Home > Programs > Québec Pension Plan > Disability benefits

The Régie des rentes du Québec and disability benefits

Has your state of health deteriorated to the point that you are no longer able to work regularly? If you are under age 65 and have a severe and permanent disability recognized by the Régie and have made sufficient contributions to the Plan, the Régie provides basic financial protection.   

There are 2 types of disability benefits:

  • The disability pension, which is paid to the person deemed to be disabled;
  • The pension for a disabled person's child, which is paid to the disabled person who has dependent children under age 18. 

The Régie des rentes du Québec and you

If you worked in Québec after 1 January 1966 (date on which the Québec Pension Plan came into effect), you have probably contributed to the Plan. If your state of health has deteriorated after an accident or an illness and you are no longer able to work, you could be entitled to a disability pension.  

This page is therefore intended especially for you. You will find useful information and advice, forms, links to other various agencies, and so on.  

Other useful link...

Flash Retraite Québec

Did you know that?
We cannot declare that a person is deemed to be disabled more than 12 months preceding the date on which the application for a disability pension was received.