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Canada's Oceans Action Plan  

Home  Canada's Oceans Action Plan

Canada's Oceans Action Plan

For Present and Future Generations

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Initiatives for Phase I of the Oceans Action Plan


International Leadership, Sovereignty and Security


Canada will continue to play a leadership role in international oceans management, advancing within global fora concepts – such as an ecosystem approach to management, integrated management planning and marine protected areas – that we have embraced in our own Canadian legislation. Canada will also learn from best practices as they are developed and implemented by other countries and oceans institutions. By participating in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and oceans management efforts, and in fora such as the Global Oceans Forum (a unique partnership of United Nations oceans intergovernmental bodies, national governments, oceans industries and civil society), we can help advance capacity building in other countries as well. There are a number of important areas, such as the protection of high-seas biodiversity and the concept of high-seas marine protected areas, where Canada can bring to the global stage practical solutions that can lead international benchmarking and best practice exercises.

Canada has taken a leadership role in addressing oceans governance and fisheries issues broadly and proactively. The Prime Minister has raised the issue with his G8 counterparts, and at a major international conference hosted by Canada in St. John’s Newfoundland and Labrador in May 2005 where international experts were brought together to develop concrete actions to tackle these global challenges.

Gordon Reid Coast Guard ship and National Defence helicopter - training exercise (Photo: Mike Mitchell 2003)



MARLANT Frigate frontal view moving through the water. (Photo:  MARLANT - Maritime Forces Atlantic)On March 23, 2005, the Prime Minister of Canada and the Presidents of the United States and Mexico signed a Leaders’ Statement and companion Security Agenda and Prosperity Agenda. This Security and Prosperity Partnership commits the governments to develop complementary strategies for oceans stewardship by emphasizing an ecosystem approach, coordinating and integrating existing marine managed areas, and improving fisheries management. A major maritime collaboration in the Partnership is to develop and implement a strategy to enhance North American maritime transportation and port security. It also commits to enhancing partnerships and incentives to conserve habitat for migratory species, thereby protecting biodiversity. The plan also calls for measures to combat the spread of invasive species in both coastal and fresh waters. The United States recently released its Oceans Action Plan, providing a solid foundation upon which collaboration can be built. As well, participation and support for the North American Free Trade Agreement / Commission on Environmental Cooperation marine projects will be enhanced.


As part of the broader oceans commitments set out in the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, Canada will work cooperatively with the United States in the Gulf of Maine. Collaborative work will unfold through existing transboundary fisheries management mechanisms and the Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. The Council includes representatives from Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, the states of Maine, Massachusetts and New Hampshire. Six American States and Canadian federal agencies sit as partners on the council. This body aims to foster cooperative actions within the Gulf of Maine watershed to preserve our common heritage and advance sustainable resource use.



Aboriginal traditional fishing with three pronged spear. (Photo: Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Central & Arctic Region)The Arctic Marine Strategic Plan sets out a framework to work cooperatively with eight Arctic nations and Indigenous peoples to address pollution, biodiversity and ecosystem integrity, coastal community and human health, and marine resource use issues. Under the Arctic Marine Strategic Plan, which was adopted by the Arctic Council in November 2004, the Government of Canada has committed to: co- lead an Arctic marine shipping assessment at current and projected future levels, contribute to an assessment of potential impacts of oil and gas activities in the Arctic; identify large marine ecosystems and promote ecosystem-based management; develop management responses to the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment; advance implementation of the Regional Program of Action; and engage Aboriginal groups in oceans and coastal management.



On the Atlantic Coast, overfishing in the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization’s (NAFO) regulatory area is a pressing issue. Efforts to date – including increased at-sea presence by Canada and enhanced bilateral interventions – have shown early positive results in reducing the instances of overfishing and improving compliance with the provisions of NAFO regulatory measures in the immediate term. While these actions need to be sustained, longer-term solutions need to be developed to improve the governance of high-seas fisheries and oceans. Canada is taking leadership in the global community to address these issues through continued enforcement presence, diplomatic interventions and governance change.



Canada’s economic security interests will also be pursued through a formal delimitation of the outer limit of the continental shelf following Canada’s decision to ratify the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea in November 2003. Funding was provided in the federal budget of 2004 to undertake work required to delimit the maximum extent of Canada’s continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles, as provided in the Convention. This claim will provide long-term certainty over the full extent of Canada's extended continental shelf. Canada will confirm our sovereign rights for the purpose of exploring the seabed and managing the sustainable use of living and non-living natural resources.


