Family Mediation Canada
November 11, 2006

AGM 2006 Agenda

FMC AGM - Sept 24, 2005

FMC Financial Statements
March 31, 2006

Treasurer's Report 2005-2006

Certification Committee
Report 2006

Welcome to Family Mediation Canada

Family Mediation Canada is an interdisciplinary association of lawyers, social workers, human services and health care professionals, working together, creating a better way to provide for co-operative conflict resolution relating to separation and divorce, adoption, child welfare, wills and estates, parent/teen counseling, organizations, etc. FMC was established in 1985 as a charitable, not-for-profit association under the Canada Corporations Act.

We help families succeed by providing information and referrals to Family Mediators across Canada. Family Mediation times of conflict, can dramatically reduce the human and financial cost of conflict resolution. Contact us today for more information.

FMC is a nationally registered Charitable Organization with Affiliates across Canada.

Our Vision:
Excellence in Family Mediation

Our Mission:
Family Mediation Canada (FMC) is a national organization dedicated to the promotion of mediation and other forms or conflict resolution for individuals, families, workplaces and communities.


Mediation's Greatest Attribute...Simplicity
"There's no need for a formal setting, no need for a particular format, no discovery, no testimony, no one under oath. All mediation needs is a valid dispute, people interested in resolving the dispute, and a neutral third party to direct these efforts. Mediation is at its most useful and compelling when it is simple, easy, time efficient, inexpensive, and prompt."
---Fred R. Butterworth, a Lawyer of more than 40 years