshore oil and gas industry, with application to British Columbia, Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat, Research Document 2002/120. Available on-line at 53 pp.

Cretney, W., W. Crawford, D. Masson and T. Hamilton. 2002. Oceanographic and geological setting of a possible offshore oil and gas industry in the Queen Charlotte Basin, Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat, Research Document 2002/004. Available on-line at 38 pp.

Cherniawsky, J.Y., M.G.G. Foreman, W.R. Crawford and R.F. Henry. 2001. Ocean Tides from TOPEX/ POSEIDON sea level data. J. Atmos. Oceanic Tech. 18(4):649-664.

Foreman, M.G.G., W.R. Crawford, J.Y. Cherniawsky, R.F. Henry and M. Tarbotton. 2000. A high-resolution assimilating tidal model for the Northeast Pacific Ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research. 105(C12):28,629-28,651.

Crawford, W.R., J.Y. Cherniawsky and M.G.G. Foreman. 2000. Multi-year meanders and eddies in Alaskan Stream as observed by TOPEX/Poseidon altimeter. Geophysical Research Letters. 27(7):1025-1028.

Crawford, W.R. and F.A. Whitney. 1999. Mesoscale eddies in the Gulf of Alaska. Eos. Transactions of the American Geophysical Union. 80(33):365-370.

Crawford, W.R., J.Y. Cherniawsky and P. Cummins. 1999. Surface currents in British Columbia coastal waters: Comparison of observations and model predictions. Atmosphere-Ocean. 37(3):255-280.

Kang, S.-K., M.G.G. Foreman, W.R. Crawford and J.Y. Cherniawsky. 1999. Numerical modeling of internal tide generation along the Hawaiian Ridge. Journal of Physical Oceanography. 30(5):1083-1098.

Foreman, M.G.G., W.R. Crawford, J.F.R. Gower, L. Cuypers and V.A. Ballantyne. 1998. Tidal correction of TOPEX/POSEIDON altimetry for seasonal sea surface elevation and current determination off the Pacific Coast of Canada. Journal of Geophysical Research. 103(C12):27,979-27,998.

Crawford, W.R., J.Y. Cherniawsky, P.F. Cummins and M.G.G. Foreman. 1998. Variability of tidal currents in a wide strait: A comparison between drifter observations and numerical simulations. Journal of Geophysical Research. 103(C6):12,743-12,759.

Crawford, W.R., J. Cherniawsky and M.G.G. Foreman. 1998. Rotary velocity spectra from short drifter tracks. J. Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology. 15:731-740.

Crawford, W.R. 1997. Physical oceanography of the waters around the Queen Charlotte Islands, in: Ecology, status and conservation of marine and shoreline birds of the Queen Charlotte Islands, ed. by K. Vermeer, and K.H. Morgan, Occasional Paper Number 93, Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment Canada, Institute of Ocean Sciences. p. 8-17.

Crawford, W.R., J.Y. Cherniawsky, C.G. Hannah and V.A. Ballantyne. 1996. Current predictions for oil spill models. Spill Science & Technology Bulletin. 3:235-239.

Hannah, C.G. and W.R. Crawford. 1996. Winter transport and sea level fluctuations in Hecate Strait, British Columbia. Journal of Geophysical Research. 101(C12):28,356-28,376.

Simpson, J.H., W. Crawford, T.P. Rippeth, A.R. Campbell and J.V.S. Cheok. 1996. The vertical structure of turbulent dissipation in shelf seas. Journal of Physical Oceanography. 26:1579-1590.

Ballantyne, V.A., M.G.G. Foreman, W.R. Crawford and R, Jacques. 1996. Three-dimensional model simulations for the north coast of British Columbia. Continental Shelf Research. 16:1655-1682.

Cherniawsky, J. and W.R. Crawford. 1996. Comparison of between buoy and COADS wind data for the West Coast of Canada. Journal of Geophysical Research. 101(C8):18,377-18,389.

Plueddemann, A.J., J.A. Smith, D.M. Farmer, R.A. Weller, W.R. Crawford, R. Pinkel, S. Vagle amd A. Gnanadesikan. 1996. Structure and variability of Langmuir circulation during the Surface Waves Processes Program. Journal of Geophysical Research. 101(C2):3525-3543.