Integrated Oceans Management for Sustainable Development

Integrated Management Planning is at the heart of new, modern oceans governance and management. Integrated management is a comprehensive way of planning and managing human activities so that they do not conflict with one another and so that all factors are considered for the conservation and sustainable use of marine resources and shared use of oceans spaces. It is an open, collaborative and transparent process that is premised on an ecosystem-approach. It involves planning and management of natural systems rather than solely political or administrative arrangements, and is founded on sound science that can provide the basis for the establishment of ecosystem management objectives. The implementation of Integrated Management Planning for Phase I of the Oceans Action Plan is focused in five priority areas.

Open water with some flat rock land in the distance. (Photo: L. Irvine)

Integrated Management Planning in 5 Priority Areas


The Grand Banks covers an area of 500,000 sq. km. inside and beyond our 200 nautical mile zone on the south-eastern portion of Newfoundland and Labrador. Placentia Bay, encompassing 3,600 sq. km., is an important coastal area in and of its own right, and is an area where many of the coastal impacts of activities taking place on the Grand Banks are felt. The initial phase of the Oceans Action Plan will focus on establishing a new local planning committee for integrated management in Placentia Bay. Also, a technology advisory council will be established, making Placentia Bay the prime site for oceans technology projects. On the Grand Banks, the focus is on promoting ecosystem-based management within and beyond the Canada’s Exclusive Economic Zone. Phase I will see the development of a science and management framework, including strengthened domestic and international partnerships, for this area.



This area is approximately 325,000 sq. km in size, south-east of the Province of Nova Scotia. There are an exceptional number of stakeholder interests converging in this area, including oil and gas, defense activity, commercial fishing, aquaculture, fibre optics, and a proposed natural gas pipeline from Nova Scotia to Boston. This initiative is the most mature of the integrated management planning initiatives established under the Oceans Act. The main focus of the offshore component during Phase I of the Oceans Action Plan will be on implementing new governance arrangements (based on the conclusions of the recent public forum), concluding a draft integrated oceans management plan, and implementing that plan. Work is also under way on the development of a coastal management plan for the Bras d’Or Lakes, which will be accelerated and serve as a model for future coastal planning initiatives in the region.



Gulf of St.Lawrence digital map ? aerial view.  (Photo: Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Newfoundland Region)The Gulf of St. Lawrence oceans management initiative, including the marine estuary of the St. Lawrence River, is approximately 200,000 sq. km and is surrounded by five provincial land masses. The Gulf of St. Lawrence and its marine ecosystem has several distinct features: its “isolation” from the offshore North Atlantic in connection with the extensive Laurentian Channel through which Atlantic water penetrates; its linkage to freshwater drainage from the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Basin; its seasonal ice cover; and its shallow, highly productive waters, that make the Gulf of St Lawrence one of the most diverse and productive North American marine environments. Because of its configuration, the Gulf of St. Lawrence and its ecosystem support a wide range of human activities within and adjacent to it, including exploitation of living and non-living resources, industrial development, transportation, and recreational activities. Additionally, climate change, warmer waters and sea-level rise in low-lying areas are known to impact on this ecosystem and its inhabitants.



The Beaufort Sea covers about 175,000 sq. km. It is located in the Canadian Western Arctic and falls within the Inuvialuit Settlement Region, a settled land claim. The area has the third largest reserve of conventional oil and gas in Canada, and the development of the Mackenzie Valley pipeline is a key issue. Oil and gas development has the potential to provide Scenic view of arctic ocean ice flow at sunset. (Photo: Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Central & Arctic Region)unprecedented opportunities for Northern Canadians. Development of these resources must be realized both in partnership with Northern communities, and in a manner that ensures effective environmental stewardship. An important component of this involves scientific research to help ensure that appropriate measures are taken to minimize environmental impacts, protect the public interest, and assess the cumulative effects of individual projects on the broader northern landscape and people.



Based primarily on ecological characteristics, the Pacific North Coast area extends from the Canada-Alaska border in the Telegraph Cove.  Coastal community, water and land. (Photo: Jack Mathias)north to Brooks peninsula on Northwest Vancouver Island and Quadra Island and Bute Inlet in the south, encompassing an area of approximately 88,000 sq. km. The planning area extends seaward to the foot of the continental slope and on the landward boundary, which takes into consideration the importance of coastal watersheds. The area is important for food, social and ceremonial fisheries for First Nations, as well as commercial fisheries and recreational fisheries. Aquaculture development is also a key issue in the area, as are tourism, transportation, and potential offshore energy development. A particular feature of the initiative will be the development of proactive means for First Nations involvement in marine and coastal resource management at the broader oceans management scale, as well as within the smaller coastal community scale.

While the specific outcomes and pace of implementation will differ in each priority area, there are two fundamental outcomes that lay the foundation of all future oceans management activities:

  • the establishment of open and collaborative oceans governance and management arrangements amongst governments at all levels, with stakeholders directly affected by those government decisions, and with citizens and interested parties who have an interest in decisions affecting that oceans area; and,
  • the establishment of ecosystem-based approaches to science and management advice to provide more informed and comprehensive advice in support of oceans decision-making.

