Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Pêches et Océans Canada - Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada

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Welcome to the BioChem website

General Information

Never heard of BioChem? Come and find out why this huge biological and chemical initiative is so important and how it can help the scientific community in monitoring the global warming. Thousands of water samples are taken monthly and then put at the disposal of canadian scientists to improve the accuracy of the weather forecast and to broaden our knowledge of the oceans. As we speak, discrete and plankton data are the major sources of information gathered but this is likely to change in a near future for BioChem because the scientists want to take advantage of every drop of water they get out of the oceans to build the largest scientific data source ever. If you want to know more about the BioChem project, please click here.

System User Information

If you work on the BioChem project, this section may come in handy. It will give you access to all applications and scripts that help in performing data manipulation and quality control. You can also find documents and other sources of information such as user guides, polygon descriptions and much more. To access the private section, please click here.

BioChem citation

Please cite BioChem as follows:

Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada


BioChem: database of biological and chemical oceanographic data.

Version 8 (2005).

In addition please include the following in your list of references:

Gregory, Doug and Savi Narayanan. BioChem: A National Archive for Marine Biology and Chemistry Data AZMP Bul. #3 (





Last updated : 2006-09-21

Important Notices