Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Pêches et Océans Canada - Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada

Science Information By:


Page Contents (access key 2)

Changes since the last update:

  • Public and Private site redesigned

  • WebCIS Archive Explorer installed

  • WebCIS made accessible to the public

  • Server Information updated

  • Contacts updated

The National Contaminants Information System was begun as part of the Department's Green Plan. The NCIS is a computerized warehouse of information on toxic chemicals in fish, other aquatic life and their habitats. It was built to help manage the growing base of data and information.

The NCIS recognizes that different people have different information needs. Some require administrative information about projects and people. For these, the NCIS maintains a Directory containing information about projects, and the people involved in them. Other people need access to summary information about archived data. For these, there is the Inventory of data holdings describing where, when and what data and information exist. Finally, some people require the observations themselves. For these, there exist the Archives.

For more information about the NCIS including a description of how the system works, questions that it is intended to answer and contacts:

A brochure is available describing how the NCIS system works, questions that it is intended to answer, and appropriate contacts.

Online Access to the NCIS Regional Databases is available to the public. The NCIS is a National database regionally distributed which means that we have many servers connected to the web application. In order to get access to all available data each server should be queried.

Questions and/or comments on this system can be registered by completing a Request Form.



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