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House of Commons - Chamber Business

35th Parliament, 1st Session
(January 17, 1994 - February 5, 1996)

User Guide: Journals Index
User Guide: Journals Index

What is this service?

The Index and Reference Service of the House of Commons prepares, in both official languages, a comprehensive cumulative subject index to the House of Commons Jounrals as well as indexes to other major parliamentary publications (Debates (Hansard) and Status of House Business).

The Index to the Journals is subject-based and extensively cross-referenced. It includes references to every item that is tabled or introduced in the House of Commons. The numbers immediately following the entries refer to page numbers in the Journals. Both Sessional Paper Numbers and Petition Numbers are entered in brackets. All subject entries in the index are arranged alphabetically, matters pertaining to legislation are arranged chronologically.

A typical entry consists of a main heading followed by one or more sub-headings:

  • Property rights
    • Canadian Bill of Rights and Constitution Act, 1867, amending to include, M. (Gilmour), 493, 691, negatived on recorded division, 845-6

Cross-references to a first sub-heading are denoted by a long dash.

  • Constitution Act, 1867 see Property rights—Canadian Bill of Rights

The most common abbreviations found in the Index are as follows:

  • 1st r, 2nd r, 3rd r = first, second, third reading
  • amdt. = amendment
  • Chap. = Chapter
  • g.r. = government response
  • M. = motion
  • o.q. = oral question
  • qu. = question on the Order Paper
  • R.A. = Royal Assent
  • r.o. = return ordered
  • S.C. = Statutes of Canada
  • S.O. = Standing Order

Political affiliations are denoted by the following abbreviations:

BQ Bloc Québécois
CA Canadian Alliance
Ind. Independent
Lib. Liberal
NDP New Democratic Party
PC Progressive Conservative Party

The Index and Reference Service also provides reference assistance to persons seeking information regarding any of the above-named publications.

What types of questions do we answer?

Examples of questions we can answer include:

  • When did a Member ask a question in the House about gun control?
  • When was a particular Bill introduced in the House?
  • How did a Member vote on a particular Bill?
  • What is the current status of a Bill?
  • Could you tell me if the current government has introduced any legislation regarding gun control?
  • Can you provide me with a list of topics (subjects) that a Member has spoken on in the House and in Committee?
  • Where can I find a copy of a Committee report?

If we cannot answer your questions we will refer you to an appropriate source.

How to submit a question?

You may reach us by: