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Family Violence Prevention Program

What is family violence?

Family violence is abuse or violence that occurs between intimate partners. An intimate partner relationship is a relationship with a spouse, common-law partner, boy/girlfriend, ex-boy/girlfriend, ex-common-law partner, ex-spouse or individual stalker (where stalker imagines the intimate relationship) of the same or opposite sex. It takes many different forms and includes physical abuse, mental and emotional abuse, sexual abuse, intimidation and threat. It involves the abuse of power and the betrayal of trust and crosses all socio-economic, religious and ethno-cultural boundaries. Some of the common terms used to describe intimate partner abuse are family violence, domestic abuse, spouse abuse, domestic violence and battery.

What does the Family Violence Prevention Program do?

The Family Violence Prevention Program promotes the elimination of intimate partner violence through the development and support of community-based services.

The Program provides policy and program direction as well as funding to specialized services for women, their children and men caught in the cycle of family violence. These services are delivered by 34 agencies in the community across the province.

Range of Services

Women's Shelters

10 Women's Shelters provide emergency accommodations and supportive counselling to women and their children who are victims of family violence.

  • Eastman Crisis Centre (Steinbach – 346-0028)
  • Ikwe-Widdjiitiwin (Winnipeg – 987-2780)
  • Parkland Crisis Centre (Dauphin – 622-4620)
  • Portage Women's Shelter (Portage la Prairie – 239-5233)
  • Nova House (Selkirk – 482-1200)
  • South Central Committee on Family Violence (Winkler – 325-9800)
  • The Pas Committee for Women in Crisis (The Pas – 623-5497)
  • Thompson Crisis Centre (Thompson – 778-7273)
  • Osborne House (Winnipeg – 942-3052)
  • Westman Women's Shelter (YWCA Brandon – 727-3644)

Residential Second-Stage Housing Programs

4 Residential Second-Stage Housing Programs offer protective, affordable long-term housing and services for women leaving an abusive relationship but who have extensive outstanding needs. These programs also provide comprehensive emotional and practical support including individual and group counselling, parenting support, and information.

  • Alpha House (Winnipeg – 982-2011)
  • Samaritan House Ministries (Brandon – 726-0758)
  • W.I.S.H. (Winnipeg – 275-2600)
  • L'entre-temps des Franco-Manitobaines (Winnipeg – 925-2550)

Women's Resource Centres

9 Women's Resource Centres provide individual counselling, information and referral, outreach and support groups to women affected by domestic violence, as well as educational programs, volunteer training and community development activities.

Urban Support Programs

6 Urban Support Programs located in Winnipeg provide individualized counselling, open and closed support groups, longer-term counselling services, training to other services providers and public education.

Specialized Programs

7 Specialized Programs, including Supervised Access Services, Couple's Counselling, the Men's Resource Centre and programs for men affected by family violence.

  • Elizabeth Hill Counselling – Couple's Counselling Program (Winnipeg – 956-6562)
  • The Men's Resource Centre (Winnipeg – 956-6566)
  • Winnipeg Children's Access Agency (Winnipeg – 284-4170)
  • Brandon Access/Exchange Services (Brandon – 729-8115)
  • Thompson Access/Exchange Centre (Thompson – 778-7979)
  • YWCA of Brandon – Couple's Counselling program (Brandon – 571-3680)
  • The Counselling Centre - Men's Program (Brandon – 726-8706)

What can you do if you or someone you know is affected by family violence?

If you are in crisis, or if you know someone who may be, don't delay. Call the nearest shelter or call toll-free in Manitoba (1-877-977-0007) for free, confidential information about services available in your community.

Contact Information

If you have any questions about the Family Violence Prevention Program, please contact:

Family Violence Prevention
4126 - 300 Carlton Street
Winnipeg MB   R3B 2K6
Phone:(204) 945-1705
Email: cfsd@gov.mb.ca

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