Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Pêches et Océans Canada - Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada

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2006 Recreational Fisheries Awards Recipients

june 2006

David Doggett and Angie Doggett: As founders of the website they have opened up Nova Scotia fishing to local communities and beyond. The website promotes conservation of all fish stocks and the environment through catch and release and ethical use of fishing resources. Offering free membership, the website now counts 3,600 members and is used as an anglers forum through an online magazine and educational tool.

Dr. Lawrence Felt: Retired President of the Salmonid Council of Newfoundland and Labrador, Dr. Felt remains active in a variety of salmon and trout related conservation activities with a special emphasis on bringing all parties for whom the Atlantic salmon has cultural, social and economic significance together to ensure the salmon’s survival for present and future generations of Canadians.

Osborne McArthur: Over the past fifty years, Mr. McArthur has devoted his time and energy to projects which protect fish habitat and enhance local stocks of brown trout in the Owen Sound area and Georgian Bay. Some of his projects include designing two spawning channels, upwelling incubation boxes and a mini-hatchery. A member of the Sydenham Sportsman Association, he has earned the nickname "Mr. Brown Trout" of Ontario.

Robert O’Donnell: Over the past thirty years, Mr. O’Donnell has been recognized as a leader, conservationist, educator, fundraiser and activist in New Brunswick while lending particular attention to the Tobique River. As a volunteer working to preserve and enhance fish and their habitat, he has worked tirelessly with the New Brunswick Salmon Council, Atlantic Salmon Federation, Tobique Salmon Protective Association, the "Tobique Barrier", the Two Brooks Stabilization Project, and the educational program "Fish Friends".

Salmon Preservation Association for the Waters of Newfoundland (SPAWN): Formed in 1979, SPAWN continues to be involved in numerous conservation projects in rivers such as the Humber, Harry’s, Western Arm Brook, Torrent, Lonond, Trout Corner, Brook Stream, Middle Barachois, Serpentine and Southwest. SPAWN members have contributed to public awareness of good angling practices and conservation messages through the "Spawner" magazine and local school contests.


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    Last updated: 2006-06-12

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