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AL > Fisheries & Aquaculture > Finfish Aquaculture > Comparison of Finfish Farming Regulatory Requirements

A Comparison of Finfish Farming Regulatory Requirements in B.C. with Other Jurisdictions

Finfish farming is practised in many areas of the world including Norway, Chile, Scotland, Atlantic Canada, and Maine and Washington States in the U.S.  B.C. has the fourth largest salmon aquaculture industry in the world.

Overall, B.C.'s regulatory framework is among the most comprehensive in the world, and in some areas B.C. has the highest regulatory standards of all jurisdictions. B.C. is also the only jurisdiction to conduct a comprehensive Annual Inspection Report on Marine Finfish Aquaculture Sites and make the results available to the public.

Four key areas addressed by finfish regulators world-wide are:

  1. escape prevention;

  2. farm siting;

  3. fish health; and

  4. waste management.

The following table outlines the regulatory requirements in several jurisdictions, including B.C., which address these four key issues.

A Comparison of B.C.'s Current Licensing and Regulatory Requirements with Other Jurisdictions


Updated: November 7, 2005

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