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February 21, 1995

ST. JOHN'S -- The outcome of the consultative forum on Atlantic Canada's seal management resulted in consensus on a surprising number of principles and issues, said William Rowat, Deputy Minister of Fisheries and Oceans.

"There was a real mood of cooperation among the various groups despite diverse views on this complex issue," Mr. Rowat said. "Discussions were reasoned and respectful, with a genuine attempt to find common ground."

Some 60 groups were represented at the forum including sealers, fishermen, processors, municipalities and a number of animal welfare groups, with 21 of these making presentations.

During working group sessions, concern was often heard about the size of the herds and the amount of fish seals may be eating. Virtually all groups support a commercially-based seal harvest, based on the principle of sustainability. Participants expressed overwhelming support for setting a Total Allowable Catch based on sound scientific advice and a commitment to the full use of the animals.

The International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) was alone in claiming that the seal harvest was simply a subsidized cull with no scientific basis and no viable markets. "I don't think they were listening closely if this is what they concluded from the day's discussion," said Mr. Rowat.

"The vast majority of participants, rather than supporting a cull, supported a sustainable harvest based on scientifically valid conservation principles," he said. "Many described the recent marketing initiatives in areas such as meat, fur and leather products. The pharmaceutical uses for seal oil are particularly exciting, taking advantage of the omega-3 fatty acids to reduce heart disease."

Mr. Rowat told participants that DFO will have further scientific information in April to update seal population and distribution estimates.

"This forum on east coast seal management is but a beginning of the development of a long-term strategy for the management of seals," Mr. Rowat said. "A detailed report reflecting the views of participants will now be prepared. We plan to work with all to consider the appropriate next steps."

Today's meeting was in response to a commitment by Brian Tobin, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, last November to provide a forum to discuss the direction of the seal industry.

Bonnie Mewdell, 
Press Secretary
Office of the Minister
Fisheries and Oceans
(613) 992-3474
Ann Sicotte
Manager, Media Relations
Fisheries and Oceans
(613) 990-0211

Last Updated : 2003-05-30

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