Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Pêches et Océans Canada - Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
About the Act
What the Act means to you
Frequently asked questions
Critical habitat
Commercial fishing
Recreational fishing
Recreational boating
Aboriginal peoples
For more information
Aquatic Species at Risk
What the Act means to you

Recreational boating

For millions of Canadians, boating is a way of life, offering the opportunity to see life from a fresh perspective. Boating is also a pastime that brings with it certain responsibilities. With the introduction of the Species at Risk Act (SARA), it’s likely that some of these responsibilities will evolve.

Today there are many boating restrictions in effect in Canada. Most were created to ensure public safety, but SARA introduces a new set of considerations. It is possible that environmentally motivated boating restrictions may be added in years to come to protect species at risk. These restrictions might include limits on boat speed and activity, as well as prohibitions against the use of motorized vessels on particular bodies of water.

New rules, same framework

It is important to appreciate that while SARA represents a significant step forward in Canada’s ability to prevent the extinction of wildlife species, it fits into the regulatory framework that exists today. So, while you may have new rules to be aware of when boating on your favourite waterway, those rules will be administered in exactly the same way as they are today.

What you can do

Every one of us can make a difference in helping to protect species at risk and their habitats. Make sure you comply with SARA by obeying the latest boating restrictions in your area; reduce speed and keep a safe distance from critical habitat where indicated. You can also take active steps to protect species at risk in your community. The Habitat Stewardship Program for Species at Risk (HSP) sponsors local stewardship activities. Find out more about HSP.

Want to know more?

For more information about SARA and its potential impact on recreational boaters, take a look at our Recreational Boaters fact sheet (HTML).