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Topics handled by WTO committees and agreements
Issues covered by the WTO’s committees and agreements

Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures

Problem: How do you ensure that your country’s consumers are being supplied with food that is safe to eat — “safe” by the standards you consider appropriate? And at the same time, how can you ensure that strict health and safety regulations are not being used as an excuse for protecting domestic producers?

An agreement on how governments can apply food safety and animal and plant health measures (sanitary and phytosanitary or SPS measures) sets out the basic rules in the WTO.

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See also:
Technical barriers to trade
World Trade Report 2005: Exploring the links between trade, standards and the WTO
WTO Agreements and Public Health — A joint study by WHO and the WTO Secretariat


Whose international standards?

Which are the relevant standard-setting organizations for the SPS Agreement? An annex to the agreement names:

the FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Commission: for food

World Organization for Animal Health

the FAO’s Secretariat of the International Plant Protection Convention: for plant health.

Governments can add any other international organizations or agreements whose membership is open to all WTO members.

SPS news  back to top

Includes unofficial and less technical summaries of SPS Committee meetings

> See also Work on SPS in the WTO, below


Introduction  back to top

Introduction to WTO rules on sanitary and phytosanitary measures
Links to part of the agriculture section of the WTO guide “Understanding the WTO”
(Click your browser’s “back” button to return to this page.)

“Understanding the SPS Agreement” (text only)
A more technical introduction

Interactive course: Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS)

Interactive course: How to apply the transparency provisions of the SPS Agreement


The mandate  back to top

Browse or download the text of the SPS Agreement from the legal texts gateway

Buy the WTO Agreements series: SPS from the Online Bookshop

Find decisions of WTO bodies concerning the SPS Agreement in the Analytical Index — Guide to WTO Law and Practice

Review of the operation and implementation of the Agreement of the application of sanitary and phytosanitary measures. Committee Report of the Second Review adopted in 2005 (MS Word format; opens a new window).

Click for Doha Development Agenda gatewayThe Doha mandate: SPS in the 2001 ministerial decision on implementation


Work on SPS in the WTO, and official documents  back to top

Work on this subject is handled by the SPS Committee, which reports to the Goods Council. The work is officially recorded in the committee’s annual reports to the General Council and in summary reports (equivalent to minutes) of the committee’s meetings.

> See also SPS news, above
> Current Chairperson


Work in the SPS Committee

Search Documents Online
These links open a new window: allow a moment for the results to appear.

  • Annual reports of the committee to the General Council (Document code varies)    > search    > help
  • Summary reports (minutes) of regular meetings of the SPS Committee (Document code G/SPS/R/*)    > search    > help
  • Decisions of the SPS Committee (Document code varies)    > search    > help
  • Documents associated with the SPS Committee meeting of     > search     > help


Other official SPS documents

Full list of all official SPS documents circulated since 1995 (updated September 2005) Download in MS Word format (53 pages, 1632KB, opens in a new window)

Receive unrestricted SPS documents by e-mail: All unrestricted documents related to the SPS Agreement are now being sent via e-mail, usually twice a week, to a mailing list. The documents are normally sent only in the original language (English, French or Spanish).    > subscribe

Search Documents Online
SPS documents use the code G/SPS/* (where * takes additional values)
These links open a new window: allow a moment for the results to appear.

help with downloading these documents

  • General documents of the SPS Committee (Document code G/SPS/GEN/*)
       > search
  • Working documents of the SPS Committee (Document code G/SPS/W/*)
       > search
  • Disputes (requests for consultations) involving SPS (Document code varies)     > search
  • International Harmonization: Documents on procedure to monitor harmonization (Document code varies)    > search 
  • Delegates: List of members’ representatives in the SPS Committee (Document code G/SPS/INF/*)    > search 
  • Notifications on SPS:
    Monthly list of notifications received
    (searches for document code G/SPS/GEN* and keyword “notifications”)    > search
  • The actual notifications (Document code G/SPS/N/*) 
       > search
  • Cooperation with other organizations: Director-General’s reports to the General Council (Document codes vary, in General Council series WT/GC/*)    > search
  • Member governments’ enquiry points on SPS back to top
    For transparency, WTO members are required to notify “SPS enquiry points” and “national notification authorities”. The enquiry points are responsible for answering relevant questions in the SPS area. The notification authorities are responsible for ensuring that new or changed SPS measures are notified to the WTO.
    The latest lists can be viewed or downloaded from the Documents Online database. Look at updated information in addendum documents as well.
    Enquiry points (Document code G/SPS/ENQ/*)    > search
    Notification authorities
    (Document code G/SPS/NNA/*)    > search

You can perform more sophisticated searches from the Documents Online search facility (opens in new window) by defining multiple search criteria such as document symbol (i.e. code number), full text search or document date.


Handbook: How to apply the transparency provisions of the SPS Agreement  back to top

A practical guide for member governments’ officials on how to notify measures to the WTO, establish an enquiry point, and respond to enquiries. Download in MS Word (74 pages, 357KB, opens in a new window) or pdf format (74 pages, 278KB, opens in a new window). Published September 2002. 


Links to member governments’ SPS websites  back to top

 > See also enquiry points and notification authorities, above


Events back to top


Standards and Trade Development Facility (STDF)  back to top

Established as a joint initiative between the World Trade Organization, World Health Organization, World Bank, Office International des Epizooties and Food and Agriculture Organization in September 2002, the STDF is now fully operational. The STDF provides grant financing for projects and the preparation of projects which aim to enhance the capacity of developing countries to meet SPS standards. Further information on the STDF is available at the STDF website  (link opens a new window).


Electronic transmission of unrestricted SPS documents  back to top

All unrestricted documents related to the Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS) are now being sent via e-mail, usually twice a week, to a mailing list. You can subscribe to the mailing list by following the instructions below. The documents are normally sent only in the original language (English, French or Spanish). > subscribe


External links back to top

(links open in a new window)

Relevant standard-setting bodies

Observer organizations




International Portal on Food Safety, Animal & Plant Health (developed by FAO) (link opens a new window)


> Computer based training on the SPS Agreement

> To assist those interested in SPS events, the WTO has put together an SPS calendar for 2006 (MS Word format, link opens a new window)
Meeting of the SPS Committee: June 2006 – Change in dates (MS Word format, link opens a new window)

> A database on SPS technical assistance activities (link opens a new window) has also been established. At present, the database covers the years 2001 to 2003. Data is reported from the five partner institutions (FAO, OIE World Bank, WHO and WTO), other multilateral agencies, regional and bilateral donors and taken from the existing WTO/OECD Trade-Related Technical Assistance and Capacity Building. Need training on the SPS Agreement? You may find what you are looking for among the training materials collected from STDF partner agencies.
> Click here to see what is on offer. (link opens a new window)

More info ...





Nepal: Exports of Ayurvedic Herbal Remedies and SPS Issues


contact us : World Trade Organization, rue de Lausanne 154, CH-1211 Geneva 21, Switzerland