Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Pêches et Océans Canada - Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada

Science Information By:

WOCE Upper Ocean Thermal Programme

The WOCE-UOT data management system and the IOC/WMO Global Temperature Salinity Profile Project (GTSPP) developed a partnership which permitted the management of both low resolution (real-time) and high resolution (delayed mode) data.  The WOCE-UOT Data Assembly Centre (DAC) has a number of cooperating centres of which MEDS is one.  MEDS routinely quality controls and forwards to the US NODC the real-time ocean profile data transmitted on the Global Telecommunications System (GTS).

MEDS also routinely monitors the real-time oceanographic data received through the GTS.  If problems are found, the ship's operators are notified so that corrective action can be taken at the earliest possible time.

Data and information about WOCE can be obtained by the US NODC WOCE Global Data Resource.




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