Home > Programs > Québec Pension Plan > Survivors' benefits

Survivors' benefits

The Régie des rentes du Québec offers a basic financial protection to the family members of the deceased if he or she contributed sufficiently to the Québec Pension Plan. This financial protection includes 3 types of financial assistance that are part of the survivors' benefits:

Survivors' benefits may be paid to the family members of the deceased or to third parties, provided that the deceased contributed sufficiently to the Québec Pension Plan.   

To what benefits are you entitled?

If the deceased was your spouse and he or she had contributed sufficiently to the Plan, if you paid the funeral expenses and you have dependent children, you could be entitled to to all the survivors' benefits. 

We invite you to find out whether the deceased contributed sufficiently to the Plan to give entitlement to any one of these benefits.  

To apply for the benefits to which you believe you are entitled, you must fill out the Application for Survivors' Benefits.

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