helping to build a world without hunger
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  What is FAO?
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  Governing Bodies
  Agriculture, Biosecurity, Nutrition and Consumer Protection
  Economics and Statistics
  Sustainable Development
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  Decentralized Offices
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  Interdisciplinary Activities: Trade, Biotechnology, Gender...
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  Publications and Documents
International Partners
UN system Network on Rural Development and Food Security
Food Insecurity and Vulnerability Information and Mapping Systems
NGOs and civil society organizations
FAO and the Private Sector
Working together with IFAD and WFP
International Alliance Against Hunger
United Nations System
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FAO Webcast
FAO/C. Shirley
Internet cafe in Mauritania
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Focus on the Issues
Biological control of locusts: new weapons for old enemies
United against bird flu: reports from the global campaign
Millennium Development Goals
FAO: Serving its members
FAO Regional Conferences

Finance Committee - 115th session
25 - 29 September 2006
Programme Committee - 96th session
25 - 29 September 2006
World Congress on Communication for Development
25-27 October 2006
Rome, Italy
Committee on World Food Security - 32nd session
30 October - 4 November 2006
Finance Committee - 116th session
20 October 2006
FAO Council
Rome, 20-25 November 2006
Knowledge Forum
World Agricultural  
Information Centre  
Avian Influenza
Progress since the
World Food Summit
World Food Day
FAO Hunger MapUndernourished Population
Feeding Minds Fighting Hunger
Information Finder

All FAO & related sites    
Selected Key Programmes
SPFS: Special Programme for Food Security
EMPRES: Emergency Prevention System for Transboundary Animal and Plant Pests and Diseases
GIEWS: Global Information and Early Warning System on Food and Agriculture
Emergency Relief and Rehabilitation
Current Special Initiatives
FAO Reform
Tsunami reconstruction
Current Desert Locust Situation
Small Island Developing States
Spearheading Regional Food Security
FAO Trust Fund for Food Security
 Comments? Please write to the Webmaster © FAO, 2006 


It has come to the notice of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) that a number of organizations or programmes claim to be acting on its behalf and are misusing its name and logo in that connection. FAO wishes to advise the public in unconditional terms that it does not sponsor any organizations or programmes which, through website postings or otherwise, claim to be acting on its behalf in recruiting or facilitating the recruitment of personnel. FAO assumes no responsibility for any announcements or activities of such organizations or programmes. For information on possibilities of employment in FAO the public is invited to consult the relevant section of this Website.