Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Pêches et Océans Canada - Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada

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Marine Protected Areas

Marine Protected Areas (MPA) are established under the Oceans Act to conserve and protect

  • commercial and non-commercial fishery resources, including marine mammals, and their habitats

  • endangered or threatened species and their habitats

  • unique marine habitats, and

  • areas of high biological productivity or biodiversity.

Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) is advancing a series of Marine Protected Areas in Canada’s three oceans. These MPAs will contribute to protecting and conserving key features of marine ecology and biodiversity, such as deep-sea hydro-thermal vents, open-ocean sea mounts, deep sea underwater canyons on the continental shelf, coastal salt marsh wetlands, and coastal upwelling areas.

Along with other management measures, MPAs contribute to improving the long-term health of Canada’s oceans. These protected areas will also provide a significant and tangible contribution to global efforts to conserve and protect the marine environment.

DFO is in the process of establishing MPAs to protect marine resources that are important to coastal communities. For example:

  • In Newfoundland and Labrador, DFO is working with local communities and organizations to ensure the sustainability of a unique population of Northern Cod, and to protect lobster populations.

  • In Prince Edward Island, DFO is working with local communities and governments to protect a unique strain of Irish Moss with potential commercial applications.

  • In Quebec, in an area adjacent to the Saguenay-St. Laurent Marine Park, DFO is examining the need for an MPA to protect marine mammals and their habitat. This area supports a whale watching industry valued at approximately $100 million dollars per year.

  • DFO is also working with Aboriginal people and organizations in the Arctic to protect the Beaufort Sea Beluga and ensure its long-term viability. These whales are critical both socially and culturally to the Innuvialuit.

DFO is working with Environment Canada and the Parks Canada Agency (who are also mandated to create protected areas in the marine environment) to develop a national strategy focused on the establishment of a network of Marine Protected Areas.

Canada is also active on the international front to promote the establishment of global networks of MPAs, working with the United States, Mexico and non-governmental organizations to establish a North American MPA network.


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    Last updated : 2004-08-03

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