Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Pêches et Océans Canada - Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Veterinary Chemicals for use in Fish Egg Disinfection in Canadian Fish Hatchery and Aquaculture Facilities

Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) as the lead federal department for aquaculture management for Canada is providing the following list of chemicals that can be administered under the regulatory authority of Health Canada’s Veterinary Drug Directorate (HC-VDD) for fish egg disinfection in facilities producing fish for food directly (via aquaculture) and indirectly (via salmonid enhancement programs). The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is responsible for monitoring to ensure that fish and fish products meet the requirements of the Fish Inspection Act and the Food and Drugs Act, and will take appropriate regulatory action when unapproved or banned substances are found. Since 1992, a prescription from a licensed veterinarian is required for the use of many veterinary drugs in hatchery and aquaculture facilities.

The following list and comments related to use for fish egg disinfection has been provided by licensed fish health veterinarians and complies with the regulatory requirements of Health Canada and the CFIA. A licensed veterinarian should be consulted to determine the appropriate treatment and dosage that is required for any of these treatments.

Approved Veterinary Chemicals
Note – the use of any other chemical for egg disinfection of food fish is illegal

Parasite-S® or Formalin-R Solution is a formalin-based solution that also contains methanol to prevent the formation of paraformaldehyde, which is toxic to fish. It is used as a bath to control external parasites on the gills, skin and fins of fish and to surface disinfect eggs.

Perox-AidTM (hydrogen peroxide) is an antifungal agent for use on fish eggs. In Canada, it is the only product that is officially approved for use on food fish.

Veterinary Chemicals Available through Emergency Drug Release (EDR)

Pyceze® (Bronopol) is an antimicrobial agent that is used as a preservative in health care, food-contact materials and cosmetics as well as an antifungal treatment for salmonid eggs. It is not approved for use in fish hatcheries in Canada and is only available by prescription from a licensed veterinarian through Health Canada’s Emergency Drug Release program. Use of this drug should be discussed with your provincial or private fish health veterinarian

Ovadine® is under review by the VDD for approval as a fish egg disinfectant. Until approval is received, it is available only by prescription from a licensed veterinarian, through Health Canada’s Emergency Drug Release program.

For more information, contact:
National Registry of Aquatic Animal Health
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
200 Kent St
Ottawa, ON K1A 0E9



Last updated : 2005-06-21

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