Crawford, W.R., M.J. Woodward, M.G.G. Foreman, and R.E. Thomson. 1995. Oceanographic features of Queen Charlotte Sound and Hecate Strait in summer. Atmosphere-Ocean. 33(4):639-681.

Crawford, W.R. 1995. A technique for quality control and selection of tidal harmonic constituents. International Hydrographic Review. LXXII(2):135-150.

Foreman, M.G.G., W.R. Crawford, and R.F. Marsden. 1995. De-tiding: Theory and practice, Chapter 10 in Quantitative Skill Assessment for Coastal Ocean Models, edited by D. Lynch and A. Davies, an Americal Geophysical Union Publication, number 47 in the series on Coastal and Estuarine Studies.

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Reports and Newsletter Articles and other non-refereed Publications since 1995

King, J.R. (Editor) and 20 others including W.R. Crawford, 2005, Report of the Study Group on Fisheries and Ecosystem Responses to Recent Regime Shifts, PICES Scientific Report 28, Published by the North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES), Sidney, BC Canada. (Web site:

DFO, 2004: 2003 Pacific Region State of the Ocean. DFO Science Ocean Status Report 2003 , 92 pages. (2004) (Chair of working group and editor.)

Stacey, M.W. and W.R. Crawford, 2003: Physical oceanography in Canada, 1999-2002/3: A review for the International Union Of Geodesy And Geophysics, published on-line at

Crawford, W.R., 2001: Oceans of the Queen Charlotte Islands, Can. Tech. Rep. of Fish. Aq. Sci. No.2383: 1CD-ROM.

Crawford, W.R., J.Y. Cherniawsky, M.G.G. Foreman, and P. Chandler, 1999: El Niño signal along the west coast of Canada, in PICES Scientific Report No. 10, 1999, published by PICES Secretariat, North Pacific Marine Science Organization, Sidney, B.C., Canada, 131pp.

Crawford, Bill and Frank Whitney, 2000: Eddies in the Gulf of Alaska, CMOS Bulletin, 28(2), Front and Back Cover + p 54-55.

Cherniawsky, Josef Y., William R. Crawford and Patrick F. Cummins, 2000: Hindcasts of surface currents in a marginal sea from statistical analysis of drifter, wind and ocean model data, Proceedings of International Conference on Coastal Ocean and Semi-Enclosed Seas: Circulation and Ecology Modeling and Monitoring, Moscow, Russia, September 1998, p 21-24.

Cherniawsky, Josef Y., Michael G.G. Foreman and William R. Crawford, 2000: Ocean tides and sea level change in the Northeast Pacific from TOPEX/POSEIDON data, Proceedings of International Conference on Coastal Ocean and Semi-Enclosed Seas: Circulation and Ecology Modeling and Monitoring, Moscow, Russia, September 1998, p 15-20.

Crawford, W.R. and R.E. Thomson, Sea level rise in British Columbia, Proceedings of the Canadian Coastal Conference, Victoria, May 1999.

Cherniawsky, J.Y., Michael G.G. Foreman and W.R. Crawford: Tidal signal removal and sea level change in the North East Pacific Ocean from TOPEX/POSEIDON altimeter data, Proceedings of International Conference on Coastal Ocean and Semi-Enclosed Seas: Circulation and Ecology Modeling and Monitoring, Moscow, Russia, September 1998.

Freeland, H.J., F.A. Whitney and W.R. Crawford, 1999: The state of the eastern North Pacific Ocean since February 1998, PICES Press, 7(1) 9-11, PICES Secretariat, Institute of Ocean sciences, Sidney, B.C.

Crawford, W.R., 1998: Current and tide predictions on a PC. Proceedings of the Canadian Hydrographic Conference, Victoria, March, 1998.

Crawford, W.R., 1998: TOPEX/POSEIDON tides. Proceedings of the Canadian Hydrographic Conference, Victoria, March, 1998.

Thomson, R.E. and W.R. Crawford, 1997: Processes affecting sea level change along the coasts of British Columbia and the Yukon. Chapter 4 of Responding to Global Climate Change in British Columbia and the Yukon, Volume I of the Canada Country Study: Climate Impacts and Adaption, Proceedings of workshop held on February 27-28, 1997 at Simon Fraser University, Published by Environment Canada and British Columbia Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks.

