Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Pêches et Océans Canada - Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada

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The World Ocean Circulation Experiment was ended in 2002.  Some of its activities, however, are being continued through a new programme CLImate VARiability (CLIVAR).

Data and information about WOCE can be obtained by the US NODC WOCE Global Data Resource.

Data for the World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE) were managed by Data Assembly Centres (DACs) some of which combined activities at data centres and scientific organizations. The Marine Environmental Data Service (MEDS) of DFO was a component of the DACs for two WOCE programmes, now continued under CLIVAR.

With its DAC partners, MEDS assembled, processed, quality controlled, and distributed large volumes and a variety of data. MEDS had undertaken these commitments because software systems and expertise for drifting buoys and real time ocean profile data were already available through its RNODC and GTSPP activities.

  • MEDS' WOCE Poster presented at the 1998 Conference of The World Ocean Circulation Experiment Ocean Circulation and Climate


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