Oceans Management Tools


Estuary from river ? British Columbia. (Photo: Jack Mathias)These reports will provide basic scientific information to guide user-led oceans planning in the five priority areas, inform stakeholder consultations, and accelerate the production of ecosystem objectives. The reports will also address the ecosystem components and properties, causality and pressures, land-water interface, and water quality. These overviews and assessments will assist stakeholder advisory bodies in making recommendations and governments in making management decisions on long-term environmental trends. Resources will be used to gather and analyze existing scientific information, including the assistance of scientific experts.



Underwater image of corals. (?ÿCopyright Maria Buzeta & Mike Strong) This initiative is the basis for “carving out” the geographic boundaries where management needs to be applied. It is based on identifying ecologically and biologically significant areas to determine whether measures may be required (e.g., marine protected areas, species at risk, and critical habitat). Resources will be used to develop criteria to differentiate areas; identify significant features relative to the structure and function of an ecosystem and vulnerable areas; establish priorities; and, determine appropriate management options. Other activities include scientific work, the mapping of areas, and modelling of dynamic distributions.



Seabed mapping is focused on providing imagery of the seabed characteristics and features. For high priority areas within the five geographic areas of the Oceans Action Plan, seabed mapping will help to increase scientific understanding of the physical environment and associated habitats to support integrated management planning and the identification of marine areas in need of protection. Activities include: determining strategically important areas to implement seabed mapping in the five large oceanic regions for integrated management planning; producing maps, data bases and reports; conducting surveys to collect data; and developing web accessible databases and data collection.

3 dimensional image of the Eastern Scotian Shelf. (Photo: Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Maritimes Region)



This initiative is an innovative way to apply ecosystem-based management approaches to the management of human activity in the oceans. It involves the development of objectives based on an understanding of the ecosystem. The aim is to maintain the biodiversity, productivity and physical-chemical properties of marine ecosystems. The activities of oceans users can be assessed against these objectives to identify permissible types and levels of activity as well as measuring the effectiveness of marine environmental regulations and protection measures and the impact of oceans development. Ecosystem objectives will inform oceans management and marine environmental protection by guiding the activity of industry and other stakeholders, who in turn make recommendations about marine environmental quality and indicators of progress to oceans decision-makers.

Health of the Oceans


In 1997, the Government of Canada brought the Oceans Act into force providing Canada with a framework for modern oceans management. The Oceans Act tasks the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans with leading and coordinating a system of Underwater image of fish among flora and corals. (?ÿCopyright Maria Buzeta, Fisheries and Oceans)marine protected areas on behalf of the Government of Canada. The Federal Marine Protected Areas Strategy is our response. It will guide the establishment of a comprehensive and coordinated network of marine protected areas in Canada. The Strategy on marine protected areas will contribute to meeting Canada’s commitments under the Convention on Biological Diversity's Protected Areas Programme of Work, which includes the establishment of a network of marine protected areas by 2012.

Within Canada there exists a spectrum of legislative and policy tools to establish and manage marine protected areas. Three federal departments and agencies – Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Parks Canada Agency and Environment Canada – have specific mandates in this regard and have developed this Strategy to articulate how they will work together to establish and manage a network of marine protected areas in Canada.

Canada’s federal marine protected area network is comprised of three core programs, including:

  • Oceans Act Marine Protected Areas established to protect and conserve important fish and marine mammal habitats, endangered marine species, unique features and areas of high biological productivity or biodiversity;
  • Marine Wildlife Areas and Migratory Birds Sanctuary established to protect and conserve habitat for a variety of wildlife including migratory birds and endangered species;
  • National Marine Conservation Areas established to protect and conserve representative examples of Canada’s natural and cultural marine heritage and provide opportunities for public education and enjoyment. In addition, several coastal National Parks include significant marine components.

This Strategy is a blueprint for the three federal departments to achieve networks of marine protected areas that contribute to Scientist Videotaping a Northern Bottlenose Whale that is surfacing in the area of the Gully. (Photo: Fisheries and Oceans Canada)longer-term ecosystem protection. It will involve natural and social science research; ongoing management and enforcement of specific marine protected areas; and communication with Canadians, including the development of a web-based mapping system of marine protected areas in Canada. The Strategy will be implemented in consultation with stakeholders and in collaboration with provinces and territories, and First Nations and mandated Aboriginal organizations.



This initiative is twofold. Led by Transport Canada, the aim is to reduce the risk of aquatic invasive species to Canadian waters from ballast water dumping by ships through the development of appropriate regulations to replace current voluntary Vancouver Harbour at sunset.  One tug boat and one barge in the distance. (Photo: Tara Donaghy)guidelines. Implementing the regulations and adequately monitoring compliance will require the purchase of testing equipment, and the support of the development of onboard treatment methods to control invasive species.