Crawford, W.R., 1997: Harmonic analysis and tidal predictions. Lighthouse, Journal of the Canadian Hydrographic Association, Vol. 55, Spring.

Crawford, W.R., and G.S.Jamieson, 1996: Modeling advection of Dungeness Crab, (Cancer Magister) in Dixon Entrance and northern Hecate Strait, British Columbia. High Latitude Crabs: Biology, Management, and Economics: Proceedings of the Lowell Wakefield Fisheries Symposium, held in Anchorage Alaska, October 11-13, 1995, p 479-488. University of Alaska Sea Grant College Program Report Number 96-02. Anchorage, Alaska, USA.

Crawford, W.R. and M.G.G. Foreman, eds. 1995. PERD Workshop on Coastal Current Models for Continental Shelves. Can.Tech. Rep. Hydrog. Ocean Sci. No. 169: 85 pp.

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Crawford, W.R.: State of the Oceans, BC 2004, presented at the PICES C-FAME Meeting, Victoria, May.

Crawford, W.R. and S. McKinnell: Recent Ocean Temperature Anomalies in the Gulf of Alaska, at the CMOS Annual Congress, June, Vancouver.

Crawford, W.R.: Temperature and Salinity in the Gulf of Alaska, at the Southeast Alaska Synthesis of Marine Biology and Oceanography Workshop, Juneau, Alaska, March.


Crawford, W.R.: Ocean Trends in British Columbia, presented at the Annual meeting of the Sports Fishing Institute of British Columbia, Richmond, BC, November 2004

Crawford, W.R.: Ocean Trends in British Columbia, presented at the Fall meeting of the Sports Fishing Advisory Board, of Nanaimo, BC, November 2004

Crawford, W.R., P. Sutherland, P. van Hardenberg, Origin and persistence of anomalously cold water in the halocline of the eastern gulf of Alaska, 2002 to 2004, at the PICES Annual Meeting, Hawaii, October 2004.

Pena, A., and W. Crawford, Phytoplankton distribution in the Queen Charlotte Basin: Regions of high productivity, at the PICES Annual Meeting, Hawaii, October 2004.

Bograd, S.J., W. Crawford, H. Freeland, A. Huyer, J. Polovina, F. Schwing, R. Smith, On the origin and evolution of a minty water mass anomaly in the northeastern Pacific, at the PICES Annual Meeting, Hawaii, October 2004.

Crawford, W.R., The eastern Gulf of Alaska: A 36-year time series along Line-P and implications for biological impact, at the PICES Annual Meeting, Hawaii, October 2004.

Crawford, W.R., Impact of mesoscale features on Iron Fertilization Experiment in Eastern Subarctic Pacific Ocean (SERIES), at the SOLAS Science meeting, Halifax, October 2004.

Frank A. Whitney, W.R. Crawford, Nutrient Transport in Coastal Waters of the NE Pacific, at the Eastern Pacific Ocean Conference, Sidney, BC, September, 2004.

Crawford, W.R., Temperature Anomalies of the Northeast Gulf of Alaska, Eastern Pacific, at the Ocean Conference, Sidney, BC, September, 2004.

Di Lorenzo, E., M.G. G. Foreman, W.R. Crawford, Buoyancy driven eddies in the Gulf of Alaska, at the Eastern Pacific Ocean Conference, Sidney, BC, September, 2004.

Di Lorenzo, Emanuele, Mike Foreman, Bill Crawford, Buoyancy driven eddies in the Gulf of Alaska, seminar at Scripps Inst Oceanography, June 2004.

Cherniawsky, J., Crawford, W., Carmack, E., and Nikitin, O., Complex relationship between winds and Bering Strait transports derived from satellite altimetry, presented at European Geophysical Union General Assembly in Nice, France, April 2004.

Crawford, W.R., P. Brickley and A. Thomas, Impact of mesoscale eddies on chlorophyll distribution throughout the Gulf of Alaska distribution in the Gulf of Alaska, at the Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland, Oregon, January, 2004.

Crawford, W.R., and J.Y. Cherniawsky Transport anomalies in Bering Strait calculated from TOPEX/Poseidon altimetry data, at the Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland, Oregon, January, 2004.

Crawford, W.R., Satellites and Argo: combining free information to study remote regions of the ocean, Seminar at Universidad de Concepción, Chile, January 2004.

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