This initiative also involves developing innovative regulations to prevent marine pollution from ships, and enhancing enforcement, e.g. reception facilities, adoption of an enhanced regulatory program including new/expanded provisions for sewage, garbage, air emissions and anti-fouling paints, training of ship inspectors, and the ability to conduct an increased number of investigations of pollution incidents anticipated due to increased surveillance activities.



Transport Canada is the lead department responsible for preventing pollution from ships, and the National Aerial Surveillance Program (NASP) is one method by which this is achieved. Additional surveillance will be undertaken to enforce the provisions of Canadian legislation applicable to illegal discharges from ships -- pollution patrols will be increased by approximately 100%. Furthermore, by coordinating the pollution surveillance patrols with Radarsat satellite reports of anomalies on the ocean’s surface, it is anticipated that the overall effectiveness of pollution surveillance will be increased. In addition, Transport Canada will acquire and install forward-looking technology for its Dash 8 pollution surveillance aircraft with the objective of significantly increasing the capability to conduct long-range identification and investigation of ships.



Chronic oil pollution coming from ships traveling off Canada's coasts causes the death of hundreds of thousands of seabirds every year. An estimated 300,000 birds are killed every year off of Newfoundland's coast, and at least equivalent numbers Northern Gannets on cliff in Cape St. Mary?s (Photo: Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Newfoundland Region)may be dying annually on the Pacific coast, because of this illegal pollution. The Government of Canada has introduced a Bill that will allow Canada to better protect its marine environments and send a strong message to polluters. Bill C-15, An Act to amend the Migratory Birds Convention Act and the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, is designed to make the enforcement of marine pollution cases more effective. The amendments will send a clear message that the discharge of oily waste in Canadian waters is unacceptable. The Bill calls for increased fines of up to $1 million and additional powers for enforcement officials to redirect and detain ships suspected of having polluted our ocean waters. Amending these pieces of environmental legislation will complement the Canada Shipping Act (2001) thus enabling the judicial system to prosecute offenders and to levy fines that appropriately reflect the damages caused to the environment. These modifications will allow Canada to better protect our marine environment as well as send a clear message to polluters that Canada will ensure our ocean waters are protected.


Ocean Science and Technology


This national initiative captures the links between ocean science researchers and technology innovators from government, industry, academia, coastal communities and regional organizations. It provides an opportunity for identifying innovative ocean science and technology in support of the Oceans Action Plan, and the commercialization of oceans technology. The Network will facilitate the sharing of oceans information, discoveries and new technologies, and promote partnerships and business plan development. Networking is key to meeting the needs, and fostering the competitiveness of ocean science and technology industries. This industry is primarily made up of small to-medium firms including environmental oceans interests. By promoting knowledge-sharing that can advance sustainable economic development, the growth of this industry will be enhanced.



Scienfic marine data device hovering over the water. (Photo: Bedford Institute of Oceanography)Located on the south coast of Newfoundland, Placentia Bay is fringed by a host of small communities, all of which rely to some extent on the adjoining waters for their livelihood. The bay is considered an environmentally sensitive area, hosting an abundant and diverse marine ecosystem. The bay is also the scene of significant industrial activity and associated marine transportation. The initiative is complementary to and will enhance the integrated management effort in Placentia Bay.

The concept of multiple technologies integrated into an expandable network represents both challenge and opportunity for marine integrated management. A demonstration platform will serve as a test case to “prove” the practicality of modern technology application to integrated management, while showcasing Canadian expertise and technology to international markets.

The project will provide access for all stakeholders to data and information in support of effective management and sustainable development of coastal and ocean areas and the safety and security of life at sea. The platform will integrate a variety of information that is generated from existing ocean, land and air-based technology. The aim is to build a better understanding of our oceans to support ecosystem based management, while enabling new technology development.

The Project will be built around a state-of-the-art internet-based access point for sharing coastal and ocean data and information. Electronic charts will be produced from multi-beam sonar data collected by the Geological Survey of Canada to provide a base layer of electronic navigation and management charts.

Meteorological buoys and water quality samplers will be deployed to provide mariners and fishers with real-time weather and sea conditions. Other information ‘layers’ will include crab habitat maps for selected areas and identification of sensitive ecological areas.

The Placentia Bay technology platform will be a catalyst and building block for future technology developments. Fisheries scientists will be able to enhance the platform by developing and testing new generation technologies in support of the modernization of our understanding and management of marine ecosystems.

Cape St.Mary?s ? lookout with seated woman, Northern Gannets, boat on the water in the distance.  (Photo: Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Newfoundland Region)


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